Hi Expert,
We have this issue in Downtime phase
Last error code set: Process D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe/sapcontrol.exe exited with 2, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details<br/> System start failed<br/> Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT
This trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20140223181007
SAPup broke during phase STARTSAP_NBAS in module MAIN_NEWBAS / Downtime II: Conversion, Main Import, XPRAs
Error Message: Process D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe/sapcontrol.exe exited with 2, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details
System start failed
Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT
...started at 20140223172906
# Phase error status set: NO SYSTEM START
..finished at 20140223173446 with status FAILED.
# Error message set: 'RFC login to system DLW ashost UST2A041 nr 00 gwhost UST2A041 gwservice sapgw00 failed with code 1 key RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE:
LOCATION CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode
ERROR partner '' not reached
TIME Sun Feb 23 17:34:26 2014
COMPONENT NI (network interface)
RC -10
MODULE nixxi.cpp
LINE 3285
DETAIL NiPConnect2:
ERRNO 10061
System start failed
Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT'
...begin dialog at 20140223173449
...end dialog at 20140223180848
..answered at 20140223180848.
-> decided to try again.
...started at 20140223180848
# Phase error status set: NO SYSTEM START
..finished at 20140223181007 with status FAILED.
# Error message set: 'Process D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe/sapcontrol.exe exited with 2, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details
System start failed
Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT'
...begin dialog at 20140223181010
SAPup> Starting subprocess in phase 'MOD_PFPAR_BAS' at 20140223141142
ENV: CLASSPATH=H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcc.jar;H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar;H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcclu.jar;H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcc4.jar
ENV: DB2_CLI_DRIVER_INSTALL_PATH=D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\global\db2\WINDOWS_AMD64\db2_clidriver
ENV: PATH=H:\SUM\abap\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Enterprise Server\Utils;C:\Program Files\BMC Software\CI\common\globalc\bin\Windows-x86;C:\Program Files\BMC Software\CI\common\globalc\bin\Windows-x86-64;C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Patrol3\BEST1\7.5.10\bgs\bin;D:\SAP\SUNJAVA\bin;D:\SAP\SUNJAVA\bin;D:\usr\sap\QLW\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64;D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe;D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64;D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64\db2_clidriver\bin;D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\global\db2\WINDOWS_AMD64\db2_clidriver\bin;D:\SAP\SUNJAVA\bin
ENV: dbs_db2_alter_catlg=0
ENV: dbs_db2_con_profile=H:\SUM\abap\DLW\SYS\global\connect.ini
ENV: dbs_db2_no_chkstogroup=1
ENV: dbs_db2_sap_stosid=1
ENV: dbs_db2_schema=SAPR3
ENV: dbs_db2_ssid=DLW
ENV: dbs_db2_use_defer_yes=-1
ENV: dbs_db2_use_define_no=1
ENV: dbs_db2_use_drda=1
ENV: dbs_db2_user=DLWDB2C
EXECUTING H:\SUM\abap\exe\sappfpar.EXE check "pf=D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\profile\DLW_DVEBMGS00_UST2A041 "
== Checking profile: D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\profile\DLW_DVEBMGS00_UST2A041
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: DB2DB6EKEY =0
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_00 =DIR_LIBRARY=D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_01 =DIR_LIBRARY=D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_04 =DB2_CLI_DRIVER_INSTALL_PATH=D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe\db2_clidriver
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_05 =dbs_db2_user=DLWDB2C
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_06 =DB2CODEPAGE=819
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: auth/auth_number_in_userbuffer =5000
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/alter_catlg =0
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/max_priqty =72000
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/max_retry =50
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/no_chkstogroup =1
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/nupd_stop =00C90096,00E7000F,00C20031,00C20255,00C900A5
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/pcon =1
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/sap_stosid =1
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/use_lockmax_system =1
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: es/implementation =flat
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rdisp/system_needs_spool =false
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rsau/local/file =D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\log\++++++++.AUD
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rsdb/pmandt =000
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rspo/spool_id/use_tskh =0
***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: stat/smtp =5
***ERROR: Maximum shared memory segment size exceeded
Shared memories exceeding size limit
Key: 6 Size: 1384448000 (1320.3 MB) ABAP program buffer
SOLUTIONS: (1) reconfigure your operating system for shared memory
segment size of 2048.0 MB minimum
(2) configure smaller SAP buffers
Shared memory disposition overview
Key: 1 Size: 2500 ( 0.0 MB) System administration
Key: 2 Size: 50270860 ( 47.9 MB) Disp. administration tables
Key: 3 Size: 33432000 ( 31.9 MB) Disp. communication areas
Key: 4 Size: 522448 ( 0.5 MB) statistic area
Key: 5 Size: 4096 ( 0.0 MB) SCSA area
Key: 6 Size: 1384448000 (1320.3 MB) ABAP program buffer
Key: 7 Size: 14838 ( 0.0 MB) Update task administration
Key: 8 Size: 134217828 ( 128.0 MB) Paging buffer
Key: 9 Size: 268435556 ( 256.0 MB) Roll buffer
Key: 11 Size: 500000 ( 0.5 MB) Factory calender buffer
Key: 12 Size: 6000000 ( 5.7 MB) TemSe Char-Code convert Buf.
Key: 13 Size: 40500000 ( 38.6 MB) Alert Area
Key: 14 Size: 35000000 ( 33.4 MB) Presentation buffer
Key: 16 Size: 22400 ( 0.0 MB) Semaphore activity monitoring
Key: 17 Size: 2754336 ( 2.6 MB) Roll administration
Key: 18 Size: 917604 ( 0.9 MB) Paging adminitration
Key: 19 Size: 92000000 ( 87.7 MB) Table-buffer
Key: 30 Size: 35840 ( 0.0 MB) Taskhandler runtime admin.
Key: 31 Size: 8412000 ( 8.0 MB) Dispatcher request queue
Key: 33 Size: 40960000 ( 39.1 MB) Table buffer, part.buffering
Key: 34 Size: 52428800 ( 50.0 MB) Enqueue table
Key: 41 Size: 10000 ( 0.0 MB) DB statistics buffer
Key: 42 Size: 27648992 ( 26.4 MB) DB TTAB buffer
Key: 43 Size: 68358392 ( 65.2 MB) DB FTAB buffer
Key: 44 Size: 13062392 ( 12.5 MB) DB IREC buffer
Key: 45 Size: 10502392 ( 10.0 MB) DB short nametab buffer
Key: 46 Size: 20480 ( 0.0 MB) DB sync table
Key: 47 Size: 8193024 ( 7.8 MB) DB CUA buffer
Key: 48 Size: 300000 ( 0.3 MB) Number range buffer
Key: 49 Size: 2769392 ( 2.6 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP)
Key: 51 Size: 18000000 ( 17.2 MB) Extended memory admin.
Key: 52 Size: 180000 ( 0.2 MB) Message Server buffer
Key: 54 Size: 40968192 ( 39.1 MB) Export/Import buffer
Key: 55 Size: 8192 ( 0.0 MB) Spool local printer+joblist
Key: 57 Size: 1572864 ( 1.5 MB) Profilparameter in shared mem
Key: 58 Size: 4096 ( 0.0 MB) Enqueue ID for reset
Key: 62 Size: 85983232 ( 82.0 MB) Memory pipes
Key: 63 Size: 409600 ( 0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory
Key: 64 Size: 4202496 ( 4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf.
Key: 65 Size: 245768192 ( 234.4 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory
Key: 81 Size: 21760 ( 0.0 MB) Security Audit Log
Key: 1002 Size: 400000 ( 0.4 MB) Performance monitoring V01.0
Nr of operating system shared memory segments: 42
Shared memory resource requirements estimated
Total Nr of shared segments required.....: 42
Shared memory segment size required min..: 1384448000 (1320.3 MB)
Swap space requirements estimated
Shared memory....................: 2555.1 MB
Processes........................: 288.4 MB
Extended Memory .................: 4096.0 MB
Total, minimum requirement.......: 6939.5 MB
Process local heaps, worst case..: 24576.0 MB
Total, worst case requirement....: 31515.5 MB
Errors detected..................: 1
Warnings detected................: 21
SAPup> Process with PID 6624 terminated with status 1 at 20140223141143!
Do you know how to fix it?
Nicolas Merlani