Hi Experts ,
Currently performing EHP7 upgrade I have faced error during the configuration phase , below attached was the error screenshot .
error logs shows the below :
Executing module 'PREP_INSTALL'.
Execution of PREPARE module "Installation" begins at 20140302202456
# Starting phase execution with maxpar = 6, scheduled: 14x'-'
...started at 20140302202456
# Using phase log file 'SHDINST_OS.LOG'.
..finished at 20140302202457 with status ABORTED.
# Error message set: 'Process H:\SUM\abap\exe/sapstartsrv.exe exited with -1, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details'
.begin dialog at 20140302202459
1 ETQ399 Possibly the password for user ISNET\SAPServiceDEC entered in phase
1 ETQ399 INITPUT was wrong. You can reset it by calling 'SAPup set stdpar'.
1 ETQ399 Try to execute SAPSTARTSRV.EXE manually using the following syntax:
1 ETQ399 H:\SUM\abap\exe\sapstartsrv.exe -r
1 ETQ399 -p H:\SUM\abap\DEC\SYS\profile\START_DVEBMGS01_SAPECCDV -s DEC -n 01
1 ETQ399 -U ISNET\SAPServiceDEC -P <PASSWORD> -e ISNET\decadm
1 ETQ399 and check if the service SAPDEC_01 can be stopped and restarted.
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Process H:\SUM\abap\exe/sapstartsrv.exe exited with -1, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "SHDINST_OS" aborted with severe errors ("20140302202457")
Kindly advice to fix