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Now I am doing the EHP upgrade for my IDES system from version ECC 6.0 + EHP6 SP02 -> ECC 6.0 + EHP6 SP03, this version is required for the IS-RETAIL best practice.


It is just finish the Extraction and start Configuration, it shows the error message:

Severe error(s) occured in phase PREP_SETUP/RUN_GENPUTTBSHD!

Last error code set: Batchjob 'RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD' with id '09103900' aborted


In SAP system tcode SM37, I find the job RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD can NOT be started and it's status is Canceled, so it cause dump in the system, to ST22 to check, get the following information, I cannot find some related useful information of it, does anyone has some experience of this and can give me some suggestions? Thanks a lot!


Category           ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors     ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY

Application Component  BC-UPG

Date and Time      12.07.2013 08:56:45




|Short text                                                                                    |
|There is already a line with the same key.                                                |




|What happened?                                                                                |
|Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|The current ABAP program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" had to be terminated because             |
| it has                                                                                   |
|come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                            |




|What can you do?                                                                              |
|Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|To process the problem further, contact you SAP system                                    |
|administrator.                                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look                               |
|at and manage termination messages, and you can also                                      |
|keep them for a long time.                                                                |




|Error analysis                                                                                |
|You tried to insert an entry into table                                                   |
|the unique table key "PRIMARY_KEY" resulted in a duplicate entry. The key                 |
|concerned may be either the primary key or a secondary key.                               |
|                                                                                              |
|The key components of the duplicate entry have the values "VBLOG"                         |
|" " " " " ".                                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|With primary keys, the system may terminate while processing                              |
|block insert operations. The statements concerned are                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|(1) MOVE                                                                                  |
|                                                                                              |
|(2) INSERT/APPEND ... LINES OF ... INTO/TO                                                |
|                                                                                              |
|(3) SELECT ... INTO/APPENDING ...                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|With secondary keys, the system may also terminate while processing                       |
|a single record insert operation. In particular, the following                            |
|modifying statements may cause the system to terminate due to                             |
|duplicate key values:                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|(1) "<fs> = ..." or "<fs>-comp = ...", if the assignment to                               |
|a field symbol or to a component of a field symbol modifies a                             |
|component of a unique secondary key.                                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|(2) "ref->* = ..." or "ref->comp = ...", if the assignment to a field                     |
|symbol or to a component of a field symbol modifies a component of                        |
|a unique secondary key.                                                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|(3) "MODIFY ... [TRANSPORTING comp_1 ... comp_n] ...", if transporting                    |
|the components to be changed modifies a component of a unique secondary                   |
|key.                                                                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|(4) "COLLECT ... INTO ...", if adding up the columns of a numeric type                    |
|modifies a component of a unique secondary key.                                           |
|                                                                                              |
|(5) "READ TABLE ... INTO <fs> ...[TRANSPORTING comp_1 ... comp_n] ...",                   |
|if the field symbol points to a row of a table with unique secondary                      |
|keys and transporting the values read modifies a component of a unique                    |
|secondary key.                                                                            |




|How to correct the error                                                                      |
|Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.                   |
|-                                                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to                    |
|find an interim solution in an SAP Note.                                                  |
|If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following                    |
|keywords:                                                                                 |
|                                                                                              |
|"ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY" " "                                                                  |
|"RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" or "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD"                                        |
|"GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS"                                                                 |
|                                                                                              |
|If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error                        |
|notification to SAP, include the following information:                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|1. The description of the current problem (short dump)                                    |
|                                                                                              |
|   To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File                        |
|(Unconverted)".                                                                           |
|                                                                                              |
|2. Corresponding system log                                                               |
|                                                                                              |
|   Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.                                    |
|   Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes                       |
|after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File                         |
|(Unconverted)".                                                                           |
|                                                                                              |
|3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP                       |
|program: The source code of the program                                                   |
|   In the editor, choose "Utilities->More                                                 |
|Utilities->Upload/Download->Download".                                                    |
|                                                                                              |
|4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which                   |
|actions and input led to the error.                                                       |
|                                                                                              |




|System environment                                                                            |
|SAP Release..... 731                                                                      |
|SAP Basis Level. 0002                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|Application server... "W2K8WI7"                                                           |
|Network address...... ""                                                     |
|Operating system..... "Windows NT"                                                        |
|Release.............. "6.1"                                                               |
|Hardware type........ "2x AMD64 Level"                                                    |
|Character length.... 16 Bits                                                              |
|Pointer length....... 64 Bits                                                             |
|Work process number.. 13                                                                  |
|Shortdump setting.... "full"                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|Database server... "W2K8WI7"                                                              |
|Database type..... "ORACLE"                                                               |
|Database name..... "WI7"                                                                  |
|Database user ID.. "SAPSR3"                                                               |
|                                                                                              |
|Terminal.......... " "                                                                    |
|                                                                                              |
|Char.set.... "C"                                                                          |
|                                                                                              |
|SAP kernel....... 720                                                                     |
|created (date)... "Jan 16 2013 16:44:54"                                                  |
|create on........ "NT 6.0 6002 S x86 MS VC++ 16.00"                                       |
|Database version. "OCI_11201_SHARE, "                                          |
|                                                                                              |
|Patch level. 401                                                                          |
|Patch text.. " "                                                                          |
|                                                                                              |
|Database............. "ORACLE 10.1.0.*.*, ORACLE 10.2.0.*.*, ORACLE 11.2.*.*.*"           |
|SAP database version. 720                                                                 |
|Operating system..... "Windows NT 5.1, Windows NT 5.2, Windows NT 6.0, Windows            |
| NT 6.1, Windows NT 6.2"                                                                  |
|                                                                                              |
|Memory consumption                                                                        |
|Roll.... 0                                                                                |
|EM...... 16759168                                                                         |
|Heap.... 0                                                                                |
|Page.... 32768                                                                            |
|MM Used. 5352656                                                                          |
|MM Free. 3024032                                                                          |




|User and Transaction                                                                          |
|Client.............. 000                                                                  |
|User................ "DDIC"                                                               |
|Language key........ "E"                                                                  |
|Transaction......... " "                                                                  |
|Transaction ID...... "22C0EAE204D9F1A09F65005056B22F8C"                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|EPP Whole Context ID.... 35314445383844443531444538384444                                 |
|EPP Connection ID....... 00000000000000000000000000000000                                 |
|EPP Caller Counter...... 0                                                                |
|                                                                                              |
|Program............. "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD"                                              |
|Screen.............. "SAPMSSY0 1000"                                                      |
|Screen Line......... 6                                                                    |
|Debugger Active..... "none"                                                               |




|Information on where terminated                                                               |
|Termination occurred in the ABAP program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" - in                     |
| "GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS".                                                               |
|The main program was "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD ".                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|In the source code you have the termination point in line 112                             |
|of the (Include) program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD".                                         |
|The program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" was started as a background job.                      |
|Job Name....... "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD"                                                   |
|Job Initiator.. "DDIC"                                                                    |
|Job Number..... 08561200                                                                  |




|Source Code Extract                                                                           |


|Line |SourceCde                                                                               |


|   82|                                                                                        |
|   83|  PERFORM output_log USING gv_protname.                                                 |
|   84|                                                                                        |
|   85|                                                                                        |
|   86|                                                                                        |
|   87|*---------------------------------------------------------------------*                 |
|   88|*  FORM get_tadir_basis_objects                                                         |
|   89|*---------------------------------------------------------------------*                 |
|   90|*                                                                                       |
|   91|*---------------------------------------------------------------------*                 |
|   92|FORM get_tadir_basis_objects .                                                          |
|   93|                                                                                        |
|   94|  DATA: lv_obj_name TYPE tabname,                                                       |
|   95|    lv_nr_lines TYPE i.                                                             |
|   96|                                                                                        |
|   97|  MESSAGE i010(tg)                                                                      |
|   98|      WITH text-mt0  INTO gv_dummy.                                                 |
|   99|  PERFORM write_log_line_sy USING '1'.                                                  |
|  100|                                                                                        |
|  101|                                                                                        |
|  102|  CLEAR gt_tadir_basis_tables.                                                          |
|  103|* ft 03052013 for performance reasons, splitted up in two selects:                      |
|  104|* one for R3TR TABL and one for R3TR SQLT                                               |
|  105|  SELECT tadir~obj_name INTO TABLE gt_tadir_basis_tables                                |
|  106|     FROM tadir                                                                     |
|  107|     JOIN tdevc                                                                     |
|  108|     ON   tadir~devclass = tdevc~devclass                                           |
|  109|     WHERE tadir~pgmid = 'R3TR' AND tadir~object = 'TABL'                           |
|  110|     AND ( tdevc~dlvunit IN ('SAP_BASIS', 'SAP_UI', 'SAP_GWFND') ).                 |
|  111|                                                                                        |
|>>>>>|  SELECT tadir~obj_name APPENDING TABLE gt_tadir_basis_tables                           |
|  113|     FROM tadir                                                                     |
|  114|     JOIN tdevc                                                                     |
|  115|     ON   tadir~devclass = tdevc~devclass                                           |
|  116|     WHERE tadir~pgmid = 'R3TR' AND tadir~object = 'SQLT'                           |
|  117|     AND ( tdevc~dlvunit IN ('SAP_BASIS', 'SAP_UI', 'SAP_GWFND') ).                 |
|  118|                                                                                        |
|  119|* mh 13.3.2003 according to 0001212178 2003                                             |
|  120|* SPROX* tables need to be treated as basis tables                                      |
|  121|* because R3trans will run into DDIC-Import error                                       |
|  122|* on shadow system                                                                      |
|  123|  lv_obj_name = 'SPROXDAT'.                                                             |
|  124|  MESSAGE i010(tg)                                                                      |
|  125|      WITH 'Exception for TADIR select: '  lv_obj_name                              |
|  126|      INTO gv_dummy.                                                                |
|  127|  PERFORM write_log_line_sy USING '4'.                                                  |
|  128|  INSERT lv_obj_name INTO TABLE gt_tadir_basis_tables.                                  |
|  129|                                                                                        |
|  130|  lv_obj_name = 'SPROXHDR'.                                                             |
|  131|  MESSAGE i010(tg)                                                                      |




|Contents of system fields                                                                     |


|Name|Val.                                                                                 |


|SY-SUBRC|0                                                                                    |
|SY-INDEX|0                                                                                    |
|SY-TABIX|10                                                                                   |
|SY-DBCNT|31                                                                                   |
|SY-FDPOS|0                                                                                    |
|SY-LSIND|0                                                                                    |
|SY-PAGNO|0                                                                                    |
|SY-LINNO|1                                                                                    |
|SY-COLNO|1                                                                                    |
|SY-PFKEY|                                                                                     |
|SY-UCOMM|                                                                                     |
|SY-TITLE|Program RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                        |
|SY-MSGTY|I                                                                                    |
|SY-MSGID|TG                                                                                   |
|SY-MSGNO|010                                                                                  |
|SY-MSGV1|Determining Basis Objects TABL and SQLT                                              |
|SY-MSGV2|                                                                                     |
|SY-MSGV3|                                                                                     |
|SY-MSGV4|                                                                                     |
|SY-MODNO|0                                                                                    |
|SY-DATUM|20130712                                                                             |
|SY-UZEIT|085612                                                                               |
|SY-XPROG|RSDBRUNT                                                                             |
|SY-XFORM|%_INIT_PBO_FIRST                                                                     |




|Active Calls/Events                                                                           |


|No.   Ty.      Program                         Include                         Line   |
Name                                                                                    |


|2 FORM     RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD           RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD             112  |
GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS                                                                 |
|1 EVENT    RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD           RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD              58  |
START-OF-SELECTION                                                                      |




|Chosen variables                                                                              |


|Name                                                                                          |
|Val.                                                                                      |


|No.   2 Ty.      FORM                                                                 |
|Name  GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS                                                                 |


|<%_TABLE_TADIR>                                                                               |
|???                                                                                       |
|??????                                                                                    |
|??????                                                                                    |
|????????????                                                                              |
|GC_UVSTATUS_ABORT                                                                             |
|-                                                                                         |
|2                                                                                         |
|D                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|2D00                                                                                      |
|<%_TABLE_TDEVC>                                                                               |
|???                                                                                       |
|??????                                                                                    |
|??????                                                                                    |
|????????????                                                                              |
|%_DUMMY$$                                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|2222                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|2000200020002000                                                                          |
|SY-REPID                                                                                      |
|RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                                     |
|5554444545455555455442222222222222222222                                                  |
|23F75E52145F05442F3840000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|GC_UVSTATUS_PRODUCTIVE                                                                        |
|U                                                                                         |
|5                                                                                         |
|5                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|5500                                                                                      |
|SPACE                                                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|2                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|2000                                                                                      |
|SYST-REPID                                                                                    |
|RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                                     |
|5554444545455555455442222222222222222222                                                  |
|23F75E52145F05442F3840000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|GC_NTTYP_UNKNOWN                                                                              |
|0                                                                                         |
|0000                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|00000000                                                                                  |
|GC_NTTYP_EUDATA                                                                               |
|3                                                                                         |
|0000                                                                                      |
|3000                                                                                      |
|03000000                                                                                  |
|%_ARCHIVE                                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|GT_TADIR_BASIS_TABLES                                                                         |
|Table IT_25[54150x60]                                                                     |
|Table reference: 10                                                                       |
|TABH+  0(20) = 001A0C00DF070000000000000000000000000000                                   |
|TABH+ 20(20) = 0A0000001900000086D300003C000000FFFFFFFF                                   |
|TABH+ 40(16) = 0400000070F1000004000000B226C000                                           |
|store    = 0x001A0C00DF070000                                                         |
|ext1     = 0x0000000000000000                                                         |
|shmId    = 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|id       = 10(0x0A000000)                                                         |
|label    = 25(0x19000000)                                                         |
|fill     = 54150 (0x86D30000)                                                         |
|leng     = 60(0x3C000000)                                                         |
|loop     = -1(0xFFFFFFFF)                                                         |
|xtyp     = TYPE#000025                                                                |
|occu     = 4 (0x04000000)                                                         |
|accKind  = 2 (ItAccessSorted)                                                     |
|idxKind  = 2 (ItIndexBtree)                                                       |
|uniKind  = 1 (ItUniYes)                                                           |
|keyKind  = 1 (default)                                                            |
|cmpMode  = 3 (cmpSingleMcmpU)                                                     |
|occu0    = 1                                                                          |
|stMode   = 0                                                                          |
|groupCntl= 0                                                                          |
|rfc      = 0                                                                          |
|unShareable  = 0                                                                          |
|mightBeShared = 0                                                                         |
|sharedWithShmTab = 0                                                                      |
|isShmLockId  = 0                                                                          |
|isUsed   = 1                                                                          |
|isCtfyAble   = 1                                                                          |
|hasScndKeys  = 0                                                                          |
|hasRowId = 0                                                                          |
|scndKeysOutdated = 0                                                                      |
|scndUniKeysOutdated = 0                                                                   |
|----- Shareable Table Header Data -----                                                   |
|tabi     = 0xF0180C00DF070000                                                         |
|pgHook   = 0x70280C00DF070000                                                         |
|idxPtr   = 0xB0EC3F00DF070000                                                         |
|id       = 21(0x15000000)                                                         |
|shmTabhSet   = 0x0000000000000000                                                         |
|refCount = 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|tstRefCount  = 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|lineAdmin= 65532 (0xFCFF0000)                                                         |
|lineAlloc= 54268 (0xFCD30000)                                                         |
|shmVersId= 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|shmRefCount  = 1 (0x01000000)                                                         |
|rowId    = 18446744073709551615                                                       |
|scndKeyAdmin = 0x0000000000000000                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BA_CVPM_PROCESSES                                                                    |
|244524454554555444554522222222                                                            |
|FA33F21F360DF02F35335300000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BA_CVPM_PROCESSES_TXT                                                                |
|244524454554555444554555552222                                                            |
|FA33F21F360DF02F353353F4840000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BC_BASE_DATA                                                                         |
|244524454454544542222222222222                                                            |
|FA33F23F2135F41410000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BC_BDC_MAPS                                                                          |
|244524454445445522222222222222                                                            |
|FA33F23F243FD10300000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BC_BDC_QID                                                                           |
|244524454445544222222222222222                                                            |
|FA33F23F243F194000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|LV_OBJ_NAME                                                                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|222222222222222222222222222222                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|GC_NTMOD_UNKNOWN                                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|2                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|2000                                                                                      |
|SY-MSGID                                                                                      |
|TG                                                                                        |
|54222222222222222222                                                                      |
|47000000000000000000                                                                      |
|00000000000000000000                                                                      |
|00000000000000000000                                                                      |
|54004700200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000          |
|GC_UVSTATUS_INITED                                                                            |
|I                                                                                         |
|4                                                                                         |
|9                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|4900                                                                                      |
|GC_MOD_MODIFY                                                                                 |
|M                                                                                         |
|4                                                                                         |
|D                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|4D00                                                                                      |
|SY-MSGNO                                                                                      |
|010                                                                                       |
|333                                                                                       |
|010                                                                                       |
|000                                                                                       |
|000                                                                                       |
|300031003000                                                                              |
|SY-MSGV1                                                                                      |
|Determining Basis Objects TABL and SQLT                                                   |
|46767666666246767246666772544426662554522222222222                                        |
|45452D9E9E70213930F2A53430412C01E4031C400000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|SY-MSGV2                                                                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |


|No.   1 Ty.      EVENT                                                                |
|Name  START-OF-SELECTION                                                                      |


|GV_PROTNAME                                                                                   |
|UPG_PUTTB_SHD_GENERATE                                                                    |
|5545555545544544445454222222222222222222                                                  |
|507F05442F384F75E52145000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|RSJOBINFO                                                                                     |
|                                00000000000000                              ##        |
|2222222222222222222222222222222233333333333333222222222222222222222222222222222200        |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        |
|%_PRINT                                                                                       |
|LOCL001RS_GENERADDI                                                                  X8#A#|
|SCREEN                                                                                        |
|                                                                                              |
|%_VIASELSCR                                                                                   |
|#                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|4                                                                                         |
|04                                                                                        |
|%_SSCR                                                                                        |
|LOG_DIR ##P ##CCHARTSTRF01-SUBDIR                                                        |
|SY-XFORM                                                                                      |
|%_INIT_PBO_FIRST                                                                          |
|254445554454455522222222222222                                                            |
|5F9E94F02FF6923400000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|SY-XPROG                                                                                      |
|RSDBRUNT                                                                                  |
|5544554522222222222222222222222222222222                                                  |
|234225E400000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |




|Internal notes                                                                                |
|The termination was triggered in function "ab_ItabUpdateIndex"                            |
|of the SAP kernel, in line 2298 of the module                                             |
| "//bas/720_REL/src/krn/runt/abitab.c#10".                                                |
|The internal operation just processed is "SQLS".                                          |
|Internal mode was started at 20130712085612.                                              |




|Active Calls in SAP Kernel                                                                    |


|Lines of C Stack in Kernel (Structure Differs on Each Platform)                               |


|SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0                                                      |
|Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.                                                    |
|Callstack without Exception:                                                                  |
|App   : disp+work.EXE (pid=11560)                                                         |
|When  : 7/12/2013 8:56:43.947                                                             |
|Threads   : 2                                                                                 |
|Computer Name   : W2K8WI7                                                                 |
|User Name       : SAPServiceWI7                                                           |
|Number of Processors: 2                                                                       |
|Processor Type: Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7                                          |
|Windows Version : 6.1 Current Build: 7601                                                 |
|State Dump for Thread Id 2900                                                                 |
|0000000002185D20 0000000140DA2E11 0020002000200020 disp+work!DumpStacks [ntstcdbg.c (548)]    |
|0000000002185E20 000000013F9333C4 0000000072582710 disp+work!NTDebugProcess [ntstcdbg.c (383)]|
|0000000002185E50 000000013FB47869 0000000072582710 disp+work!CTrcStack2 [dptstack.c (354)]    |

|0000000002185EA0 000000013FB4CEDF 00000000000008FA disp+work!rabax_CStackSave [abrabax.c (8680)]  |

|00000000021867B0 00000001400D7128 000007DF004DFC78 disp+work!ab_rabax [abrabax.c (1429)]      |

|00000000021867F0 00000001400E9E77 0000000002186900 disp+work!ab_RxItabDuplicateKey [abtsv.c (633)]|

|0000000002188740 000000013FCC50DD 0000000002188890 disp+work!ab_ItabUpdateIndex [abitab.c (2298)] |

|0000000002188780 000000013FCC6997 0000000000000001 disp+work!SqlsFetchAll [absapsql.c (7762)] |

|0000000002188930 000000013FCCDD62 0000000000000000 disp+work!SqlsExecuteCall [absapsql.c (7316)]  |

|0000000002188AE0 000000013FB36E31 0000000000000000 disp+work!ab_jsqls [absapsql.c (12003)]    |
|0000000002188C60 000000013FBA9A30 0000000000000410 disp+work!ab_extri [abextri.c (676)]       |
|0000000002188CB0 000000013FBAA1D5 0000000000000000 disp+work!ab_xevent [abrunt1.c (336)]      |
|0000000002188D40 000000013FB87849 000007DF000002A0 disp+work!ab_trigg [abrunt1.c (57)]        |
|0000000002188DD0 000000013F99EA06 0000000000000016 disp+work!ab_run [absubmit.c (511)]        |
|0000000002188F80 000000013F9A34DD 0000000000000000 disp+work!dynpmcal [dymainstp.c (2734)]    |
|0000000002189010 000000013F9A278C 00000000021891F0 disp+work!dynppai0 [dymainstp.c (1357)]    |
|00000000021890E0 000000013F95C06F 0000000000000020 disp+work!dynprctl [dymainstp.c (471)]     |
|000000000218F340 000000013F7E7010 0000000000000000 disp+work!dynpen00 [dymain.c (2029)]       |
|000000000218F610 000000013F7E780C FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 disp+work!TskhLoop [thxxhead.c (4882)]     |
|000000000218F670 000000013F70E9A6 000000000253BE58 disp+work!ThStart [thxxhead.c (1188)]      |
|000000000218F710 000000013F6E10A1 FFFFFFFF00000001 disp+work!DpMain [dpxxdisp.c (1201)]       |
|000000000218F740 000000014107F2EE 0000000000000001 disp+work!nlsui_main [thxxanf.c (80)]      |

|000000000218F770 00000000773F652D 0000000000000000 disp+work!__tmainCRTStartup [crtexe.c (552)]   |

|000000000218F7A0 000000007752C521 0000000000000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk               |
|000000000218F7F0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart                   |
|State Dump for Thread Id 135c                                                                 |
|000000000DAFFD10 000007FEFD3B3AFF 000000002AE04A51 ntdll!ZwFsControlFile                      |
|000000000DAFFD80 0000000140F717DF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE KERNELBASE!ConnectNamedPipe                |
|000000000DAFFE20 00000000724F1D9F 0000000007572B00 disp+work!SigIMsgFunc [signt.c (717)]      |
|000000000DAFFE50 00000000724F1E3B 0000000072582AC0 MSVCR100!endthreadex                       |
|000000000DAFFE80 00000000773F652D 0000000000000000 MSVCR100!endthreadex                       |
|000000000DAFFEB0 000000007752C521 0000000000000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk               |
|000000000DAFFF00 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart                   |




|List of ABAP programs affected                                                                |


|Index |Typ|Program                             |Group |Date  |Time|Size |Lang.|


| 0|Prg|RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 0|12.07.2013|08:06:10|74752|E    |
| 1|Prg|SAPMSSY0                            | 1|20.02.2012|19:33:43|   111616|E    |
| 2|Prg|SAPMSSYD                            | 1|02.03.2012|15:31:50|23552|E    |
| 3|Prg|SAPFSYSCALLS                        | 1|09.09.2004|14:18:32| 8192|E    |
| 4|Prg|RSDBRUNT                            | 0|13.01.2012|02:05:15|   305152|E    |
| 5|Prg|SAPLSPRI                            | 5|20.02.2012|20:17:26|   405504|E    |
| 6|Typ|PRI_PARAMS                          | 0|02.11.1998|09:46:12| 5120|     |
| 7|Typ|ARC_PARAMS                          | 0|28.08.1997|08:36:28| 5120|     |
| 8|Typ|PRI_LAYOUT                          | 0|06.11.2003|20:30:04| 3072|     |
| 9|Typ|PRIPAR_EXT                          | 0|13.01.2012|00:17:34| 3072|     |
|10|Typ|PRIPAR_EX2                          | 0|13.01.2012|00:03:20| 2048|     |
|11|Typ|PRIPAR_EX3                          | 0|13.01.2012|00:11:24| 3072|     |
|12|Typ|TPRI_DEF                            | 0|09.11.2000|14:24:28| 5120|     |
|13|Prg|SAPLSPOO                            |13|13.01.2012|01:44:20|   181248|E    |
|14|Typ|TSP03                               | 0|02.11.1998|09:57:05| 5120|     |
|15|Typ|USR01                               | 0|13.01.2012|00:58:00| 4096|     |
|16|Typ|TSP1D                               | 0|13.01.2012|01:04:41| 5120|     |
|17|Prg|SAPLRSPOLSTDRV                      |17|14.07.2010|12:57:48|64512|E    |
|18|Typ|TSPOPTIONS                          | 0|29.01.1997|19:13:56| 2048|     |
|19|Typ|TSP0A                               | 0|13.01.2012|00:41:27| 6144|     |
|20|Typ|TSP03C                              | 0|21.11.2003|11:41:10| 8192|     |
|21|Typ|TSP03T                              | 0|23.03.1998|18:21:38| 6144|     |
|22|Prg|SAPCNVE                             |22|09.09.2004|14:36:10| 9216|E    |
|23|Prg|SAPLSPOC                            |23|13.01.2012|01:44:00|   177152|E    |
|24|Typ|TSP03L                              | 0|10.07.1997|00:46:18| 2048|     |
|25|Typ|RSPOCHECK                           | 0|13.08.1997|12:53:10| 4096|     |
|26|Prg|SAPLSFES                            |26|20.02.2012|20:17:27|   316416|E    |
|27|Prg|SAPLSPOR                            |27|14.07.2010|22:41:47|46080|E    |
|28|Prg|SAPLSDEX                            |28|09.09.2004|14:20:42|25600|E    |
|29|Typ|DD07T                               | 0|12.05.1997|16:45:51| 3072|     |
|30|Typ|DEVPAR                              | 0|13.01.2012|00:15:34| 3072|     |
|31|Typ|RSPOATTR                            | 0|10.11.1999|17:44:19| 2048|     |
|32|Typ|RSSCR                               | 0|30.03.2005|10:21:45| 5120|     |
|33|Prg|RSDBSPBL                            | 0|01.08.2011|21:51:03|84992|E    |
|34|Prg|SAPDB__S                            | 0|30.03.2005|10:22:01|21504|E    |
|35|Prg|RSDBSPMC                            | 0|14.07.2010|09:29:30|92160|E    |
|36|Typ|DDSHDESCR                           | 0|03.09.1997|03:05:16| 4096|     |
|37|Typ|SPPARAMS                            | 0|07.05.1997|13:10:38| 2048|     |
|38|Prg|SAPLSABE                            |38|13.01.2012|01:27:48|14336|E    |
|39|Prg|SAPLSECU                            |39|20.02.2012|20:08:56|   110592|E    |
|40|Typ|RSSUBINFO                           | 0|14.10.1999|22:01:03| 3072|     |
|41|Prg|SAPLSUGS                            |41|12.07.2013|08:04:47|92160|E    |
|42|Prg|RSDBSPVA                            | 0|13.01.2012|02:05:16|   160768|E    |
|43|Prg|RSDBSPVD                            | 0|13.01.2012|02:05:16|   102400|E    |
|44|Typ|DFIES                               | 0|13.01.2012|00:09:00|10240|     |
|45|Typ|VARI                                | 0|12.05.1997|15:27:09| 6144|     |
|46|Typ|RVARI                               | 0|30.03.1998|09:40:50| 4096|     |
|47|Typ|RSVARIVDAT                          | 0|04.04.1995|16:12:54| 2048|     |
|48|Prg|SAPLSVAR                            |48|20.02.2012|19:56:07|   933888|E    |
|49|Prg|%_CSYDB0                            | 0|14.07.2010|09:29:30|40960|E    |
|50|Typ|RSVARKEY                            | 0|07.05.1997|13:07:54| 2048|     |
|51|Prg|SAPLSSEL                            |51|20.02.2012|19:56:00|  1699840|E    |
|52|Prg|RSDBSPDS                            | 0|14.07.2010|09:29:30|66560|E    |
|53|Prg|SAPLSCNT                            |53|18.02.2005|14:16:06|34816|E    |
|54|Prg|SAPSHDTV                            |53|13.01.2012|03:42:29|38912|E    |
|55|Prg|SAPFGUICNTL                         | 1|18.02.2005|14:15:08|27648|E    |
|56|Prg|SAPLOLEA                            |56|14.07.2010|17:40:32|   110592|E    |
|57|Prg|SAPLSGUI                            |57|27.12.2010|19:50:07|   105472|E    |
|58|Prg|SAPLSTTM                            |58|13.01.2012|01:52:49|79872|E    |
|59|Prg|SAPLSBDC                            |59|14.07.2010|17:39:46|49152|E    |
|60|Prg|SAPLTHFB                            |60|20.02.2012|19:51:44|   471040|E    |
|61|Typ|WPINFO                              | 0|26.02.1999|14:49:01| 6144|     |
|62|Prg|SAPLURFC                            |62|20.02.2012|20:12:19|28672|E    |
|63|Prg|SAPLSPLUGIN                         |63|13.01.2012|01:43:40| 9216|E    |
|64|Typ|SWCBCONT                            | 0|13.01.2012|00:48:48| 3072|     |
|65|Typ|OLE_VERBS                           | 0|04.04.1995|16:02:20| 2048|     |
|66|Typ|OLE_PA                              | 0|04.04.1995|16:02:19| 2048|     |
|67|Prg|SAPLSLOG                            |67|20.02.2012|20:09:35|   166912|E    |
|68|Prg|SAPLSUGI                            |68|12.07.2013|08:05:04|   287744|E    |
|69|Prg|SAPLSUGX                            |69|12.07.2013|08:02:27|   119808|E    |
|70|Prg|SAPLSTRF                            |70|13.01.2012|01:51:54|98304|E    |
|71|Prg|SAPLSTFI                            |71|13.01.2012|01:50:25|73728|E    |
|72|Typ|SPROT_U                             | 0|20.08.1998|10:58:34| 3072|     |
|73|Typ|SYST                                | 0|09.09.2004|14:18:12|30720|     |
|74|Typ|RSJOBINFO                           | 0|13.01.2012|00:48:08| 3072|     |




|Directory of Application Tables                                                               |


|Name                                 Date   Time   Lngth                          |
|Val.                                                                                      |


|Program  RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                                |


|SYST                                 09.09.2004 14:18:12   00004612                       |
|\0\0\0\0\x000A\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x001F\0\0\0                                  |
|SY                                     .  .   :  : 00004612                       |
|\0\0\0\0\x000A\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x001F\0\0\0                                  |
|RSJOBINFO                              .  .   :  : 00000164                       |
|                                00000000000000                                            |
|VARI                                   .  .   :  : 00003052                       |
|000VARS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               SAP_TMPLOG                                   |


|Program  RSDBRUNT                                                                             |


|DFIES                                  .  .   :  : 00001350                       |
|                                                                                              |


|Program  SAPLSPRI                                                                             |


|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|USR01                                  .  .   :  : 00000222                       |
|000DDIC                        LOCL HK1                                               |
|PRI_PARAMS                             .  .   :  : 00000380                       |
|LOCL001RS_GENERADDI                                                                       |
|ARC_PARAMS                             .  .   :  : 00000660                       |
|                                                                                              |
|TPRI_DEF                               .  .   :  : 00002932                       |
|000GV21        \0\0\0\0\x0600##\x0080##\0\0\x08D3\0###                             |
|TSP1D                                  .  .   :  : 00000320                       |
|                          0000000000                                                      |


|Program  SAPLSPOO                                                                             |


|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|TSP03C                                 .  .   :  : 00000352                       |
|LOCL   \0   \0\0\0\0 \0\0                __DEFAULT                                    |
|TSP1D                                  .  .   :  : 00000320                       |
|X_PAPER     ANY PL0001000010SAP     1998040711                                |


|Program  SAPLRSPOLSTDRV                                                                       |


|TSP0A                                  .  .   :  : 00000388                       |
|SWINCFC XSWIN00020Casc.Fonts SAPWIN Unicode 4220422042                                |
|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|TSP03C                                 .  .   :  : 00000352                       |
|LOCL   \0   \0\0\0\0 \0\0                __DEFAULT                                    |
|TSP03T                                 .  .   :  : 00000422                       |
|LOCL                                                                                      |
|TSPOPTIONS                             .  .   :  : 00000432                       |
|                                                                                              |


|Program  SAPLSPOC                                                                             |


|TSP03L                                 .  .   :  : 00000068                       |
|LOCL                      LOCL|                                                       |


|Program  SAPLSPOR                                                                             |


|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|TSP03L                                 .  .   :  : 00000068                       |
|LOCL                      LOCL|                                                       |


|Program  SAPLSDEX                                                                             |


|DD07T                                  .  .   :  : 00000260                       |
|RSPOARCHTY                EA00010000Print                                             |




|ABAP Control Blocks (CONT)                                                                    |


|Index|Name|Fl|PAR0|PAR1|PAR2|PAR3|PAR4|PAR5|PAR6|Source Code                         |Line|


|20130|8061|  ||||||||                                    |    |
|  165|WHER|20|0000|0000|0028|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  167|PAR1|80|0070|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  168|WHER|20|0000|0001|0000|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  170|PAR1|80|0075|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  171|WHER|0F|0001|0007|002B|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  173|PAR1|80|0072|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  174|PAR1|80|0073|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  175|PAR1|80|0074|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  176|SQLS|39|000E|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  177|SQLS|39|0000|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  178|SQLS|3B|0000|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|>>>>>|SQLS|0D|0059|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  180|MOVL|00|0002|C000|0030|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 123|
|  182|MOVL|00|0002|0067|0020|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  184|mlq1|02|0005|0F50|0049|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  186|MOVL|00|0008|0068|001E|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  188|DWRI|01|0069|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  189|WRIT|00|0076|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  190|PAR1|C0|0000|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|


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