Dear experts,
I'm trying to install EHP6 for ERP and EHP3 for NW.
After upgrading the Database to 7.9.08_24 the SUM stops during upgrade-phase "PREP_INIT/SPACECHK_INI" I with the follwing Message:
SAPup broke during phase SPACECHK_INI in module PREP_INIT / Initialization
Error Message: put_call_exe call (dbmcli) failed with return code '-1'
I couldn't find any thread with the same or similar error message.
In SDBDBMCLI.LOG I have the follwing message:
-24961,ERR_STATE: The operational state of the database instance could not be determined
-24994,ERR_RTE: Runtime environment error
20109,Open kernel process failed, rc = 5
Another message in the logs:
EXECUTING E:\sapdb\TST\db\pgm\dbmcli.EXE -U c -o I:\SUM\abap\log\SDBDBMCLI.LOG AUTO_EXTEND SHOW
Can you help me please?
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards