Dear Team,
I have successfully implement Ehp7 in our testserver.After implementing Ehp7 , When I am initializing tape for Backup.
Its give below error , Please suggest for below error
Now our Kernel Release 741 and Its Support pack level is 100.
Brtools version is
sapqas:oraqas 1> brtools
BR0651I BRTOOLS 7.20 (34)
sapqas:qasadm 21> disp+work -v
disp+work information
kernel release 741
kernel make variant 741_REL
DBMS client library OCI_112,
DBSL shared library version 741.10
compiled on HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64 [PBO:opt] for hpia64
compiled for 64 BIT
compilation mode UNICODE
compile time Oct 6 2014 01:21:06
update level 0
patch number 100
source id 0.100