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How to upgrade ehp3 to ehp6 on nw7.0


hi all


We plan to upgrade ehp3 to ehp6 on nw7.0.

But did not find the guide.


Please give us some url of upgrade guide or some advice.


Best Regards,




Dear all,


we are experiencing a problem during the SUM phase "MAIN_POSTP/UEXP_SPDD".


During the SPDD phase, our developer created CR <***K904371>, (we suppose, correctly marked for transport)


So now, in the phase UEXP_SPDD we are facing this severe error:




  Warning: APPEND_SAPCOMPONENT returned message: "Wrong Request type.".

With the SUM tool the system got certain components, component releases and Support

Package levels. This information is in an internal table. The components, component

releases and Support Package levels, which the system has now are different. When the

SPDD and/or SPAU transport was exported, the SUM tool noticed, that the information

differs. This could be e.g. if further updates were done via SAINT or SPAM after the SUM

was (almost) finished and before the export for the SPDD/SPAU request was done. If this

SPDD/SPAU request shall be included in a further SUM procedure, it is important that the

components, component releases and Support Package levels of the SPDD/SPAU request

fit to the target status of that SUM procedure.


The details of other logs:

1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "MAIN_POSTP/UEXP_SPDD" ("20130615173820")

2 ETQ399 Setting SQL connect to standard DB.

2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access

4 ETQ399 System-nr = '20', GwService = 'sapgw**' Client = '000'

4 ETQ399 Environment variables:

4 ETQ399   dbs_ora_schema=SAPSR3

4 ETQ399   auth_shadow_upgrade=<null>

1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'MAIN_POSTP/UEXP_SPDD'.

1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:

2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = 'SPDD'

2 ETQ399 Arg[1] = ''

1 ETQ399 Using error summary log 'UEXPNEWSPDD.ELG'.

1 ETQ000 ==================================================


4 ETQ430 START reading "umodauto.lst" in directory "/usr/sap/trans/SDR/abap/bin"

4 ETQ431       "1" entries read

4 ETQ432       read: rc="1"

3 ETQ433 END   reading "umodauto.lst" in directory "/usr/sap/trans/SDR/abap/bin"

3 ETQ031 START EXPORT PROCEDURE for "***K904371"

2 ETQ399 Using 'tp' from path '/usr/sap/***/DVEBMGS**/exe'.

2 ETQ399 Requested task ID is 'SEL_TRAS4USER'.

2 ETQ399 Skipping execution and scanning cached output '/usr/sap/trans/SDR/abap/log/SEL_E070_SPDD.LOG'.

3 ETQ399 Reading selections from 'SEL_E070_SPDD.LOG'.

4 ETQ399 Read 1 entries for table 'LIST'.

3 ETQ399 Reading selections from 'SEL_E070_SPDD.LOG'.

4 ETQ399 Read 1 entries for table 'LIST'.

4 ETQ010       User UPGRADE

2 ETQ399 Using 'tp' from path '/usr/sap/***/DVEBMGS**/exe'.

2 ETQ399 Requested task ID is 'CHG_TRANSOWNER'.

3 ETQ399 Generating TQL file 'UPDATEE070PRE.TQL' with log file 'UPDATEE070PRE.LOG'.

4 ETQ276 Executing SQL-script "UPDATEE070PRE.TQL"

3 ETQ399 20130615173820: PID 3091 execute '/usr/sap/***/DVEBMGS**/exe/tp pf=/usr/sap/trans/SDR/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP execdbscript *** -x ../var/UPDATEE070PRE.TQL' , output written to '/usr/sap/trans/SDR/abap/log/TPSQLSTD.OUT'.

3 ETQ399 20130615173822: PID 3091 exited with status 0

3 ETQ399 Reading SQL output from 'UPDATEE070PRE.LOG'.

1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="***", AsHost="hostname" Nr="20", GwHost="hostname", GwService="sapgw**"

2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130615173822 

1 ETQ233 Calling function module "SBUF_GENERIC_RESET" by RFC

2 ETQ374 parameter "BUFF_ID" = "0"

2 ETQ373 parameter "RESET" = " "

2 ETQ373 parameter "SYNC" = "X"

2 ETQ373 parameter "TABNAME" = "E070"

2 ETQ374 parameter "KEY_L" = "0"

1 ETQ234 Call of function module "SBUF_GENERIC_RESET" by RFC succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130615173822 

1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="***", AsHost="hostname" Nr="20", GwHost="hostname", GwService="sapgw**"

2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130615173822 

1 ETQ233 Calling function module "FUNCTION_EXISTS" by RFC


1 ETQ234 Call of function module "FUNCTION_EXISTS" by RFC succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130615173822 

1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="***", AsHost="hostname" Nr="20", GwHost="hostname", GwService="sapgw**"

2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130615173822 

1 ETQ233 Calling function module "APPEND_SAPCOMPONENT" by RFC

2 ETQ399 Table IT_TRKORR (#1):

3 ETQ399 "***K904371","","",""

1 ETQ234 Call of function module "APPEND_SAPCOMPONENT" by RFC succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130615173822 

2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_RC" = "-1"

2 ETQ373 parameter "EV_MESSAGE" = "Wrong Request type."

1EETQ399 Last error code set is 'Issues occured calling 'APPEND_SAPCOMPONENT' - check phase log for details'

1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "UEXP_SPDD" aborted with severe errors ("20130615173822")



tp_exec_statement: UPDATE E070 SET AS4USER = 'DDIC' WHERE TRKORR = '***K904371'


tp_exec_statement: COMMIT


tp_exec_dbscript: 2 statement(s) successfully processed.



***adm       20130615173821    : tp pf=/usr/sap/trans/SDR/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP execdbscript *** -x ../var/UPDATEE070PRE.TQL  (pid=3091)



I have already take a look into the KBA1735879

the CR is correctly into the 000 Client and the umodeauto.lst has the right value

SPDD 731  ***K904371


Could you please give us a support?

Thanks and regards


Business Function activation - Impacts to transport path


All - Our company has installed EHP4 with the broad approach (all tech usages) across all systems (Sandbox, Dev, QA, Prod) and is slowly selecting the Business Functions (BFs) they want to utilize.  I'm pushing for Sandbox Modeling before we ever activate BFs in Dev and the other systems on the production transport path as the sandbox is completely separate and not on the transport path to Prod.  However in the tech FAQ for EHP install, the following statement concerns me...


From FAQ -

8.2 Is it possible to transport between two EHP4 systems that have different business functions activated?

As a general rule, transports are only supported between systems that share the same activation states in transaction SFW5. However, there are some situations where certain kinds of transports might still work.

Individual recommendations about the transport strategy for systems with differing activation states are considered a consulting service. Please contact SAP for additional information.


Does this mean that an EHP project requires a "true freeze" where no transports can be initiated in Dev if the BFs active in Dev are not also active in QA/Prod?  Normal path would be sandbox, then Dev for design/unit test phase, then QA for integration test, then Prod at "Go Live" release date.  This takes time (weeks/months). 


If in the interim an emergency config change/code change is needed in Prod, can transports not be initiated from Dev?  Is direct config/code in Prod the only way?


I may be mis-reading this note, so wanted to see if anyone had information to this end...appreciate any input/advice in this space.





ERP EhP3 Implemementation


Just tried to implement an EhP3 on an already installed ERP 6.0 (sandbox system). Finished installation with no errors, and haven't done any post processing. When i go to "System Status", the old ERP components appear. For example SAP_APPL was in 600 SP_level 21, and it stayed there. Some non ERP components upgraded the SP level as expected, but not ERP ones.


Is this normal? Must I activate the changes? I thought that in SFW5 only Business_Functions were to be activated.


Read a bunch of documentation, and also read "Implementing SAP Enhancement Packages" book, but still a bit lost.



EHP4 Installation hanging at CONFLICT_CHECK




We are currently facing another issue with the EHP4 installation.<BR>


The installation has been the stage CONFLICT_CHECK for over 2 hours, there are no logs produced, no activities on the GUI.<BR>

The entire installation seems to be frozen.



We have updated EHPI package and the latest SPAM/SAINT.<BR>


Operating System : AIX 5.3<BR>

Database : Oracle<BR>


Any help is greatly appreciated.<BR>




ritussdb:d88adm 14> tail -20 ULOG10_3<BR>

d88adm       20100810194800    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60405INISOIL buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=618982)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194800    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60405INISOIL buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=618984)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194801    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60407INISH buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=618986)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194802    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60407INISH buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=618988)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194803    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60405INECCDIMP buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=618990)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194803    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60405INECCDIMP buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=618992)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194804    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60405ININSURANC buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=618994)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194805    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60405ININSURANC buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=438448)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194806    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60405INISM buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=618996)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194806    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60405INISM buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=438450)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194807    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60405INISPSCA buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=618998)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194807    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60405INISPSCA buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=688318)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194809    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60405INISUT buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=619000)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194809    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60405INISUT buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=619002)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194810    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP addtobuffer SAPK-60405INISCWM buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF u126  (pid=619004)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194810    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP setsyncmark SAPK-60405INISCWM buffer=PCMDIMP.BUF  (pid=688320)<BR>

d88adm       20100810194812    : /EHP4/EHPI/abap/exe/tp pf=/EHP4/EHPI/abap/bin/PCMDIMP.TPP cmd all D88  (pid=688322)<BR>

      1. Phase JOB_RDDIT020:<BR>

      2. Phase IS_SYNC_20:<BR>

      3. Phase CONFLICT_CHECK:<BR>



ritussdb:d88adm 16> tail -10 SAPehpichk.log<BR>



...started at 20100810195737<BR>

  1. Using phase log file 'ISSYNC20.LOG'.<BR>

..times self: 0.010000/0.010000 usr/sys, children 0.000000/0.000000 usr/sys.<BR>

..finished at 20100810195737 with status SUCCEEDED.<BR>



...started at 20100810195737<BR>

  1. Using phase log file 'CONFLCHK.LOG'.<BR>



ritussdb:d88adm 17> tail -10 CONFLCHK.LOG<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPKE60408","226","CSP","SAP_HR","604","SP 08 for SAP_HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPK-60408INEAHR","227","CSP","EA-HR","604","SP 08 for EA-HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPKE60409","228","CSP","SAP_HR","604","SP 09 for SAP_HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPK-60409INEAHR","229","CSP","EA-HR","604","SP 09 for EA-HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPKE60410","230","CSP","SAP_HR","604","SP 10 for SAP_HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPK-60410INEAHR","231","CSP","EA-HR","604","SP 10 for EA-HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPKE60411","232","CSP","SAP_HR","604","SP 11 for SAP_HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPK-60411INEAHR","233","CSP","EA-HR","604","SP 11 for EA-HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPKE60412","234","CSP","SAP_HR","604","SP 12 for SAP_HR 604","01"<BR>

3 ETQ399 "SAPK-60412INEAHR","235","CSP","EA-HR","604","SP 12 for EA-HR 604","01"<BR>


Edited by: Roche SAP Support IBM on Aug 10, 2010 3:18 PM

EHP5 New Profit Center Reorganization


We just installed EHP5 and activated the New Profit Center Reorganization Business Function.


We started testing configuration and some data processing and so far this function seems to be working to select Materials to change Profit Center assignments. We understand this also works to change assignments in a lot of other objects: Internal Orders, Cost Centers, Maintenance Orders, Sales Orders, etc. But so far it is only working for Materials and it is not selecting any other objetc.


We noticed that when the Reorganization Plan is created then the Reorganization Package Type is defaulted to "1" which is for Material/Plant. And we can find a way to add or to assign any other Reorganization Package Type like Orders, Cost Centers, etc.


Therefore when creating the Reorganization Package is only select materials, and it is not working for any other object.


We are looking for any company that has done before so we can talk and understand what are we missing.



Handling Modification Adjustment in Subsequent System


Hello All,


I am upgrading my Ecc to EHP4 and want the SPDD and SPAU modification to be used in the subsequent System.

I have read the installation document and understood the following.

Pre-reqisite :The CTS should be configured and the trans should be shareble across the dev-qa-prd

FOR SPDD(in the shadow system)

1.) Create a Transport Request

2.) Flag it for transport in the SPDD t-code

3.) After all the corrections are saved in the TASK, release the task.Do not release the teansport request.


FOR SPAU (after the downtime

1.) Create a Transport Request

2.) Flag it for transport in the SPAU t-code

3.) After all the corrections are saved in the TASK, release the task.Do not release the transport request.


So both this request will be registered in the umodauto.lst file under the usr/sap/trans directory.






Dear All

We new in IGS ....please guide use we do above step

1 down load sar file and extrect in exe foldere...


Now what i do pleas guid me




Transporting individual business functions


I have observed a few discussions on this topic, but was hoping to start a new as the others had some other moving parts (industry solutions/etc).


We have a couple of projects going on in a DEV environment that require a number of BFs to be activated.  The are in the FI, HCM and LOG areas.


One of those projects would like to move the QAS system but it seems the transport option in SFW5 will move all that have been activated.


  1. It seems the only option is to activate manually in QAS (and PRD) despite that being against recommendations?
  2. Are there potentially going to be issues if we don't activate BFs in the same order?  I hope not, as this would seem like a very limiting design approach from SAP!


Thanks for any input!!



Missing scope files Best Practice implementation EhP5


Hai Experts,


1.1.1 Getting the Solution Scope File



The technical structure for each solution package (processes or scope items, building blocks and technical objects) is managed by a solution scope file.


  1. To download the solution scope file, first go to SAP Service Marketplace at http://service.sap.com/bp-implcontent
  2. Choose the Solution files link and then the link for EHP5 for SAP ERP 6.0.
  3. Download the following solution scope .zip file:

SOL_BL_IN_V1605_BP_ERP605Vx.zip (x stands for a sequential number)


This file is not shown in service market place.







Waiting for Experts opinion.

EHP upgrade and identifying SAP standard screens that were adjusted


Is there a way to determine or any documentation provided that details what SAP Standard Screens programs/numbers and the associated Tcodes were adjusted with either new fields and or screen layout changes as part of a EHP/Support Stack upgrade ?  We are trying to proactively determine which screens did change so we can estimate the impact to changing Training  Documentation s (Re-Recording transaction execution and then rolling out the changed training simulations). We are aware of the Release notes for EHP, support stack notes and BFP, but we were hoping to get just a list of the screens that were touched and possible a small text description of the screen change.

Component Issue Gateway 2.0 on SAP Netweaver 7.3 EHP1


Hello all,


I am kinda in a situation where I have installed Netweaver 7.3 EHP1 and wanting to install gateway components, but I am unable to install WEBCUIF as it's prerequisite is SAP ABA should be on 702. My SAP_ABA component is on 731. Hence I am stuck for installing all other gateway components.
Please give me a suggestion in solving this issue.



Mihir Janaj

Checks after phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PARDIST_TRANS were negative!


Hi all,


We are about upgrading a test ERP system from EHP4 to EHP6 SP07 using SUM10SP07. The upgrade was broken on the phase "MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PARDIST_TRANS" and returned the following Message:


Checks after phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PARDIST_TRANS were negative!

Last error code set: No new lines found in logfiles.

Trouble Ticket Generation

A trouble ticket and an archive with all relevant log files have been generated.

Trouble ticket: "/usr/sap/CH7/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_troubleticket.log"

Log archive: "/usr/sap/CH7/SUM/abap/log/SAPup_troubleticket_logs.sar"


I tried the following:

  • Restart SUM and repeat the phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PARDIST_TRANS
  • stopsap/startsap and repeat the phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PARDIST_TRANS
  • Check SM37 for canceled jobs, no one
  • Check ST22, SM21 nothing relevant


Please have a look to the attached logfiles and advise.


Many thanks




Now I am doing the EHP upgrade for my IDES system from version ECC 6.0 + EHP6 SP02 -> ECC 6.0 + EHP6 SP03, this version is required for the IS-RETAIL best practice.


It is just finish the Extraction and start Configuration, it shows the error message:

Severe error(s) occured in phase PREP_SETUP/RUN_GENPUTTBSHD!

Last error code set: Batchjob 'RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD' with id '09103900' aborted


In SAP system tcode SM37, I find the job RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD can NOT be started and it's status is Canceled, so it cause dump in the system, to ST22 to check, get the following information, I cannot find some related useful information of it, does anyone has some experience of this and can give me some suggestions? Thanks a lot!


Category           ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors     ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY

Application Component  BC-UPG

Date and Time      12.07.2013 08:56:45




|Short text                                                                                    |
|There is already a line with the same key.                                                |




|What happened?                                                                                |
|Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|The current ABAP program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" had to be terminated because             |
| it has                                                                                   |
|come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                            |




|What can you do?                                                                              |
|Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|To process the problem further, contact you SAP system                                    |
|administrator.                                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look                               |
|at and manage termination messages, and you can also                                      |
|keep them for a long time.                                                                |




|Error analysis                                                                                |
|You tried to insert an entry into table                                                   |
|the unique table key "PRIMARY_KEY" resulted in a duplicate entry. The key                 |
|concerned may be either the primary key or a secondary key.                               |
|                                                                                              |
|The key components of the duplicate entry have the values "VBLOG"                         |
|" " " " " ".                                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|With primary keys, the system may terminate while processing                              |
|block insert operations. The statements concerned are                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|(1) MOVE                                                                                  |
|                                                                                              |
|(2) INSERT/APPEND ... LINES OF ... INTO/TO                                                |
|                                                                                              |
|(3) SELECT ... INTO/APPENDING ...                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|With secondary keys, the system may also terminate while processing                       |
|a single record insert operation. In particular, the following                            |
|modifying statements may cause the system to terminate due to                             |
|duplicate key values:                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|(1) "<fs> = ..." or "<fs>-comp = ...", if the assignment to                               |
|a field symbol or to a component of a field symbol modifies a                             |
|component of a unique secondary key.                                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|(2) "ref->* = ..." or "ref->comp = ...", if the assignment to a field                     |
|symbol or to a component of a field symbol modifies a component of                        |
|a unique secondary key.                                                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|(3) "MODIFY ... [TRANSPORTING comp_1 ... comp_n] ...", if transporting                    |
|the components to be changed modifies a component of a unique secondary                   |
|key.                                                                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|(4) "COLLECT ... INTO ...", if adding up the columns of a numeric type                    |
|modifies a component of a unique secondary key.                                           |
|                                                                                              |
|(5) "READ TABLE ... INTO <fs> ...[TRANSPORTING comp_1 ... comp_n] ...",                   |
|if the field symbol points to a row of a table with unique secondary                      |
|keys and transporting the values read modifies a component of a unique                    |
|secondary key.                                                                            |




|How to correct the error                                                                      |
|Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.                   |
|-                                                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to                    |
|find an interim solution in an SAP Note.                                                  |
|If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following                    |
|keywords:                                                                                 |
|                                                                                              |
|"ITAB_DUPLICATE_KEY" " "                                                                  |
|"RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" or "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD"                                        |
|"GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS"                                                                 |
|                                                                                              |
|If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error                        |
|notification to SAP, include the following information:                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|1. The description of the current problem (short dump)                                    |
|                                                                                              |
|   To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File                        |
|(Unconverted)".                                                                           |
|                                                                                              |
|2. Corresponding system log                                                               |
|                                                                                              |
|   Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.                                    |
|   Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes                       |
|after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File                         |
|(Unconverted)".                                                                           |
|                                                                                              |
|3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP                       |
|program: The source code of the program                                                   |
|   In the editor, choose "Utilities->More                                                 |
|Utilities->Upload/Download->Download".                                                    |
|                                                                                              |
|4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which                   |
|actions and input led to the error.                                                       |
|                                                                                              |




|System environment                                                                            |
|SAP Release..... 731                                                                      |
|SAP Basis Level. 0002                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|Application server... "W2K8WI7"                                                           |
|Network address...... ""                                                     |
|Operating system..... "Windows NT"                                                        |
|Release.............. "6.1"                                                               |
|Hardware type........ "2x AMD64 Level"                                                    |
|Character length.... 16 Bits                                                              |
|Pointer length....... 64 Bits                                                             |
|Work process number.. 13                                                                  |
|Shortdump setting.... "full"                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|Database server... "W2K8WI7"                                                              |
|Database type..... "ORACLE"                                                               |
|Database name..... "WI7"                                                                  |
|Database user ID.. "SAPSR3"                                                               |
|                                                                                              |
|Terminal.......... " "                                                                    |
|                                                                                              |
|Char.set.... "C"                                                                          |
|                                                                                              |
|SAP kernel....... 720                                                                     |
|created (date)... "Jan 16 2013 16:44:54"                                                  |
|create on........ "NT 6.0 6002 S x86 MS VC++ 16.00"                                       |
|Database version. "OCI_11201_SHARE, "                                          |
|                                                                                              |
|Patch level. 401                                                                          |
|Patch text.. " "                                                                          |
|                                                                                              |
|Database............. "ORACLE 10.1.0.*.*, ORACLE 10.2.0.*.*, ORACLE 11.2.*.*.*"           |
|SAP database version. 720                                                                 |
|Operating system..... "Windows NT 5.1, Windows NT 5.2, Windows NT 6.0, Windows            |
| NT 6.1, Windows NT 6.2"                                                                  |
|                                                                                              |
|Memory consumption                                                                        |
|Roll.... 0                                                                                |
|EM...... 16759168                                                                         |
|Heap.... 0                                                                                |
|Page.... 32768                                                                            |
|MM Used. 5352656                                                                          |
|MM Free. 3024032                                                                          |




|User and Transaction                                                                          |
|Client.............. 000                                                                  |
|User................ "DDIC"                                                               |
|Language key........ "E"                                                                  |
|Transaction......... " "                                                                  |
|Transaction ID...... "22C0EAE204D9F1A09F65005056B22F8C"                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|EPP Whole Context ID.... 35314445383844443531444538384444                                 |
|EPP Connection ID....... 00000000000000000000000000000000                                 |
|EPP Caller Counter...... 0                                                                |
|                                                                                              |
|Program............. "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD"                                              |
|Screen.............. "SAPMSSY0 1000"                                                      |
|Screen Line......... 6                                                                    |
|Debugger Active..... "none"                                                               |




|Information on where terminated                                                               |
|Termination occurred in the ABAP program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" - in                     |
| "GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS".                                                               |
|The main program was "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD ".                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|In the source code you have the termination point in line 112                             |
|of the (Include) program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD".                                         |
|The program "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD" was started as a background job.                      |
|Job Name....... "RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD"                                                   |
|Job Initiator.. "DDIC"                                                                    |
|Job Number..... 08561200                                                                  |




|Source Code Extract                                                                           |


|Line |SourceCde                                                                               |


|   82|                                                                                        |
|   83|  PERFORM output_log USING gv_protname.                                                 |
|   84|                                                                                        |
|   85|                                                                                        |
|   86|                                                                                        |
|   87|*---------------------------------------------------------------------*                 |
|   88|*  FORM get_tadir_basis_objects                                                         |
|   89|*---------------------------------------------------------------------*                 |
|   90|*                                                                                       |
|   91|*---------------------------------------------------------------------*                 |
|   92|FORM get_tadir_basis_objects .                                                          |
|   93|                                                                                        |
|   94|  DATA: lv_obj_name TYPE tabname,                                                       |
|   95|    lv_nr_lines TYPE i.                                                             |
|   96|                                                                                        |
|   97|  MESSAGE i010(tg)                                                                      |
|   98|      WITH text-mt0  INTO gv_dummy.                                                 |
|   99|  PERFORM write_log_line_sy USING '1'.                                                  |
|  100|                                                                                        |
|  101|                                                                                        |
|  102|  CLEAR gt_tadir_basis_tables.                                                          |
|  103|* ft 03052013 for performance reasons, splitted up in two selects:                      |
|  104|* one for R3TR TABL and one for R3TR SQLT                                               |
|  105|  SELECT tadir~obj_name INTO TABLE gt_tadir_basis_tables                                |
|  106|     FROM tadir                                                                     |
|  107|     JOIN tdevc                                                                     |
|  108|     ON   tadir~devclass = tdevc~devclass                                           |
|  109|     WHERE tadir~pgmid = 'R3TR' AND tadir~object = 'TABL'                           |
|  110|     AND ( tdevc~dlvunit IN ('SAP_BASIS', 'SAP_UI', 'SAP_GWFND') ).                 |
|  111|                                                                                        |
|>>>>>|  SELECT tadir~obj_name APPENDING TABLE gt_tadir_basis_tables                           |
|  113|     FROM tadir                                                                     |
|  114|     JOIN tdevc                                                                     |
|  115|     ON   tadir~devclass = tdevc~devclass                                           |
|  116|     WHERE tadir~pgmid = 'R3TR' AND tadir~object = 'SQLT'                           |
|  117|     AND ( tdevc~dlvunit IN ('SAP_BASIS', 'SAP_UI', 'SAP_GWFND') ).                 |
|  118|                                                                                        |
|  119|* mh 13.3.2003 according to 0001212178 2003                                             |
|  120|* SPROX* tables need to be treated as basis tables                                      |
|  121|* because R3trans will run into DDIC-Import error                                       |
|  122|* on shadow system                                                                      |
|  123|  lv_obj_name = 'SPROXDAT'.                                                             |
|  124|  MESSAGE i010(tg)                                                                      |
|  125|      WITH 'Exception for TADIR select: '  lv_obj_name                              |
|  126|      INTO gv_dummy.                                                                |
|  127|  PERFORM write_log_line_sy USING '4'.                                                  |
|  128|  INSERT lv_obj_name INTO TABLE gt_tadir_basis_tables.                                  |
|  129|                                                                                        |
|  130|  lv_obj_name = 'SPROXHDR'.                                                             |
|  131|  MESSAGE i010(tg)                                                                      |




|Contents of system fields                                                                     |


|Name|Val.                                                                                 |


|SY-SUBRC|0                                                                                    |
|SY-INDEX|0                                                                                    |
|SY-TABIX|10                                                                                   |
|SY-DBCNT|31                                                                                   |
|SY-FDPOS|0                                                                                    |
|SY-LSIND|0                                                                                    |
|SY-PAGNO|0                                                                                    |
|SY-LINNO|1                                                                                    |
|SY-COLNO|1                                                                                    |
|SY-PFKEY|                                                                                     |
|SY-UCOMM|                                                                                     |
|SY-TITLE|Program RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                        |
|SY-MSGTY|I                                                                                    |
|SY-MSGID|TG                                                                                   |
|SY-MSGNO|010                                                                                  |
|SY-MSGV1|Determining Basis Objects TABL and SQLT                                              |
|SY-MSGV2|                                                                                     |
|SY-MSGV3|                                                                                     |
|SY-MSGV4|                                                                                     |
|SY-MODNO|0                                                                                    |
|SY-DATUM|20130712                                                                             |
|SY-UZEIT|085612                                                                               |
|SY-XPROG|RSDBRUNT                                                                             |
|SY-XFORM|%_INIT_PBO_FIRST                                                                     |




|Active Calls/Events                                                                           |


|No.   Ty.      Program                         Include                         Line   |
Name                                                                                    |


|2 FORM     RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD           RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD             112  |
GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS                                                                 |
|1 EVENT    RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD           RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD              58  |
START-OF-SELECTION                                                                      |




|Chosen variables                                                                              |


|Name                                                                                          |
|Val.                                                                                      |


|No.   2 Ty.      FORM                                                                 |
|Name  GET_TADIR_BASIS_OBJECTS                                                                 |


|<%_TABLE_TADIR>                                                                               |
|???                                                                                       |
|??????                                                                                    |
|??????                                                                                    |
|????????????                                                                              |
|GC_UVSTATUS_ABORT                                                                             |
|-                                                                                         |
|2                                                                                         |
|D                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|2D00                                                                                      |
|<%_TABLE_TDEVC>                                                                               |
|???                                                                                       |
|??????                                                                                    |
|??????                                                                                    |
|????????????                                                                              |
|%_DUMMY$$                                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|2222                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|2000200020002000                                                                          |
|SY-REPID                                                                                      |
|RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                                     |
|5554444545455555455442222222222222222222                                                  |
|23F75E52145F05442F3840000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|GC_UVSTATUS_PRODUCTIVE                                                                        |
|U                                                                                         |
|5                                                                                         |
|5                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|5500                                                                                      |
|SPACE                                                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|2                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|2000                                                                                      |
|SYST-REPID                                                                                    |
|RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                                     |
|5554444545455555455442222222222222222222                                                  |
|23F75E52145F05442F3840000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|GC_NTTYP_UNKNOWN                                                                              |
|0                                                                                         |
|0000                                                                                      |
|0000                                                                                      |
|00000000                                                                                  |
|GC_NTTYP_EUDATA                                                                               |
|3                                                                                         |
|0000                                                                                      |
|3000                                                                                      |
|03000000                                                                                  |
|%_ARCHIVE                                                                                     |
|                                                                                              |
|GT_TADIR_BASIS_TABLES                                                                         |
|Table IT_25[54150x60]                                                                     |
|Table reference: 10                                                                       |
|TABH+  0(20) = 001A0C00DF070000000000000000000000000000                                   |
|TABH+ 20(20) = 0A0000001900000086D300003C000000FFFFFFFF                                   |
|TABH+ 40(16) = 0400000070F1000004000000B226C000                                           |
|store    = 0x001A0C00DF070000                                                         |
|ext1     = 0x0000000000000000                                                         |
|shmId    = 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|id       = 10(0x0A000000)                                                         |
|label    = 25(0x19000000)                                                         |
|fill     = 54150 (0x86D30000)                                                         |
|leng     = 60(0x3C000000)                                                         |
|loop     = -1(0xFFFFFFFF)                                                         |
|xtyp     = TYPE#000025                                                                |
|occu     = 4 (0x04000000)                                                         |
|accKind  = 2 (ItAccessSorted)                                                     |
|idxKind  = 2 (ItIndexBtree)                                                       |
|uniKind  = 1 (ItUniYes)                                                           |
|keyKind  = 1 (default)                                                            |
|cmpMode  = 3 (cmpSingleMcmpU)                                                     |
|occu0    = 1                                                                          |
|stMode   = 0                                                                          |
|groupCntl= 0                                                                          |
|rfc      = 0                                                                          |
|unShareable  = 0                                                                          |
|mightBeShared = 0                                                                         |
|sharedWithShmTab = 0                                                                      |
|isShmLockId  = 0                                                                          |
|isUsed   = 1                                                                          |
|isCtfyAble   = 1                                                                          |
|hasScndKeys  = 0                                                                          |
|hasRowId = 0                                                                          |
|scndKeysOutdated = 0                                                                      |
|scndUniKeysOutdated = 0                                                                   |
|----- Shareable Table Header Data -----                                                   |
|tabi     = 0xF0180C00DF070000                                                         |
|pgHook   = 0x70280C00DF070000                                                         |
|idxPtr   = 0xB0EC3F00DF070000                                                         |
|id       = 21(0x15000000)                                                         |
|shmTabhSet   = 0x0000000000000000                                                         |
|refCount = 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|tstRefCount  = 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|lineAdmin= 65532 (0xFCFF0000)                                                         |
|lineAlloc= 54268 (0xFCD30000)                                                         |
|shmVersId= 0 (0x00000000)                                                         |
|shmRefCount  = 1 (0x01000000)                                                         |
|rowId    = 18446744073709551615                                                       |
|scndKeyAdmin = 0x0000000000000000                                                         |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BA_CVPM_PROCESSES                                                                    |
|244524454554555444554522222222                                                            |
|FA33F21F360DF02F35335300000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BA_CVPM_PROCESSES_TXT                                                                |
|244524454554555444554555552222                                                            |
|FA33F21F360DF02F353353F4840000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BC_BASE_DATA                                                                         |
|244524454454544542222222222222                                                            |
|FA33F23F2135F41410000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BC_BDC_MAPS                                                                          |
|244524454445445522222222222222                                                            |
|FA33F23F243FD10300000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|                                                                                              |
|/JCS/BC_BDC_QID                                                                           |
|244524454445544222222222222222                                                            |
|FA33F23F243F194000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|LV_OBJ_NAME                                                                                   |
|                                                                                              |
|222222222222222222222222222222                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|GC_NTMOD_UNKNOWN                                                                              |
|                                                                                              |
|2                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|2000                                                                                      |
|SY-MSGID                                                                                      |
|TG                                                                                        |
|54222222222222222222                                                                      |
|47000000000000000000                                                                      |
|00000000000000000000                                                                      |
|00000000000000000000                                                                      |
|54004700200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000200020002000          |
|GC_UVSTATUS_INITED                                                                            |
|I                                                                                         |
|4                                                                                         |
|9                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|4900                                                                                      |
|GC_MOD_MODIFY                                                                                 |
|M                                                                                         |
|4                                                                                         |
|D                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|4D00                                                                                      |
|SY-MSGNO                                                                                      |
|010                                                                                       |
|333                                                                                       |
|010                                                                                       |
|000                                                                                       |
|000                                                                                       |
|300031003000                                                                              |
|SY-MSGV1                                                                                      |
|Determining Basis Objects TABL and SQLT                                                   |
|46767666666246767246666772544426662554522222222222                                        |
|45452D9E9E70213930F2A53430412C01E4031C400000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|SY-MSGV2                                                                                      |
|                                                                                              |
|22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |
|00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                        |


|No.   1 Ty.      EVENT                                                                |
|Name  START-OF-SELECTION                                                                      |


|GV_PROTNAME                                                                                   |
|UPG_PUTTB_SHD_GENERATE                                                                    |
|5545555545544544445454222222222222222222                                                  |
|507F05442F384F75E52145000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|RSJOBINFO                                                                                     |
|                                00000000000000                              ##        |
|2222222222222222222222222222222233333333333333222222222222222222222222222222222200        |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000        |
|%_PRINT                                                                                       |
|LOCL001RS_GENERADDI                                                                  X8#A#|
|SCREEN                                                                                        |
|                                                                                              |
|%_VIASELSCR                                                                                   |
|#                                                                                         |
|0                                                                                         |
|4                                                                                         |
|04                                                                                        |
|%_SSCR                                                                                        |
|LOG_DIR ##P ##CCHARTSTRF01-SUBDIR                                                        |
|SY-XFORM                                                                                      |
|%_INIT_PBO_FIRST                                                                          |
|254445554454455522222222222222                                                            |
|5F9E94F02FF6923400000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|000000000000000000000000000000                                                            |
|SY-XPROG                                                                                      |
|RSDBRUNT                                                                                  |
|5544554522222222222222222222222222222222                                                  |
|234225E400000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |
|0000000000000000000000000000000000000000                                                  |




|Internal notes                                                                                |
|The termination was triggered in function "ab_ItabUpdateIndex"                            |
|of the SAP kernel, in line 2298 of the module                                             |
| "//bas/720_REL/src/krn/runt/abitab.c#10".                                                |
|The internal operation just processed is "SQLS".                                          |
|Internal mode was started at 20130712085612.                                              |




|Active Calls in SAP Kernel                                                                    |


|Lines of C Stack in Kernel (Structure Differs on Each Platform)                               |


|SAP (R) - R/3(TM) Callstack, Version 1.0                                                      |
|Copyright (C) SAP AG. All rights reserved.                                                    |
|Callstack without Exception:                                                                  |
|App   : disp+work.EXE (pid=11560)                                                         |
|When  : 7/12/2013 8:56:43.947                                                             |
|Threads   : 2                                                                                 |
|Computer Name   : W2K8WI7                                                                 |
|User Name       : SAPServiceWI7                                                           |
|Number of Processors: 2                                                                       |
|Processor Type: Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7                                          |
|Windows Version : 6.1 Current Build: 7601                                                 |
|State Dump for Thread Id 2900                                                                 |
|0000000002185D20 0000000140DA2E11 0020002000200020 disp+work!DumpStacks [ntstcdbg.c (548)]    |
|0000000002185E20 000000013F9333C4 0000000072582710 disp+work!NTDebugProcess [ntstcdbg.c (383)]|
|0000000002185E50 000000013FB47869 0000000072582710 disp+work!CTrcStack2 [dptstack.c (354)]    |

|0000000002185EA0 000000013FB4CEDF 00000000000008FA disp+work!rabax_CStackSave [abrabax.c (8680)]  |

|00000000021867B0 00000001400D7128 000007DF004DFC78 disp+work!ab_rabax [abrabax.c (1429)]      |

|00000000021867F0 00000001400E9E77 0000000002186900 disp+work!ab_RxItabDuplicateKey [abtsv.c (633)]|

|0000000002188740 000000013FCC50DD 0000000002188890 disp+work!ab_ItabUpdateIndex [abitab.c (2298)] |

|0000000002188780 000000013FCC6997 0000000000000001 disp+work!SqlsFetchAll [absapsql.c (7762)] |

|0000000002188930 000000013FCCDD62 0000000000000000 disp+work!SqlsExecuteCall [absapsql.c (7316)]  |

|0000000002188AE0 000000013FB36E31 0000000000000000 disp+work!ab_jsqls [absapsql.c (12003)]    |
|0000000002188C60 000000013FBA9A30 0000000000000410 disp+work!ab_extri [abextri.c (676)]       |
|0000000002188CB0 000000013FBAA1D5 0000000000000000 disp+work!ab_xevent [abrunt1.c (336)]      |
|0000000002188D40 000000013FB87849 000007DF000002A0 disp+work!ab_trigg [abrunt1.c (57)]        |
|0000000002188DD0 000000013F99EA06 0000000000000016 disp+work!ab_run [absubmit.c (511)]        |
|0000000002188F80 000000013F9A34DD 0000000000000000 disp+work!dynpmcal [dymainstp.c (2734)]    |
|0000000002189010 000000013F9A278C 00000000021891F0 disp+work!dynppai0 [dymainstp.c (1357)]    |
|00000000021890E0 000000013F95C06F 0000000000000020 disp+work!dynprctl [dymainstp.c (471)]     |
|000000000218F340 000000013F7E7010 0000000000000000 disp+work!dynpen00 [dymain.c (2029)]       |
|000000000218F610 000000013F7E780C FFFFFFFFFFFFFF00 disp+work!TskhLoop [thxxhead.c (4882)]     |
|000000000218F670 000000013F70E9A6 000000000253BE58 disp+work!ThStart [thxxhead.c (1188)]      |
|000000000218F710 000000013F6E10A1 FFFFFFFF00000001 disp+work!DpMain [dpxxdisp.c (1201)]       |
|000000000218F740 000000014107F2EE 0000000000000001 disp+work!nlsui_main [thxxanf.c (80)]      |

|000000000218F770 00000000773F652D 0000000000000000 disp+work!__tmainCRTStartup [crtexe.c (552)]   |

|000000000218F7A0 000000007752C521 0000000000000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk               |
|000000000218F7F0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart                   |
|State Dump for Thread Id 135c                                                                 |
|000000000DAFFD10 000007FEFD3B3AFF 000000002AE04A51 ntdll!ZwFsControlFile                      |
|000000000DAFFD80 0000000140F717DF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE KERNELBASE!ConnectNamedPipe                |
|000000000DAFFE20 00000000724F1D9F 0000000007572B00 disp+work!SigIMsgFunc [signt.c (717)]      |
|000000000DAFFE50 00000000724F1E3B 0000000072582AC0 MSVCR100!endthreadex                       |
|000000000DAFFE80 00000000773F652D 0000000000000000 MSVCR100!endthreadex                       |
|000000000DAFFEB0 000000007752C521 0000000000000000 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk               |
|000000000DAFFF00 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart                   |




|List of ABAP programs affected                                                                |


|Index |Typ|Program                             |Group |Date  |Time|Size |Lang.|


| 0|Prg|RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 0|12.07.2013|08:06:10|74752|E    |
| 1|Prg|SAPMSSY0                            | 1|20.02.2012|19:33:43|   111616|E    |
| 2|Prg|SAPMSSYD                            | 1|02.03.2012|15:31:50|23552|E    |
| 3|Prg|SAPFSYSCALLS                        | 1|09.09.2004|14:18:32| 8192|E    |
| 4|Prg|RSDBRUNT                            | 0|13.01.2012|02:05:15|   305152|E    |
| 5|Prg|SAPLSPRI                            | 5|20.02.2012|20:17:26|   405504|E    |
| 6|Typ|PRI_PARAMS                          | 0|02.11.1998|09:46:12| 5120|     |
| 7|Typ|ARC_PARAMS                          | 0|28.08.1997|08:36:28| 5120|     |
| 8|Typ|PRI_LAYOUT                          | 0|06.11.2003|20:30:04| 3072|     |
| 9|Typ|PRIPAR_EXT                          | 0|13.01.2012|00:17:34| 3072|     |
|10|Typ|PRIPAR_EX2                          | 0|13.01.2012|00:03:20| 2048|     |
|11|Typ|PRIPAR_EX3                          | 0|13.01.2012|00:11:24| 3072|     |
|12|Typ|TPRI_DEF                            | 0|09.11.2000|14:24:28| 5120|     |
|13|Prg|SAPLSPOO                            |13|13.01.2012|01:44:20|   181248|E    |
|14|Typ|TSP03                               | 0|02.11.1998|09:57:05| 5120|     |
|15|Typ|USR01                               | 0|13.01.2012|00:58:00| 4096|     |
|16|Typ|TSP1D                               | 0|13.01.2012|01:04:41| 5120|     |
|17|Prg|SAPLRSPOLSTDRV                      |17|14.07.2010|12:57:48|64512|E    |
|18|Typ|TSPOPTIONS                          | 0|29.01.1997|19:13:56| 2048|     |
|19|Typ|TSP0A                               | 0|13.01.2012|00:41:27| 6144|     |
|20|Typ|TSP03C                              | 0|21.11.2003|11:41:10| 8192|     |
|21|Typ|TSP03T                              | 0|23.03.1998|18:21:38| 6144|     |
|22|Prg|SAPCNVE                             |22|09.09.2004|14:36:10| 9216|E    |
|23|Prg|SAPLSPOC                            |23|13.01.2012|01:44:00|   177152|E    |
|24|Typ|TSP03L                              | 0|10.07.1997|00:46:18| 2048|     |
|25|Typ|RSPOCHECK                           | 0|13.08.1997|12:53:10| 4096|     |
|26|Prg|SAPLSFES                            |26|20.02.2012|20:17:27|   316416|E    |
|27|Prg|SAPLSPOR                            |27|14.07.2010|22:41:47|46080|E    |
|28|Prg|SAPLSDEX                            |28|09.09.2004|14:20:42|25600|E    |
|29|Typ|DD07T                               | 0|12.05.1997|16:45:51| 3072|     |
|30|Typ|DEVPAR                              | 0|13.01.2012|00:15:34| 3072|     |
|31|Typ|RSPOATTR                            | 0|10.11.1999|17:44:19| 2048|     |
|32|Typ|RSSCR                               | 0|30.03.2005|10:21:45| 5120|     |
|33|Prg|RSDBSPBL                            | 0|01.08.2011|21:51:03|84992|E    |
|34|Prg|SAPDB__S                            | 0|30.03.2005|10:22:01|21504|E    |
|35|Prg|RSDBSPMC                            | 0|14.07.2010|09:29:30|92160|E    |
|36|Typ|DDSHDESCR                           | 0|03.09.1997|03:05:16| 4096|     |
|37|Typ|SPPARAMS                            | 0|07.05.1997|13:10:38| 2048|     |
|38|Prg|SAPLSABE                            |38|13.01.2012|01:27:48|14336|E    |
|39|Prg|SAPLSECU                            |39|20.02.2012|20:08:56|   110592|E    |
|40|Typ|RSSUBINFO                           | 0|14.10.1999|22:01:03| 3072|     |
|41|Prg|SAPLSUGS                            |41|12.07.2013|08:04:47|92160|E    |
|42|Prg|RSDBSPVA                            | 0|13.01.2012|02:05:16|   160768|E    |
|43|Prg|RSDBSPVD                            | 0|13.01.2012|02:05:16|   102400|E    |
|44|Typ|DFIES                               | 0|13.01.2012|00:09:00|10240|     |
|45|Typ|VARI                                | 0|12.05.1997|15:27:09| 6144|     |
|46|Typ|RVARI                               | 0|30.03.1998|09:40:50| 4096|     |
|47|Typ|RSVARIVDAT                          | 0|04.04.1995|16:12:54| 2048|     |
|48|Prg|SAPLSVAR                            |48|20.02.2012|19:56:07|   933888|E    |
|49|Prg|%_CSYDB0                            | 0|14.07.2010|09:29:30|40960|E    |
|50|Typ|RSVARKEY                            | 0|07.05.1997|13:07:54| 2048|     |
|51|Prg|SAPLSSEL                            |51|20.02.2012|19:56:00|  1699840|E    |
|52|Prg|RSDBSPDS                            | 0|14.07.2010|09:29:30|66560|E    |
|53|Prg|SAPLSCNT                            |53|18.02.2005|14:16:06|34816|E    |
|54|Prg|SAPSHDTV                            |53|13.01.2012|03:42:29|38912|E    |
|55|Prg|SAPFGUICNTL                         | 1|18.02.2005|14:15:08|27648|E    |
|56|Prg|SAPLOLEA                            |56|14.07.2010|17:40:32|   110592|E    |
|57|Prg|SAPLSGUI                            |57|27.12.2010|19:50:07|   105472|E    |
|58|Prg|SAPLSTTM                            |58|13.01.2012|01:52:49|79872|E    |
|59|Prg|SAPLSBDC                            |59|14.07.2010|17:39:46|49152|E    |
|60|Prg|SAPLTHFB                            |60|20.02.2012|19:51:44|   471040|E    |
|61|Typ|WPINFO                              | 0|26.02.1999|14:49:01| 6144|     |
|62|Prg|SAPLURFC                            |62|20.02.2012|20:12:19|28672|E    |
|63|Prg|SAPLSPLUGIN                         |63|13.01.2012|01:43:40| 9216|E    |
|64|Typ|SWCBCONT                            | 0|13.01.2012|00:48:48| 3072|     |
|65|Typ|OLE_VERBS                           | 0|04.04.1995|16:02:20| 2048|     |
|66|Typ|OLE_PA                              | 0|04.04.1995|16:02:19| 2048|     |
|67|Prg|SAPLSLOG                            |67|20.02.2012|20:09:35|   166912|E    |
|68|Prg|SAPLSUGI                            |68|12.07.2013|08:05:04|   287744|E    |
|69|Prg|SAPLSUGX                            |69|12.07.2013|08:02:27|   119808|E    |
|70|Prg|SAPLSTRF                            |70|13.01.2012|01:51:54|98304|E    |
|71|Prg|SAPLSTFI                            |71|13.01.2012|01:50:25|73728|E    |
|72|Typ|SPROT_U                             | 0|20.08.1998|10:58:34| 3072|     |
|73|Typ|SYST                                | 0|09.09.2004|14:18:12|30720|     |
|74|Typ|RSJOBINFO                           | 0|13.01.2012|00:48:08| 3072|     |




|Directory of Application Tables                                                               |


|Name                                 Date   Time   Lngth                          |
|Val.                                                                                      |


|Program  RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD                                                                |


|SYST                                 09.09.2004 14:18:12   00004612                       |
|\0\0\0\0\x000A\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x001F\0\0\0                                  |
|SY                                     .  .   :  : 00004612                       |
|\0\0\0\0\x000A\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x001F\0\0\0                                  |
|RSJOBINFO                              .  .   :  : 00000164                       |
|                                00000000000000                                            |
|VARI                                   .  .   :  : 00003052                       |
|000VARS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               SAP_TMPLOG                                   |


|Program  RSDBRUNT                                                                             |


|DFIES                                  .  .   :  : 00001350                       |
|                                                                                              |


|Program  SAPLSPRI                                                                             |


|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|USR01                                  .  .   :  : 00000222                       |
|000DDIC                        LOCL HK1                                               |
|PRI_PARAMS                             .  .   :  : 00000380                       |
|LOCL001RS_GENERADDI                                                                       |
|ARC_PARAMS                             .  .   :  : 00000660                       |
|                                                                                              |
|TPRI_DEF                               .  .   :  : 00002932                       |
|000GV21        \0\0\0\0\x0600##\x0080##\0\0\x08D3\0###                             |
|TSP1D                                  .  .   :  : 00000320                       |
|                          0000000000                                                      |


|Program  SAPLSPOO                                                                             |


|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|TSP03C                                 .  .   :  : 00000352                       |
|LOCL   \0   \0\0\0\0 \0\0                __DEFAULT                                    |
|TSP1D                                  .  .   :  : 00000320                       |
|X_PAPER     ANY PL0001000010SAP     1998040711                                |


|Program  SAPLRSPOLSTDRV                                                                       |


|TSP0A                                  .  .   :  : 00000388                       |
|SWINCFC XSWIN00020Casc.Fonts SAPWIN Unicode 4220422042                                |
|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|TSP03C                                 .  .   :  : 00000352                       |
|LOCL   \0   \0\0\0\0 \0\0                __DEFAULT                                    |
|TSP03T                                 .  .   :  : 00000422                       |
|LOCL                                                                                      |
|TSPOPTIONS                             .  .   :  : 00000432                       |
|                                                                                              |


|Program  SAPLSPOC                                                                             |


|TSP03L                                 .  .   :  : 00000068                       |
|LOCL                      LOCL|                                                       |


|Program  SAPLSPOR                                                                             |


|TSP03                                  .  .   :  : 00000460                       |
|LOCL    SWINCFC                             F\0\0                                 |
|TSP03L                                 .  .   :  : 00000068                       |
|LOCL                      LOCL|                                                       |


|Program  SAPLSDEX                                                                             |


|DD07T                                  .  .   :  : 00000260                       |
|RSPOARCHTY                EA00010000Print                                             |




|ABAP Control Blocks (CONT)                                                                    |


|Index|Name|Fl|PAR0|PAR1|PAR2|PAR3|PAR4|PAR5|PAR6|Source Code                         |Line|


|20130|8061|  ||||||||                                    |    |
|  165|WHER|20|0000|0000|0028|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  167|PAR1|80|0070|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  168|WHER|20|0000|0001|0000|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  170|PAR1|80|0075|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  171|WHER|0F|0001|0007|002B|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  173|PAR1|80|0072|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  174|PAR1|80|0073|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  175|PAR1|80|0074|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  176|SQLS|39|000E|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  177|SQLS|39|0000|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  178|SQLS|3B|0000|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|>>>>>|SQLS|0D|0059|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 112|
|  180|MOVL|00|0002|C000|0030|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 123|
|  182|MOVL|00|0002|0067|0020|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  184|mlq1|02|0005|0F50|0049|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  186|MOVL|00|0008|0068|001E|||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  188|DWRI|01|0069|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  189|WRIT|00|0076|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|
|  190|PAR1|C0|0000|||||||RS_GENERATE_PUTTB_SHD               | 124|


disk space issue during EHP1 upgrade using SUM



We are doing EHP1 package  upgrade using SUM (software upgrade manager) SP07 tool,during the upgrade we found out that we are out of disk space on the installation.Adding the extra sapce on the disk is not possible on immidiate.Is any possiblity to move SUM to another directory and continue the upgrade?


System details:

Windows 2008R2

MS-SLQ server 2005




Checks after phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PREACT_TRANS were negative!




We are facing issues during the upgrade to EHP6 using SUM. In the phase "5.6 Execution" the upgrade was broken after the error:


Checks after phase MAIN_TRANSEXEC/PREACT_TRANS were negative!


Last error code set: Detected 6 errors summarized in  'ACTPRE.ELG'<br/> Calling '/usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/tp' failed  with return code 8, check /usr/sap/

SID/SUM/abap/log/SAPup.ECO for details.

Detected the following errors due to error summary in ACTPRE.ELG:


   3 EDT014XActivate dependent table "/IPRO/S_UI_COLUMN"

   2WENP230 Field name "POSITION" is reserved (Do not use structure as include in DB table)

   2WENP230 Field name "OFFSET" is reserved (Do not use structure as include in DB table)

   1EEDT005 Nametab for table "/IPRO/S_UI_COLUMN" cannot be generated

   3 EDT015 Dependent table "/IPRO/S_UI_COLUMN" was not activated

1EEDO519 "Tabelle" "/IPRO/S_UI_COLUMN" could not be activated


Could someone please tell us how to ignore this error and continue with the upgrade, upgrade should go ahead.



Many thanks in advance


How to get latest SAP R/3 patch number


Hello there


I’m very new to Basis area and I need your help. My scenario is I want to list the latest SAP release, level and patch number regarding SAP components (e.g. SAP_APPL, SAP_BASIS, and so on).


If the latest numbers are provided on service.sap.com website, could you possibly navigate me link by link? I googled my question and browsed on service.sap.com but unluckily I can’t find the relevant answer.


Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.



error IMPORT_PROPER occured while apply support package SAPKA70013


hi gurus..


i am applying support packages to my current system... in the process i am facing a problem when there's error when applying SAP ABAP - SAPKA70013..


when i look at the job log.. i got dis message..

import phase 'IMPORT_PROPER'

error during executing the tp command 'tp IMPORT all POC ...'


how can i fix dis problem? where's and what should i do to fix dis? can gurus help me..




No SID directory exists while running SUM


Good day friends

I have an issue trying to start SUM on my sandbox.

It is a Linux/DB2 system. EHP5 had been applied at the beginning of 2012 using EHPI.

Now I'm trying to upgrade the same system to EHP6 and I am getting the following error while starting the process.

I unpacked SUM v1 SP8.0

I start the server and it starts fine

I connect to the port and the GUI starts

I log into the GUI and it errors out:


No SID directory exists or the current user is not authorized to perform operations on SID directory.


You can find more information in the files /usr/sap/K22/put/SUM/sdt/log/SUM/DETERMINE-SID_01.LOG


The log is pretty short:



<!--HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/-->




<!--FORMATTER[com.sap.tc.logging.TraceFormatter(%d [%6s]: %m)]/-->



Jul 19, 2013 9:13:17 AM [Info  ]: Detected SID(s): K22.

Jul 19, 2013 9:13:17 AM [Error ]: The following problem has occurred during step execution: com.sap.sdt.j2ee.tools.sysinfo.sid.DetectSidException: No SID directory exists or the current user is not authorized to perform operations on SID directory.


We thought it may have been related to the previous version of SUM I was using but it does the same with the latest one.


Any ides would be greatly appreciated.



SPAM dump ----- Function parameter "IV_BUFFERED" is unknown.


Hello everyone,


I met a dump when I run SPAM.


I would like to update the version of the SPAM. It takes long time during importing process. so I stop the transaction to run again and then this dump shows up.



I have update the kernel to release 7.2.1 and tried to fix it. But it still can not work. It is a little depressing. I am in the middle of the EHP6 upgrade by SUM. I don't want to re-install the system.:( please have a look at the attachment to see if you have any ideas about it. Thank you in advance



MORE info:


I checked SPAM by SE80 and I found the IV_BUFFERED parameter which has been mentioned in dump is missing in Export tab.



Except.                CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_NOT_FOUND
Date and Time          23.07.2013 10:18:19

|Short text                                                                                        |
|    Function parameter "IV_BUFFERED" is unknown.                                                  |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CP" had to be                         |
|     terminated because it has                                                                    |
|    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Function module "OCS_GET_INSTALLED_COMPS" was called                                          |
|    with the parameter "IV_BUFFERED".                                                             |
|    This parameter is not defined.                                                                |

|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.                                      |
|    The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_NOT_FOUND', was               |
|     not caught in                                                                                |
|    procedure "SET_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a                    |
|     RAISING clause.                                                                              |
|    Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the                         |
|    exception would occur, the current program is terminated.                                     |
|    The reason for the exception is:                                                              |
|    Function module "OCS_GET_INSTALLED_COMPS" was called                                          |
|    with the parameter "IV_BUFFERED".                                                             |
|    This parameter is not defined.                                                                |

|Missing RAISING Clause in Interface                                                               |
|    Program                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CP                      |
|    Include                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CM002                   |
|    Row                                     1                                                     |
|    Module type                             (METHOD)                                              |
|    Module Name                             SET_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT                               |

|Trigger Location of Exception                                                                     |
|    Program                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CP                      |
|    Include                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CM002                   |
|    Row                                     44                                                    |
|    Module type                             (METHOD)                                              |
|    Module Name                             SET_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT                               |

|Source Code Extract                                                                               |
|Line |SourceCde                                                                                   |
|   14|                                                                                            |
|   15|    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_component> TYPE comp_props.                                          |
|   16|                                                                                            |
|   17|    CLEAR: lv_upgdate, lv_upgtime.                                                          |
|   18|                                                                                            |
|   19|    REFRESH t_saprl_sel.                                                                    |
|   20|    saprl               = sy-saprl.                                                         |
|   21|    ls_saprl_sel-sign   = 'I'.                                                              |
|   22|    ls_saprl_sel-option = 'EQ'.                                                             |
|   23|    ls_saprl_sel-low    = saprl.                                                            |
|   24|    APPEND ls_saprl_sel TO t_saprl_sel.                                                     |
|   25|                                                                                            |
|   26|    valid_maint_cert = on.                                                                  |
|   27|                                                                                            |
|   28|    CALL FUNCTION 'UPG_IS_SHADOW_SYSTEM'                                                    |
|   29|      IMPORTING                                                                             |
|   30|        ev_shadow = is_shd_sys.                                                             |
|   31|                                                                                            |
|   32|    CALL FUNCTION 'SPAM_VERSION'                                                            |
|   33|      EXPORTING                                                                             |
|   34|        iv_current_system = on                                                              |
|   35|      IMPORTING                                                                             |
|   36|        version           = spam_version.                                                   |
|   37|                                                                                            |
|   38|    REFRESH t_pat06.                                                                        |
|   39|    SELECT * FROM pat06 INTO TABLE t_pat06.                                                 |
|   40|    SORT t_pat06 BY component patch_type.                                                   |
|   41|    DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM t_pat06 COMPARING component.                            |
|   42|                                                                                            |
|   43|* software component description                                                            |
|>>>>>|    CALL FUNCTION 'OCS_GET_INSTALLED_COMPS'                                                 |
|   45|      EXPORTING                                                                             |
|   46|        iv_buffered      = iv_buffered                                                      |
|   47|      TABLES                                                                                |
|   48|        tt_comptab       = t_cvers                                                          |
|   49|        et_components    = t_components                                                     |
|   50|        et_complayer     = t_comp_layer                                                     |
|   51|        et_cvers_sub     = t_cvers_sub                                                      |
|   52|      EXCEPTIONS                                                                            |
|   53|        no_release_found = 1                                                                |
|   54|        wrong_release    = 2                                                                |
|   55|        OTHERS           = 99.                                                              |
|   56|    IF sy-subrc <> 0 AND                                                                    |
|   57|       iv_ignore_errors <> on.                                                              |
|   58|      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno                                     |
|   59|              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4                                      |
|   60|              RAISING internal_error.                                                       |
|   61|    ENDIF.                                                                                  |
|   62|                                                                                            |
|   63|* Software components which are controlled by SWF                                           |

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