ERP 6.0 EHP4
Windows 2003 Server
SQL Server 2008.
3 monthsago, weupgradedtothesupport packagestack12. Now, due tonewparticularity
was askedto verify the possibilityto updateonly thesupport packageofHRfor level61without upgrading tostack13.
Insolutionmanagerin"selectfilesmanually" has the option"ADD HRSupportpackageand countrylegallychangePackages".
Thisoption appearsthepackageSAP-HR andEA-HR to select, but do not have thesubcomponents. I would knowif the
subcomponents (ex: EA-HRCNZ, SAP_HRCAR, etc.) are containedin thesupport packageEA-HR andSAP-HR.
I also lookedat themarketplacebysubcomponentsindividuallyand eachone appearson a different level, other words
I do not findall whit thelevel 61.
Attached file with example.
best regards