Channel: SCN : Discussion List - SAP Enhancement Packages
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I'm facing the problem while upgrade EHP6 to EHP7 during phase ADDON_QCALC


3 ETN256 You want to install the following add-on components:

3 ETN248    Component: "BP-ERP" rel. "616V2", Support Package level: "0" (component type "A")

2 ETN085X"2. Adding Add-on Installation Queue" " " " " " "

3 ETN262    Calculating queue part for add-on "BP-ERP" rel. "616V2"

3 ETN490 Use the Add-On installation package "SAPK-612AGINBPERP" (type &4"AOI") for Add-On &2"BP-ERP" rel.&3"616V2"

3 ETN245 The following import prerequisites of OCS Package "SAPK-612AGINBPERP" have not been met:

3 ETN264   In the (alternatively) Requirement set "01":

3WETN491 Required software component "SAP_APPL" rel."616" is not installed

2WETN543 OCS package "SAPK-612AGINBPERP" does not match the current software component vector


EHP6 has following add-ons

3 ETN248    Component: "BP-CANW" rel. "731V6", Support Package level: "0000" (component type "A")

3 ETN248    Component: "BP-ERP" rel. "606V6", Support Package level: "0000" (component type "A")

3 ETN248    Component: "BP-SOLBLD" rel. "70V9", Support Package level: "0000" (component type "A")


SUM (SUM10SP08_3-20006543.SAR) requires me to update existent BP-ERP = 606V6


Shall I wait for a new edition of SUM ?

SUM requires snote download, but system settings do not permit


Hi gurus,


During the preparation for enhancement pack update, SUM stops and needs confirmation that a list of OSS notes have been applied.


One note is obsolete, but SUM won't continue unless I download the note with snote.  For QA and Production, I must open the system with scc4/se06 to perform the download.  Is there a method to avoid the system open, for example, a transport?


Warm Regards,


Logon to the shadow instance




In processing upgrade to EHP6, we are at the step Preprocessing_Update_Preparation.

We musst logon now to the shadow instance in order to be able to include the repository modifications :


     You must now include your repository modifications in the new SAP import.

     The program has found 8 modified objects that you need to adjust and 0 objects are automatically maintained by import of an adjustment transport      that      you have included into this procedure.

      To adjust your repository, proceed as follows:

  1. Logon to the shadow instance as user DDIC in client 000 on server dev_server instance 02.
  2. Set the 'System Change' option with transaction SE06.
  3. Logon to the shadow instance as ordinary user and make adjustments with transaction SPDD. For more information, see the update guide.


the shadow instance was started : /usr/sap/SID/SUM/abap/bin/SAPup startshd

If I try to open the system from saplogon, it returns the error : "partner 'server:sapdp02' not reached"

How can we logon to the shadow instance?


Thanks in advance


Abort EHP6 upgrade while at Update Preparation stage


Good afternoon.

While at the Pre-processing, Update Preparation stage, what if we decide to select EXIT to ABORT and cancell the plan to upgrade ECC 6.0 to EHP 6?

What will happen to the shadow tables which were already prepared at this stage? Is there a process to revert back to the original system setup (without the shadow instance and shadow tables)?

Thank you and Regards,


EHP6 to EHP7 MOPZ warning


Hi everyone,


I want to Upgrade our DEV machine from EHP6 to EHP7,

but SOLMAN Mopz throws the following warning.

Problem is, I cant even find SP02 on SAP-NET when I search manually.

Noone in our Company can find it.


Has anyone experienced the same issue?

Is it safe to ignore this warning?




02-09-2013 11-09-10.png

Release Date SAP ERP EHP7


Hi experts,


can somebody tell me the exact release date of EHP7? My last information is mid-August. Currently my contact at SAP is not able to give me a clear statement...





Error in EHP1 phase KX_CPYORG in module PREP_INPUT


Hi expert


i have a problem in upgrading the system SAP ECC 6.0 NW 7.0, in phase KP_CPYORG in module PREP_INPUT,


show message in file SAPehpi_troubleticket.log


"Error message: Cannot open 'E\usr\sap*


SAP after and before SYS should say the name of the instance (PR0) but does not appear.


Be doing wrong


Can you help



Upgrade to EHP6


Hi All,


We are going to to upgrade ERP sp23 to EHP6 sp8 and my question is do I need to patch ERP to sp23 befør I start upgrade. Or it is ok to downlod EHP6 from SMP and upgrade ERP6 pacakges?





Error in EHP3 Upgrade for SAP NW 7.01 > DB version too low



we are upgrading our SAP Netweaver 7.01 Java System within an SRM portal.

During the upgrade (SUM10SP07 or SUM10SP08) in phase "Checks" occurrs the following error message:


Database version is too low. At least the minimum version within the

range of supported versions (ORA 11.2, ORA 11.2.*) is required


But the database is on Oracle

ora<sid> > sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Sep 3 08:19:32 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2010, Oracle. All rights reserved.

SQL> connect / as sysdba


SQL> select version from v$instance;





The Oracle variables, etc. are as following:

<sid>adm > env |grep ORA





<sid>adm > env |grep LD_LIB


<sid>dm > env | grep PATH












<sid>adm > pwd


<sid>adm > ll

total 8

-r--r--r-- 1 orapsr dba 163 Mar 14 2012 dbclient.lst

lrwxrwxrwx 1 orapsr dba 19 Jul 24 10:02 instantclient ->


drwxr-xr-x 2 orapsr dba 4096 Mar 14 2012 instantclient_11202


<sid>adm > ldd dboraslib.so

linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x00007fff2c5f7000)

libdl.so.2 => /lib64/libdl.so.2 (0x00007f0a1bfbe000)

librt.so.1 => /lib64/librt.so.1 (0x00007f0a1bdb4000)


=> /oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient/libclntsh.so.10.1


libnnz10.so => /oracle/client/11x_64/instantclient/libnnz10.so


libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007f0a18d0d000)

libstdc++.so.6 => /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 (0x00007f0a18a03000) libm.so.6 => /lib64/libm.so.6 (0x00007f0a1878a000)

libgcc_s.so.1 => /lib64/libgcc_s.so.1 (0x00007f0a18573000)

libpthread.so.0 => /lib64/libpthread.so.0 (0x00007f0a18356000)

/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f0a1c660000)

libnsl.so.1 => /lib64/libnsl.so.1 (0x00007f0a1813d000)

libaio.so.1 => /lib64/libaio.so.1 (0x00007f0a17f3b000)


I have checked the following SAP notes:




Everything seems to be good, but the upgrade do not want to go on.


Can anyone give me some advices to solve this issue ?


Thanks and best regards

Carsten Leidner

Which EHP tech+functional config for SEPA ?




I'd like to know the Business function(s) and corresponding technical usage to implement SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) in an ERP6 EHP6 SPs6 or SPs7 install.


Thanks in advance,



How to find out EhP version


Dear Experts,


PFA for ur reference and let me know how to get EhP version dertails from System --> Status --> Component VersionSAP Component-1.JPGSAP Component-2.JPG

SPAM dump ----- Function parameter "IV_BUFFERED" is unknown.


Hello everyone,


I met a dump when I run SPAM.


I would like to update the version of the SPAM. It takes long time during importing process. so I stop the transaction to run again and then this dump shows up.



I have update the kernel to release 7.2.1 and tried to fix it. But it still can not work. It is a little depressing. I am in the middle of the EHP6 upgrade by SUM. I don't want to re-install the system.:( please have a look at the attachment to see if you have any ideas about it. Thank you in advance



MORE info:


I checked SPAM by SE80 and I found the IV_BUFFERED parameter which has been mentioned in dump is missing in Export tab.



Except.                CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_NOT_FOUND
Date and Time          23.07.2013 10:18:19

|Short text                                                                                        |
|    Function parameter "IV_BUFFERED" is unknown.                                                  |

|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CP" had to be                         |
|     terminated because it has                                                                    |
|    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Function module "OCS_GET_INSTALLED_COMPS" was called                                          |
|    with the parameter "IV_BUFFERED".                                                             |
|    This parameter is not defined.                                                                |

|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.                                      |
|    The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_PARAM_NOT_FOUND', was               |
|     not caught in                                                                                |
|    procedure "SET_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a                    |
|     RAISING clause.                                                                              |
|    Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the                         |
|    exception would occur, the current program is terminated.                                     |
|    The reason for the exception is:                                                              |
|    Function module "OCS_GET_INSTALLED_COMPS" was called                                          |
|    with the parameter "IV_BUFFERED".                                                             |
|    This parameter is not defined.                                                                |

|Missing RAISING Clause in Interface                                                               |
|    Program                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CP                      |
|    Include                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CM002                   |
|    Row                                     1                                                     |
|    Module type                             (METHOD)                                              |
|    Module Name                             SET_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT                               |

|Trigger Location of Exception                                                                     |
|    Program                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CP                      |
|    Include                                 CL_OCS_ENVIRONMENT============CM002                   |
|    Row                                     44                                                    |
|    Module type                             (METHOD)                                              |
|    Module Name                             SET_CURRENT_ENVIRONMENT                               |

|Source Code Extract                                                                               |
|Line |SourceCde                                                                                   |
|   14|                                                                                            |
|   15|    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_component> TYPE comp_props.                                          |
|   16|                                                                                            |
|   17|    CLEAR: lv_upgdate, lv_upgtime.                                                          |
|   18|                                                                                            |
|   19|    REFRESH t_saprl_sel.                                                                    |
|   20|    saprl               = sy-saprl.                                                         |
|   21|    ls_saprl_sel-sign   = 'I'.                                                              |
|   22|    ls_saprl_sel-option = 'EQ'.                                                             |
|   23|    ls_saprl_sel-low    = saprl.                                                            |
|   24|    APPEND ls_saprl_sel TO t_saprl_sel.                                                     |
|   25|                                                                                            |
|   26|    valid_maint_cert = on.                                                                  |
|   27|                                                                                            |
|   28|    CALL FUNCTION 'UPG_IS_SHADOW_SYSTEM'                                                    |
|   29|      IMPORTING                                                                             |
|   30|        ev_shadow = is_shd_sys.                                                             |
|   31|                                                                                            |
|   32|    CALL FUNCTION 'SPAM_VERSION'                                                            |
|   33|      EXPORTING                                                                             |
|   34|        iv_current_system = on                                                              |
|   35|      IMPORTING                                                                             |
|   36|        version           = spam_version.                                                   |
|   37|                                                                                            |
|   38|    REFRESH t_pat06.                                                                        |
|   39|    SELECT * FROM pat06 INTO TABLE t_pat06.                                                 |
|   40|    SORT t_pat06 BY component patch_type.                                                   |
|   41|    DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM t_pat06 COMPARING component.                            |
|   42|                                                                                            |
|   43|* software component description                                                            |
|>>>>>|    CALL FUNCTION 'OCS_GET_INSTALLED_COMPS'                                                 |
|   45|      EXPORTING                                                                             |
|   46|        iv_buffered      = iv_buffered                                                      |
|   47|      TABLES                                                                                |
|   48|        tt_comptab       = t_cvers                                                          |
|   49|        et_components    = t_components                                                     |
|   50|        et_complayer     = t_comp_layer                                                     |
|   51|        et_cvers_sub     = t_cvers_sub                                                      |
|   52|      EXCEPTIONS                                                                            |
|   53|        no_release_found = 1                                                                |
|   54|        wrong_release    = 2                                                                |
|   55|        OTHERS           = 99.                                                              |
|   56|    IF sy-subrc <> 0 AND                                                                    |
|   57|       iv_ignore_errors <> on.                                                              |
|   58|      MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno                                     |
|   59|              WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4                                      |
|   60|              RAISING internal_error.                                                       |
|   61|    ENDIF.                                                                                  |
|   62|                                                                                            |
|   63|* Software components which are controlled by SWF                                           |

ERP Upgrade phase "NTACT_CHK for EHP6


THello all,


I am doing EHP6 upgrade and I stuck in phase PREP_GENCHECKS/NTACT_CHK

Please check below logs files and please suggest the solutions.



ERROR: Detected the following errors due to error summary in /r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/log/NTCHK.ELG:
# /r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/log/PN410909.R3U:
3 ETP399Xread nt "M_CV01O":
3 ETP399 completed nt read: (T/F : J/T)
3 ETP399Xread nt "M_DARTD":
3 ETP399 completed nt read: (T/F : J/T)
3 ETP399Xread nt "M_DEBI":
2EETP399XRead table "M_DEBI                        ": pgntab call: table not found.
2AETP399 Table "M_DEBI                        ": unknown error -9

3 ETP399Xread nt "M_KOSTN_SES":
3 ETP399 completed nt read: (T/F : J/T)
3 ETP399Xread nt "M_KOSTS":
3 ETP399 completed nt read: (T/F : J/T)
3 ETP399Xread nt "M_KRED":
2EETP399XRead table "M_KRED                        ": pgntab call: table not found.


      ...skipped 25 more lines.







1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "PREP_GENCHECKS/NTACT_CHK" ("20130909174110")


2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access


4 ETQ399 System-nr = '06', GwService = 'sapgw06' Client = '000'


4 ETQ399 Environment variables:


4 ETQ399   dbs_ora_schema=SAPR3


4 ETQ399   auth_shadow_upgrade=<null>


1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'PREP_GENCHECKS/NTACT_CHK'.


1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:


2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = 'CHKANT'


2 ETQ399 Arg[1] = 'NOBUFRESET'


2 ETQ399 Arg[2] = ''


1 ETQ399 Using error summary log 'NTCHK.ELG'.


2 ETQ399 Checking of nametabs ...


4 ETQ380 computing toolpath for request "TP_NTACTION_SHD"


4 ETQ381 request "TP_NTACTION_SHD" means "tp ntact for shadow tables"


4 ETQ382 translates to group "R3UP_TOOL_GROUP_SHD"


4 ETQ399 Requirement for tp maps to 'exe'


4 ETQ383 translates to path "/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe"


3 ETQ399 20130909174110: PID 7329 execute '/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT R3U pf=/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP intdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=40 totabname=E1' in background, output written to '/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/log/TP.ECO'.


3 ETQ399 20130909174110: PID 7330 execute '/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT R3U pf=/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP intdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=41 fromtabname=E1 totabname=PP' in background, output written to '/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/log/TP.ECO'.


3 ETQ399 20130909174110: PID 7331 execute '/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe/tp ntaction ntop=CHKANT R3U pf=/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP intdel=YES -Dntact_timecmp=no protyear=42 fromtabname=PP' in background, output written to '/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/log/TP.ECO'.


3 ETQ399 20130909174342: PID 7329 exited with status 0 (time 152.000 real)


3 ETQ399 20130909174541: PID 7331 exited with status 0 (time 271.000 real)


3 ETQ399 20130909174629: PID 7330 exited with status 12 (time 319.000 real)


4 ETQ399 20130909174629: WAITED for 3 processes to finish, 0 aborted.


4 ETQ399 Creating directory /r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/htdoc/log


4 ETQ399 html file conversion from '/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/log/NTCHK.ELG' to 'NTCHK.html' succeeded.


4 ETQ399 Starting dialog 'LogScanSummary' at 20130909174632.


4 ETQ399 Dialog finished at 20130909174632.






4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20130909174633 


1EETQ399 Last error code set is 'Non single errors (code > 8) found in logfile 'NTCHK.ELG''


1EETQ203 Upgrade phase "NTACT_CHK" aborted with errors ("20130909174633")




Thanks for any help.

ACT_UPG phase


Hi all,

I am applying EHP6 for ERP. During ACT_UPG phase I tried to stop shadow instance and incress some profile parameters and rester shadow agian and repeat the ACT_UPG phase again.

I have selected as Batch process 3 and maximum uptime process 1 and R3trans process 3

There is no error in TCO st22 or sm21.

I can see the batch job

RDDMASGL is active and form job log I have this massage:

Job started

Step 001 started (program RDDMASGL, variant IMPACTMRG, user ID DDIC)

Start of mass activation 08:47:41

And I have just one batch job runing in SM50.

BGD     14939     Running  Yes  6826  RADMASDSC  000  DDIC

And non og logs, tmp or data logs in /abap/ in shoadow  get update.

My question is should I restar sap server after changing profile parameter for shadow or it is enough with restart shadow instance?


I have this log from last part of SAPup.ECO from shadow.


SAPup> Starting subprocess with PID 15031 in phase 'ACT_UPG' at 20130911084738

    ENV: DIR_LIBRARY=/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe

    ENV: JAVA_HOME=/opt/java1.5/jre

    ENV: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe:/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/jvm/jre/lib/ia64/server:/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/jvm/jre/lib/ia64:/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/jvm/jre/../lib/ia64


    ENV: ORACLE_BASE=/oracle

    ENV: ORACLE_HOME=/oracle/R3U/112_64


    ENV: PATH=/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe:/oracle/R3U/112_64/bin:/opt/java1.5/jre/bin:.:/home/r3uadm:/usr/sap/R3U/SYS/exe/run:/usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/contrib/Q4/bin:/opt/perl/bin:/opt/gvsd/bin:/opt/ipf/bin:/opt/nettladm/bin:/opt/fcms/bin:/opt/wbem/bin:/opt/wbem/sbin:/opt/sas/bin:/opt/graphics/common/bin:/opt/atok/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/contrib/bin/X11:/opt/sec_mgmt/bastille/bin:/opt/caliper/bin:/opt/drd/bin:/opt/dsau/bin:/opt/dsau/sbin:/opt/resmon/bin:/opt/firefox:/opt/gnome/bin:/opt/perf/bin:/opt/propplus/bin:/usr/contrib/kwdb/bin:/opt/perl_32/bin:/opt/perl_64/bin:/opt/prm/bin:/opt/sfm/bin:/opt/swm/bin:/opt/sec_mgmt/spc/bin:/opt/ssh/bin:/opt/swa/bin:/opt/hpsmh/bin:/opt/thunderbird:/opt/sentinel/bin:/opt/langtools/bin:/opt/wlm/bin:/opt/gwlm/bin:/opt/hpnpl//bin

    ENV: SAPDATA_HOME=/oracle/R3U


    ENV: auth_shadow_upgrade=1

    ENV: dbms_type=ORA

    ENV: dbs_ora_schema=SAPR3

    ENV: dbs_ora_tnsname=R3U

EXECUTING /r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/exe/tp  pf=/r3d/mnt/R3U/start/SUM/abap/var/ACTUPG.TPP put R3U

This is tp version 380.08.41 (release 720, unicode enabled)

Looking for effective putsteps ... ... ready (looking for putsteps



Any advice if this phase is working?



SUM download directory change


HI Guys,

          During my EHP7 upgrade i ran out of space in the drive where i have kept the packages and the SUM . Now i want to change the location of the downloaded packages to a different drive. But i dont know where and what parameter have to be changed so that i can continue from where i have stoped.. Kindly help me out..




A2EEFINB_TR 032 No suitable RFC destination could be found"001"




In processing upgrade to EHP6, we are facing a problem after phase MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG during Execution phase:

Checks after phase MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG were negative!

Last error code set: Detected 38 errors summarized in 'XPRASUPG.ELG'<br/> Calling '/usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run/tp' failed with return code 8, check /usr/sap/SID/SUM/abap/log/SAPup.ECO for details


In the logfile


we can see the following:


A2 EFINB_TR 097 Transport tool FINBASIS: Client cascade for client "001" started

A2EEFINB_TR 042 RFC error with destination "CH7_001" -> see long text"Upgrade runs - No login""possible"

A2EEFINB_TR 032 No suitable RFC destination could be found"001"

A2 EFINB_TR 098 Transport tool FINBASIS: Client cascade for client "001" finished


The RFC destination exists indeed, but the connection isn't possible because of the upgrade (No login possible).


Now the upgrade was stopped because this phase needs a working RFC destination. And the RFC Communication can't work because no login is possible due to upgrade.


How to solve this dilemma?


Many thanks


Release information note says "Notes to be applied as part of this Stack" - who applies them?


Hi Gurus,

The Release information notes for support package stacks (e.g. notes 1484460, 1737650, 1496212) has a section called "Notes to be applied as part of this Stack."  What does that mean?  


A) Is the customer responsible for implementing these notes after the support package stack has been applied?  If so, what is the difference between this list and the side effect report?


B) Does it mean that those notes are included by SAP when you apply the support package stack?   If so, the list seems way too short.


Warm Regards, CM

Error Cannot find executable 'tp' in path: PATH in EHP upgrade


Hi Guys,

     In the reprocessing stage of my EHP7 upgrade, i am getting the following error

      Severe error(s) occured in phase MAIN_INIT/INITPUT!

       Last error code set: Cannot find executable 'tp' in path: PATH<br/>    


In the NTSTAT log file i have seen the follwing line




           ErrorMessage: The system cannot find the file specified.


I have even tried to by setting the path with the shadow system exe location as well as the DIR_LIBRARY entry in the above ergistry location. But didnt work out.


Request your inputs in resolving this issue.




Sandy Sam

How long SAP going to Support for EHP4 ?


Hi All,


Where can I find ' How long SAP will support a certain EHP version ? I am looking for this information for EHP4 java version. I couldn't find in servicemarketplace.




ERROR Secure Storage: Entry was created with another SID


Hello All,


I have installed a new SAP EHP6 installation.

I have verified i have HTTP service active in SMICM.

when i open soamanger t code i am getting the below error in the browser


500 SAP Internal Server Error

ERROR: Secure Storage: Entry was created with another SID (termination: ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE)



To test service from sicf  node /sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/appl_soap_management  When i test the service i am able to open soamanger in a browser.




Please help me in solving this issue, i am able to open SECSTORE t code but this is an new installed system i dont have any migrated objects.


Please help me in moving forward.

Thanks in advance


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