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Field msr_active not created on table mkpf after upgrade from ERP 6.03 to 6.06


Dear guys,


we have upgraded our ERP 6.03 to 6.06 and after that when calling several transactions ( MB1B, MB1A,MB11, MB01, MB1C, MB0A,MB04, MIGO, MBRL,MBSU,MBST,MB02,MB21,VL31N,MB31 ) the following error dump occurs:




Category               ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors         SYNTAX_ERROR
ABAP Program           SAPLMIGO
Application Component  MM-IM
Date and Time          12.12.2013 11:45:36


|Short text                                                                                        |
|    Syntax error in program "SAPLMIGO ".                                                          |


|What happened?                                                                                    |
|    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "????????????????????????????????????????" had to be                 |
|     terminated because it has                                                                    |
|    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The following syntax error occurred in program "SAPLMIGO " in include "LMIGOKM1               |
|     " in                                                                                         |
|    line 299:                                                                                     |
|    "O objeto de dados "LS_MKPF" não possui componentes com o nome "MSR_ACT"                      |
|    "IVE"."                                                                                       |
|    " "                                                                                           |
|    " "                                                                                           |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The include has been created and last changed by:                                             |
|    Created by: "SAP "                                                                            |
|    Last changed by: "SAP "                                                                       |
|    Error in the ABAP Application Program                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    The current ABAP program "????????????????????????????????????????" had to be                 |
|     terminated because it has                                                                    |
|    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.                                |


|What can you do?                                                                                  |
|    Please eliminate the error by performing a syntax check                                       |
|    (or an extended program check) on the program "SAPLMIGO ".                                    |
|    You can also perform the syntax check from the ABAP Editor.                                   |
|                                                                                                  |
|    If the problem persists, proceed as follows:                                                  |
|    Note down which actions and inputs caused the error.                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|    To process the problem further, contact you SAP system                                        |
|    administrator.                                                                                |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Using Transaction ST22 for ABAP Dump Analysis, you can look                                   |
|    at and manage termination messages, and you can also                                          |
|    keep them for a long time.                                                                    |


|Error analysis                                                                                    |
|    The following syntax error was found in the program SAPLMIGO :                                |
|    "O objeto de dados "LS_MKPF" não possui componentes com o nome "MSR_ACT"                      |
|    "IVE"."                                                                                       |
|    " "                                                                                           |
|    " "                                                                                           |


|How to correct the error                                                                          |
|    Probably the only way to eliminate the error is to correct the program.                       |
|    -                                                                                             |
|    If you cannot solve the problem yourself and want to send an error                            |
|    notification to SAP, include the following information:                                       |
|                                                                                                  |
|    1. The description of the current problem (short dump)                                        |
|                                                                                                  |
|       To save the description, choose "System->List->Save->Local File                            |
|    (Unconverted)".                                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    2. Corresponding system log                                                                   |
|                                                                                                  |
|       Display the system log by calling transaction SM21.                                        |
|       Restrict the time interval to 10 minutes before and five minutes                           |
|    after the short dump. Then choose "System->List->Save->Local File                             |
|    (Unconverted)".                                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    3. If the problem occurs in a problem of your own or a modified SAP                           |
|    program: The source code of the program                                                       |
|       In the editor, choose "Utilities->More                                                     |
|    Utilities->Upload/Download->Download".                                                        |
|                                                                                                  |
|    4. Details about the conditions under which the error occurred or which                       |
|    actions and input led to the error.                                                           |
|                                                                                                  |


|System environment                                                                                |
|    SAP Release..... 731                                                                          |
|    SAP Basis Level. 0009                                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Application server... "dc1hjed0"                                                              |
|    Network address...... ""                                                          |
|    Operating system..... "HP-UX"                                                                 |
|    Release.............. "B.11.31"                                                               |
|    Hardware type........ "ia64"                                                                  |
|    Character length.... 16 Bits                                                                  |
|    Pointer length....... 64 Bits                                                                 |
|    Work process number.. 14                                                                      |
|    Shortdump setting.... "full"                                                                  |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Database server... "dc1hjed0"                                                                 |
|    Database type..... "ORACLE"                                                                   |
|    Database name..... "JED"                                                                      |
|    Database user ID.. "SAPSR3"                                                                   |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Terminal.......... "uecnbk6031"                                                               |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Char.set.... "C"                                                                              |
|                                                                                                  |
|    SAP kernel....... 720                                                                         |
|    created (date)... "Sep 15 2013 19:42:08"                                                      |
|    create on........ "HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64"                                                      |
|    Database version. "OCI_112,, V1, default"                                          |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Patch level. 500                                                                              |
|    Patch text.. " "                                                                              |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Database............. "ORACLE 10.1.0.*.*, ORACLE 10.2.0.*.*, ORACLE 11.2.*.*.*"               |
|    SAP database version. 720                                                                     |
|    Operating system..... "HP-UX B.11.31"                                                         |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Memory consumption                                                                            |
|    Roll.... 0                                                                                    |
|    EM...... 12569376                                                                             |
|    Heap.... 0                                                                                    |
|    Page.... 16384                                                                                |
|    MM Used. 1126096                                                                              |
|    MM Free. 3061024                                                                              |


|User and Transaction                                                                              |
|    Client.............. 150                                                                      |
|    User................ "FORKERGI"                                                               |
|    Language key........ "P"                                                                      |
|    Transaction......... "MIGO "                                                                  |
|    Transaction ID...... "52A8B251E6FC2F61E10000000AB60A32"                                       |
|                                                                                                  |
|    EPP Whole Context ID.... "001E0BFDA2F61ED398E5B8314462D100"                                   |
|    EPP Connection ID....... 00000000000000000000000000000000                                     |
|    EPP Caller Counter...... 0                                                                    |
|                                                                                                  |
|    Program............. "????????????????????????????????????????"                               |
|    Screen.............. " "                                                                      |
|    Screen Line......... 0                                                                        |
|    Debugger Active..... "none"                                                                   |


|Information on where terminated                                                                   |


|Contents of system fields                                                                         |
|Name    |Val.                                                                                     |
|SY-SUBRC|0                                                                                        |
|SY-INDEX|0                                                                                        |
|SY-TABIX|0                                                                                        |
|SY-DBCNT|0                                                                                        |
|SY-FDPOS|0                                                                                        |
|SY-LSIND|0                                                                                        |
|SY-PAGNO|0                                                                                        |
|SY-LINNO|1                                                                                        |
|SY-COLNO|1                                                                                        |
|SY-PFKEY|                                                                                         |
|SY-UCOMM|                                                                                         |
|SY-TITLE|                                                                                         |
|SY-MSGTY|                                                                                         |
|SY-MSGID|                                                                                         |
|SY-MSGNO|000                                                                                      |
|SY-MSGV1|                                                                                         |
|SY-MSGV2|                                                                                         |
|SY-MSGV3|                                                                                         |
|SY-MSGV4|                                                                                         |
|SY-MODNO|3                                                                                        |
|SY-DATUM|20131212                                                                                 |
|SY-UZEIT|114527                                                                                   |
|SY-XPROG|                                                                                         |
|SY-XFORM|                                                                                         |


|Internal notes                                                                                    |
|    The termination was triggered in function "ab_genprog"                                        |
|    of the SAP kernel, in line 1843 of the module                                                 |
|     "//bas/720_REL/src/krn/runt/abgen.c#11".                                                     |
|    The internal operation just processed is " ".                                                 |
|    Internal mode was started at 20131212114527.                                                  |
|    Program name.........: "SAPLMIGO ".                                                           |
|    Error message........: "O objeto de dados "LS_MKPF" não possui componentes com                |
|     o nome "MSR_ACT".                                                                            |


|Active Calls in SAP Kernel                                                                        |
|Lines of C Stack in Kernel (Structure Differs on Each Platform)                                   |
|(0)  0x400000000312b0b0  CTrcStack2 + 0x1d0 at dptstack.c:228 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]               |
|(1)  0x400000000312b490  CTrcStack + 0x30 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                                   |
|(2)  0x4000000003355800  _Z16rabax_CStackSavev + 0x1c0 at abrabax.c:8695 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]    |
|(3)  0x400000000335d150  ab_rabax + 0x4090 at abrabax.c:1439 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                |
|(4)  0x400000000338a580  ab_genprog + 0x1430 at abgen.c:1843 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                |
|(5)  0x40000000026df1a0  _Z7newloadPKtjPj + 0x14a0 at abload1.c:352 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]         |
|(6)  0x400000000252b790  ab_load + 0x170 at abload1.c:159 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                   |
|(7)  0x40000000021b89f0  ab_LoadMainProg + 0x90 at abdynpro.c:307 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]           |
|(8)  0x4000000002274d20  dystartx + 0x820 at dytransact.c:1058 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]              |
|(9)  0x4000000002aebd80  dy_cdiag + 0x22a0 at dynpabsv.c:1967 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]               |
|(10) 0x400000000211fbe0  _Z15ab_ctransactionv + 0x3a0 at abtcod.c:699 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]       |
|(11) 0x400000000285a3e0  _Z10ab_retdynpi + 0x2100 at abdynpro.c:822 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]         |
|(12) 0x400000000284fe70  ab_dstep + 0x250 at abdynpro.c:637 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                 |
|(13) 0x40000000024f7810  dynpmcal + 0xdb0 at dymainstp.c:2900 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]               |
|(14) 0x40000000025531d0  dynppai0 + 0x670 at dymainstp.c:1227 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]               |
|(15) 0x40000000028a3d00  dynprctl + 0x330 at dymainstp.c:471 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                |
|(16) 0x400000000240aa30  dynpen00 + 0x990 at dymain.c:2070 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                  |
|(17) 0x4000000002b0c8e0  Thdynpen00 + 0x3c0 at thxxhead.c:5291 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]              |
|(18) 0x40000000029a0180  TskhLoop + 0x3bc0 at thxxhead.c:4296 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]               |
|(19) 0x4000000002c53270  ThStart + 0x870 at thxxhead.c:1174 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                 |
|(20) 0x400000000235d430  DpMain + 0x6f0 at dpxxdisp.c:1198 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                  |
|(21) 0x400000000200d840  main + 0x80 at thxxanf.c:80 [dw.sapJED_DVEBMGS00]                        |
|(22) 0xc00000000006e9b0  main_opd_entry + 0x50 [/usr/lib/hpux64/dld.so]                           |

SQSC, DDLS - Object info could not be imported


Hi all,


I'm upgrading to ERP 6.0 from EHP6 to EHP7, and encountered error "Object info could not be imported" during the ACT_TRANS phase (RC=8)


With reference to SAP Note 1923904 and 1813099, it seems to be a new object type introduced in 7.40.


If during the upgrade, I have chosen to "accept non-severe errors", is it still possible to activate them after the upgrade?





Hi, colleges!

I do the EHP6 upgrade of our ERP system.


SAPup  is in Preprocessing stage.


But MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_SHDIMP/SHADOW_IMPORT_INC  phase is running more 24 hours.

Logs generation stopped many hours ago. I can see some R3trans processes are running but no CPU utilization consumed.

I can see only one process  working  more or less intense is javaw.exe.


OS : Windows 2008 R2 server

DB: Oracle 11.2.3

ERP 6 EHP6 upgrading.


I restarted SAPup but it cams down at the same point after importing some objects (SAPK-731BCINSAPBASIS_11468_11468_016490 package file)


My questions are

1) What wrong and/or how long should I wait for finishing of the process?

2) Can I increase performance of the process (i.e., can i add r3trans process quantity or something else at the stage?)

3) Shadows instance is needs to run this phase? because shadows instance is stopped.


Any suggestions are welcome!!!

Thank you!

Long long run MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG with all component Update to EHP6 SPS05


Hi experts,

     any suggestion on long run of phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG in ABAP all components (HR,all IS-* solution) updated to EHP6 SPS05 from EHP6 ERP6.0 initial install ?


And firstly anfortunate thins is, the MOPZ run so slowly, it took me almost 2 weeks to calculate the download file and download list;

      although I have save the transactionn everytime I change the selection;

      and often disconnect to sapbackend and retry and wait until can connect to sapbackend, waste 99.99% time here;

      for the network not stable or too slowly, any parter have met such problem on MOPZ slow run? or any suggestion?




I am handing on a update project of EHP6 SPS05 update.

The source release is:

        EHP6 for ERP 6.0 with NW 7.03 initial installation ABAP only

        EHP6 ERP central application SPS00

        NW7.03 ABAP SPS00

        SAP ERP 6.00 SPS019

  Target release:

        EHP6 for ERP 6.0 with NW 7.03 ABAP all comopent update to EHP6 SPS05:

        EHP6 ERP central application SPS05

        NW7.03 ABAP SPS05

        SAP ERP 6.06 SPS05 (HR 604, IS-* component to 606 )



Now in step:5.5-Preprocessing

                    phase: MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG


1.This phase run a very long time, still in progress;

        SM37 check job staus still run: RDDMASGL

        it seems will run endless


2.No more log update with tail in sum during run.


3.check oracle archiveing log, new log produced, so should not hang in db:



-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 33183744 Jan 23 11:43 DEVarch1_6262_775365559.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 36688896 Jan 23 11:45 DEVarch1_6263_775365559.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 32443392 Jan 23 11:47 DEVarch1_6264_775365559.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 27946496 Jan 23 12:07 DEVarch1_6265_775365559.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 29207552 Jan 23 12:33 DEVarch1_6266_775365559.dbf



asnlp01erpdev:oradev 145> ls -ltr


-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 33183744 Jan 23 11:43 DEVarch1_6262_775365559.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 36688896 Jan 23 11:45 DEVarch1_6263_775365559.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 32443392 Jan 23 11:47 DEVarch1_6264_775365559.dbf

-rw-r----- 1 oradev dba 27946496 Jan 23 12:07 DEVarch1_6265_775365559.dbf



4. check oracle session with sql plus:

SQL> select * from v$session;

there are 61 records hit

so not hung;


5.have read notes:

Note 556764 - Upgrade hangs in phase ACT_<REL>

   755029 - Mass activation program has long runtime

but they all for old release of oracle older than 11 g,

not fit my current oracle release


Note 556764 only for phase ACT_<REL>

mine is :ACT_UPG not fit


6.how can I fasten the phase running time;

   and there no parellel run option

   is there any parellel run option

   or other more optimizer solution to this phase


welcome suggestion and discussion about it.

Shadow instance not starting during the phase START_SHDI_PREPUT


Hi ,



We are in the process of performing a EHP6 upgrade, And it is in the preprocessing phase and it is executing the step START_SHDI_PREPUT.
The SUM tools is trying to start the shadow instance, but the instance in no comming up. And we are getting the below errors in DEVTRACE.LOG


*** ERROR => e=28 semget(20165,1,2016) (28: No space left on device) [semux.c      499]
*** ERROR => SemRq: Implicit SemInit failed. Key=65 [semux.c      1183]
*** ERROR => Es2Cleanup: SemRq SEM_ES2_ADM (rc=1) [es2xx.c      1086]

*** ERROR => e=28 semget(20127,1,2016) (28: No space left on device) [semux.c      499]
SemKeyPermission( 28 ) = 0740 (octal)

*** ERROR => ShmCleanup(62) failed 3 [mpixx.c      4451]
MpiCleanup() -> MPI_ERROR: General error
DpCleanupSharedResources: removing Semaphore-Management
DpCleanupSharedResources: removing request queue



And we have followed the snote 724713 and we have set the parameter pg_contig_disable=1 and created the project for users <sid>adm, ora<sid> as per the same note.


Also, we have a RAM of about 64GB and swap space of 39GB


Please can you help me know, what is lacking in this scenario.


Best regards, SP

Shortdump while installing language


Hi everyone.


I setup for testing and education purposes system with SAP ERP 6.0 EHP 7 and now I have problem with installing polish language - while installing I receive two shortdumps.

Below screenshots.


I am thinking, that maybe ST-PI version inconsistency may cause this kind of errors? But, this is "only" warning, and language installation should work..

For some reasons, I would like not to upgrade ST-PI to version 710.


Thanks for your help.








Difference between Version upgrade and EHP upgrade


Hi SAP Gurus,


Technically what is the difference between Version upgrade and EHP upgrades.



Madhu K



Hi experts,


I try to upgrade my productive system from ECC 6.0 to ECC 6.0 EHP7; but I have a problem in the phase start_shdi_first, it can not start and the disp+work process appear with SELW status.


The error that appear in dev_w0 is:

B  DBI: init TBI BUFFER (data):  start=7000000a0501000  length=14149888  end=7000000a127f900

B  dbprotocol: table logging switched off for all clients

B  db_tbi_install(): tbi_init_singletons() -> rc = false

B  db_tbiinit failed

M  *** ERROR => ThrtDatabaseEnvInit: db_init failed (4) [thrtDatabase 48]

M  *** ERROR => ThrtDatabaseEnvInit failed (4) [thxxext.c    181]

M  *** ERROR => ThCallHooks: event handler ThrtStartup for event CREATE_SHM failed (4) [thSos.c      2080]

M  *** ERROR => ThIPCInit: hook failed [thxxhead.c   1290]

M  ***LOG R19=> ThInit, ThIPCInit ( TSKH-IPC-000001) [thxxhead.c   1028]

M  in_ThErrHandle: 1

M  *** ERROR => ThInit: ThIPCInit (step TH_INIT, thRc ERROR-CORE-INIT_FAILED, action STOP_WP, level 1) [thxxhead.c   2149]


My system is AS/400 with more than 100GB RAM; so it is not problem of memory.

I tried to pacth the kernel, but I have the same problem.


What could be the reason?


Thanks in advance,


SAP VIM (ICC (Invoice Capture center ))


HI all



In VIM ICC(Invoice Capture center ) is in  (Optical Character recognition )    weather it is a front end software or back end software.








Hi experts,


I can not apply SAP note http://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1862674  Solution Builder (BP-SOLBLD 70V9) Hotfixes 001

When applying the note I get error message

Enter the following values to name the object uniquely.




I have been trying to implement the note since version 64 but I have not success.

In addition the note has status "Cannot be implemented" now.


Have anybody any information about the note?


Regards, Evgeniy

Error during the phase XPRAS_SHD_AIMMERGE


Hi experts,


I'm upgrading to EHP7.

I encountered XPRA error during the subjected phase, with errors such as below.







3 ECD102 "R3TR" "CHDO" "XBRL_GCD" was imported

3EECD122 "CHDO_2" Error, RFC receiver "SYSTEM_FAILURE SAVE" " "







3 ECD102 "R3TR" "CHDO" "REIT_RETC" was imported

3EECD122 "CHDO_GEN_RFC" Error, RFC receiver "SYSTEM FAILURE" " "

3EECD101 "HR_IT5142" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "HR_IT5143" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "HR_IT5144" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "HR_IT5145" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "HR_IT5151" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "HR_IT5152" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "ISU_EANL" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "ISU_ELPASS" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "ISU_ESETTLUNIT" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "ISU_EUFASS" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "ISU_TOUEXCEPT" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "ISU_TOUEXRESP" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "KCONS" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "LOP_DOC" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "LOP_MASTER" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "LOP_REF" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "MKK_BELEG" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "MKK_MA" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "MKK_VT" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "NAPX" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "NBRKP" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "NOTAFISCAL" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_AFFOVR" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_ASU" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_ASUE" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_JC_MST" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_MASTER" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_SOL" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_SOLE" " " " " was not imported

3EECD101 "OIUX8_NM_SUFXRF" " " " " was not imported

2EEPU133 Errors occurred during post-handling "AFTER_IMP_CHDO" for "CHDO" "L"

3 EPU135 "AFTER_IMP_CHDO" belongs to package "SZD"

2EEPU136 The errors affect the following components:

2EEPU137 "BC-SRV-ASF-CHD" ("Change Documents")

1 ETP111 exit code : "8"




XPRAs are application reports that run at the end of an upgrade.

Most XPRA reports have a report documentation that explains what

the report does and how errors can be corrected.



Call transaction se38 in the SAP system, enter the report name,

select 'Documentation' and click the 'Display' button.

>>> The problematic XPRAs are mentioned in messages of type PU132 above <<<

Another observation is from the system log, where it indicates "Table /ITS/DI_BC does not exist in the database with ID R/3". I checked in other system of same landscape where this table doesn't exist as well, but such error doesn't occur.


I've gone through note 1764234 and 1805757, but it doesn't seem to help. Also, my current BASIS COMPONENT is 740, 0002.


Is it safe to ignore this, and accept non-severe errors in this phase?
How do I confirm and validate that there's indeed an enhancement made, and what enhancement was made?





Good day,


I would like to know on the difference between both of the phases above, one being executed during the pre-processing on the shadow instance, and another being executed during the execution roadmap.

I'm curious as one of the XPRA execution succeeded during the XPRAS_AIMMRG (actual execution), but returns RC=8 during the XPRAS_SHD_AIMMERGE (pre-processing).


Appreciate if someone could help to explain.



Business function FIN_GL_DISTR_SCEN_1=> aggregated FI document




We would like to use the business function FIN_GL_DISTR_SCEN_1 in order to transfer documents from one SAP system to another SAP system in an aggregated/ consolidated format.

We started running our test in the sender environment by creating some FI documents with some CO objets. The generated Idoc regrouping several FI documents has properly been sent to the receiver system but when we look at the generated document in the receiver system, we noticed that our CO document didn't go through.Only the FI document is sent accross.


How can we retrieve both FI and CO documents in the receiver environment? Do we have to activate another busines function to ensure that CO document are transferred accross in an aggregated manner?

If we only have a CO document to transfer and we run the FAGLAL3 (total document transfer), the system generates an FI document. This is not the purpose of our transfer.On top of that in the FAGLAL3 transaction, we are forced to enter a ledger and with a CO transaction (e.g. KB15N), the ledger is not needed

Does anybody have any experience in that business function and moreover with the transfer of CO documents?




Error during upgrading sap ERP 6.0 to EHP4


Hi all


i faced this error during upgrading sap netweaver 7.0 sr1 to EHP4 by EHPI tool:



ERROR:   The executable disp+work in D:\usr\sap\EHPI\abap\exe

         and/or D:\usr\sap\EHPI\abap\exenew

         is too old.



         It needs at least least patch level

         61 or higher.



         Please proceed as described in note 19466.



Please advice...



Ahmed Helmy

Automatic MIGO(GRN) is possible in Open text VIM(Vendor invoice management)


Hi All,



is these automatic MIGO ( GRN ) is possible through VIM.



Jogu Sagar

PAT File attributes




While creating the PAT file using SSDC/SSDA, in the import conditions , we need to mention the versions of following software components.






We have more than 30 customers which need to send this PAT file to. And each customer may have different combinations of above components.

What is the best way to create the PAT file which can be installed in all the customer systems without any problem.


thank you.

'Invalid Basis release 701' while installing PAT file


We have created a PAT file for one of our customer where they have SAP_BASIS  as 700.

Since our system has the SAP_BASIS as 701, it automatically took 701 version as an attribute.


When the customer installing this PAT file, he is receiving 'Invalid Basis release 701' error.

I added one more attribute to the PAT file as SAP_BASIS 700 along with 701(I could not remove 701 its greyed out), but he still gets the same error.


Any adivce here to fix this ? thanks.

Unable to load PAT file



I've generated PAT file from source system of basis release 701. I tried to load this PAT file in a customer system which is of basis release 700. It is throwing error as SAPK-701COINT*****  has an invalid basis release 701.


Is there any way to resolve this?

Please help me urgent.

SAP Content Server - DMS and C-folder installation


Hi Experts,


We have freshly installed SAP ECC EHP6 system on RHEL 6.0 and we have a requirement to install SAP Content server and Cfolder as well which we are completely new to.


Could someone please assist us on the below queries :


  • We are planning to install content server on Windows 2008, can we install Cfolder also on the same box or do we need to provision a separate server for c-folder also ? If yes how can this can be justified ?
  • In service marketplace we could find guides for Content Server 6.40 on NW 2004S and C-folder 4.5 on NW 7.0, but finding difficulty to figure out the latest versions which would run on ECC6 EHP6. Is that like newer versions are included in any other package ?
  • Need assistance in understanding where in Service Market Place we can find the software and installation guides for Content Server/C-Folder and hardware required for it.


Many Thanks in Advance !!!






Hello All,


Currently upgrading a ECC6 system to EHP 6. However during the pre-processing time on  MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_SHD2_RUN/RUN_RSCPINTS_POOL2SHD phase, we encounter the following problem.


Here is the log from RSCPP2S.LOG: 



4 ETG011 " "

4 ETG039 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 ETG012 "Starting step: RSCPINTS" "POOL2SHD"

4 ETG010 "Start copying" "TCDOB" "to the shadow" " "

4 ETG010 "0" "lines deleted from" "TCDOB" " "

2EETG010 "GET_SOURCERELEASE_TAB_REMOTE ended with sy-subrc =" "11" " " " "


grrapi39:rkupusa2> more RSCPP2S.LOG

1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_SHD2_RUN/RUN_RSCPINTS_POOL2SHD" ("20140216202052")

4 ETQ399 Set database connect to shadow.

4 ETQ399 Set environment for shadow connect:

4 ETQ399 Set RFC variables for shadow connect:

4 ETQ399 System-nr = '23', GwService = 'sapgw23' Client = '000'

4 ETQ380 computing toolpath for request "TP_SHADOW_CONNECT"

4 ETQ381 request "TP_SHADOW_CONNECT" means "tp needs to connect to shadow system"

4 ETQ382 translates to group "R3UP_TOOL_GROUP_NEW"

4 ETQ399 Requirement for tp maps to 'exe'

4 ETQ383 translates to path "/usr/sap/put/SUM/abap/exe"

4 ETQ399 Set tool parameters for shadow connect:

4 ETQ399   default TPPARAM: SHADOW.TPP

2 ETQ366 Connect variables are set for shadow instance access

4 ETQ399 System-nr = '23', GwService = 'sapgw23' Client = '000'

4 ETQ399 Environment variables:

4 ETQ399   dbs_ora_schema=SAPR3

4 ETQ399   auth_shadow_upgrade=<null>


1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:

2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = 'RSCPINTS'

2 ETQ399 Arg[1] = 'SAP_POOL2SHD'

2 ETQ399 Arg[2] = 'NO-IGNORE'

2 ETQ399 Arg[3] = 'RSCPP2S\.$(SAPSID)'

2 ETQ399 Arg[4] = '10'

2 ETQ399 Arg[5] = 'Copy Pool to Shadow'

1 ETQ399 Using error summary log 'RSCPP2S.ELG'.

1 ETQ399 Expanded phase arguments:

2 ETQ399 Arg[3] = 'RSCPP2S\.X01'

4 ETQ265 Starting report "RSCPINTS" with variant "SAP_POOL2SHD" in batch

1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="X01", AsHost="sapx0121" Nr="23", GwHost="sapx0121", GwService="sapgw23"

2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20140216202057

1 ETQ233 Calling function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_ABORT_ON_ERROR" = ""

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_AUTHCKNAM" = "DDIC"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHHOST" = "sapx0121"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_JOBNAME" = "RSCPINTS"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_REPNAME" = "RSCPINTS"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_SCHEDEVER" = "X"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARIANTTEXT" = "Copy Pool to Shadow"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VARNAME" = "SAP_POOL2SHD"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_LANGUAGE" = "E"

2 ETQ399 Table TT_REPORTPARAM (#2):

3 ETQ399 "ACTION","P","","","POOL2SHD",""

3 ETQ399 "LOGFILE","P","","","RSCPP2S.X01",""

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_BATCHINSTANCE" = ""

1 ETQ234 Call of function module "SUBST_START_REPORT_IN_BATCH" by RFC succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20140216202116

2 ETQ373 parameter "EV_JOBCOUNT" = "20211300"

2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_STARTRC" = "0"

2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_VARIWRC" = "0"

4 ETQ311 Batch job "RSCPINTS" with job count "20211300" scheduled


1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="X01", AsHost="sapx0121" Nr="23", GwHost="sapx0121", GwService="sapgw23"

2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20140216202127

1 ETQ233 Calling function module "SUBST_CHECK_BATCHJOB" by RFC

2 ETQ373 parameter "JOBNAME" = "RSCPINTS"

2 ETQ373 parameter "JOBCOUNT" = "20211300"

2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_VERIFY" = " "

1 ETQ234 Call of function module "SUBST_CHECK_BATCHJOB" by RFC succeeded

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20140216202127

2 ETQ373 parameter "JOBSTATUS" = "F"

2 ETQ374 parameter "RC_CHECK" = "0"

2 ETQ373 parameter "JOBENDDATE" = "20140216"

2 ETQ373 parameter "JOBENDTIME" = "202120"

4 ETQ263 Batchjob "RSCPINTS" finished successfully

4 ETQ399 Starting dialog 'LogScanSummary' at 20140216202127.

4 ETQ399 Dialog finished at 20140216202127.

2EETQ241 Errors found in logfiles - accumulated in file "RSCPP2S.ELG"

4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20140216202127

1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Single errors (code <= 8) found in logfile 'RSCPP2S.ELG'

1EETQ203 Upgrade phase "RUN_RSCPINTS_POOL2SHD" aborted with errors ("20140216202127")


Log from :RSCPP2S.ELG'



Copy Pool to Shadow ERRORS and RETURN CODE in RSCPP2S.X01


4 ETG011 " "

4 ETG039 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 ETG012 "Starting step: RSCPINTS" "POOL2SHD"

4 ETG010 "Start copying" "TCDOB" "to the shadow" " "

4 ETG010 "0" "lines deleted from" "TCDOB" " "

2EETG010 "GET_SOURCERELEASE_TAB_REMOTE ended with sy-subrc =" "11" " " " "




I am not sure hot to proceed from here. Can you please help me here.

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