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SLD issues in RZ70


Hello Team,


We are in the part of upgrading one of our ECC system, so planned to create the xml file for ehp7 upgrade.


But hanged with below issue in RZ70 to update the SLD data from source to solmon.


When i ran the SLD, hanged due to the below error


SLD DS Start Program



    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_APPL_SERV

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_BCSYS

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_CLIENT

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_COMPSYS

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_DBSYS

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_GWSRV

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_HTTPSERV

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_INSTPRD

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_INSTSC

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_INSTSP

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_IPSERV

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_LIVECACHE

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_MSGSRV

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_RCC

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_RFC

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Execute program: _SLD_ASSOC

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Collection of SLD data finished

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Data collected successfully

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : RFC data prepared

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Used RFC destination: SLD_UC

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : RFC call failed: JCO.Server could not find server function 'SET_SLD_DATA'

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Existing periodic jobs removed. Number: 1

    0: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Program scheduled: 20140514 234817

    1: xxxxxxxxxxx_00                             : Event-controlled job already exists; scheduling not necessary



Please help me out,..

ABAP System Upgrade - Gui not connecting during STARTUP.bat


Hello Team,


I am doing my Ehp upgrade to current level in market, but had any issue in start-up GUI with SUM tool,. Please find the attached screenshot for your refernce,..




java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 for URL: http://xxxxx:4239/sdtdsu.jnlp

  at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.net.HttpUtils.followRedirects(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doRequest(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doRequest(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.net.BasicHttpRequest.doGetRequest(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.actionDownload(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.net.DownloadEngine.downloadResource(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.deploy.cache.ResourceProviderImpl.getResource(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.updateFinalLaunchDesc(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.prepareToLaunch(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.javaws.Launcher.launch(Unknown Source)

  at com.sun.javaws.Main.launchApp(Unknown Source)



Please help me out,..


Thank you,

Mohan Karamala.

SCM EHP3, 7.31->7.4 MOPZ_MSG_QUEUE_CHECK002 on OS/DB files (kernel)


Hi  - I am trying to upgrade a 7.31 system to 7.4 via SCM EHP3 which includes the 7.4 upgrade.


I am stuck in MOPZ with the message:
Attention: OS/DB files for these software components are not selected

Maintenance Optimizer finds the OS/DB dependent files for these software components are not selected. It is recommended to select the appropriate and compatible files for each system, otherwise they will be deleted from the stack xml. It is critical to update the kernel to specifici release. For example if you had kernel 700, but when you updated SAP_BASIS to 731, it is required to update kernel to 720,You can navigate back to OS/DB dependent step to select.

yet, the MOPZ did put in the 7.41 kernel with the upgrade stack - it suggested it, it selected it, it downloaded it and put the file definitions in the XML stack.  From what I can see though, it looks like a small patch to the kernel, instead of a full upgrade version.

What is the issue, and better yet - any ideas how to get around this?


can not pass with phrase MAIN_SHDRUN/DDIC_UPG


Dear Experts

Database : Oracle

ERP 6.0 EHP4 Ready

Installer EHP Level 74


In processing upgrade to EHP4

am facing a problem with step MAIN_SHDRUN/DDIC_UPG in phrase Preprocessing 

System throws a errors:


Checks after phrase MAIN_SHDRUN/DDIC_UPG were negative !

Choose action :

1. Repeat Pharse

2. Initialize Phrase

3. Exit Program


I chose option Repeat Phrase for this step  many times but warning still display. I do not find any logs about this

and then, i chose option Initialize Phrase and i have a reports 


a patch job RDDIMPDP must be running  in your SAP system  with events

trigger enables. If this  is not case,  -> log into  shadow instance and  start

report  RDDNEWPP as user DDIC in client 000

Choose action :

1. Scheduled



i chose Schedule options and and finally, can not continue 


Please help me to resolve

Thanks and best regards

Activate Enhancement pack 4 and business function OPS_PS_CI_1


Hello Experts,


We are in ECC 6.0 component version. I need to activate business function OPS_PS_CI_1 and for this I must activate EhP 4 in the system.

First I want to know whether it is compatible with ECC 6.0 as we have not activated any EhP so far.


If yes, then can you please tell me how to activate the same in the system along with the business function.


NOTE: I am not having Basis person now in place to activate it, so I want to activate it in sandbox to test the functionality of business function.


Seeking your guideline on the same.


Thanks & Regards


EHP6 upgrade stuck in phase MAIN_INIT/REPACHK_CLONE


Dear all,


We are running an upgrade from SAP ECC6 EHP4 to EHP6 by using SUM 10 from a XML file generated on SolMan.

The server is Windows server 2008 R2 Ent, and the DB SQL Server 2008 R2.


The upgrade is stuck during the Preprocessing step in MAIN_INIT/REPACHK_CLONE phase. We didn't find any note or discussions speaking about this issue.


The error message is:

Last error code set is: RFC error system QE3 nr 00 function 'SUBST_GET_INACTIVE_SAP_OBJECTS' failed with code 5 key QUEUE_FILE_NOT_FOUND:  Number:000

Upgrade phase "REPACHK_CLONE" aborted with errors ("20140528141555")

The content of SAPup_troubleticket.log:

This trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20140602115639


SAPup broke during phase REPACHK_CLONE in module MAIN_INIT / Configuration and Initialization

Error Message: RFC error system QE3 nr 00 function 'SUBST_GET_INACTIVE_SAP_OBJECTS' failed with code 5 key QUEUE_FILE_NOT_FOUND:  Number:000



Summary of SAPup:


SAPehpi Release: lmt_006

SAPehpi Version: SAPup release lmt_006 version 55.000

Start Release:  701

Target Release:  731


Summary of host system details:


SID:   QE3

Host:   misapida34ci

MS Host:  misapida34ci

GW Host:  misapida34ci

Start Path:  X:\usr\sap\QE3\DVEBMGS00\exe

Kernel Path:  X:\usr\sap\QE3\DVEBMGS00\exe


Summary of operating system details:


OS Type:  Windows NT X86_64

OS Version:  6.1


Summary of database details:


Database Type:  mss

Database Version: 10.50.4000.00


Summary of RFC details:


Host:   misapida34ci

GW Host:  misapida34ci

Client:   000

Destination:  QE3

Language:  E

System No.:  00




Is someone got this error message before?


Please help! Thanks


Fabrice CHAINE

ECC6 to EhP7 SSFS Problem



We're going from flat ECC6 straight to EhP7 on one of our systems.  We're getting to a point in the extraction phase where it needs to connect to the database and it fails when using the 7.40 kernel it has extracted as it needs to use SSFS.


We followed all of the steps in Note 1622837 without issue and if I set the env parameters to use /usr/sap/<sid>/SUM/abap/exe for everything and run R3trans -d it connects 0000 using the stored username and password without issue.  If I use the regular kernel 721_ext patch 300 and run R3trans -d it fails but indicates that it has loaded all of the information from ssfs and then tries to connect with /<passwd>@<SID> instead of SAPR3/<passwd>@<SID> as it does on the 740 kernel.  It then gives an error indicating that it was unsuccessful in connecting. 


Is there any points that I'm missing here?  I can't upgrade the system kernel past 721 as the system is flat 7.00 and doesn't support a kernel higher. 



4 ETW000 R3trans version 6.24 (release 721 - 08.05.14 - 16:50:00).

4 ETW000 ===============================================

4 ETW000

4 ETW000 date&time   : 02.06.2014 - 09:25:25

4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>

4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: R3trans -d

4 ETW000  trace at level 2 opened for a given file pointer

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Mon Jun  2 09:25:25 2014                                                 225  0.000225

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  db_con_init called                                                        50  0.000275

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  set_use_ext_con_info(): ssfs will be used to get connect information

4 ETW000                                                                                                 202  0.000477

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  determine_block_commit: no con_hdl found as blocked for con_name = R/3

4 ETW000                                                                                                  49  0.000526

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  create_con (con_name=R/3)                                                 26  0.000552

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Loading DB library '/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so' ...            82  0.000634

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Mon Jun  2 09:25:26 2014                                               74086  0.074720

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  DlLoadLib() success: dlopen("/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so"), hdl 0

4 ETW000                                                                                                  77  0.074797

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Library '/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so' loaded                    35  0.074832

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function DbSlExpFuns loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  65  0.074897

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Version of '/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so' is "721.02", patchlevel (0.224)

4 ETW000                                                                                                 333  0.075230

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function dsql_db_init loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  55  0.075285

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                 123  0.075408

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_instant_client_version loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  71  0.075479

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_instant_client_flavor loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  60  0.075539

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_patchset_version loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  59  0.075598

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_ls_inventory loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  57  0.075655

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=47=DBSL_CMD_IMP_FUNS_SET) -> changed=30, tagset=1

4 ETW000                                                                                                  84  0.075739

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=39=DBSL_CMD_SET_SINGLETASK)                     38  0.075777

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET)                       31  0.075808

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  New connection 0 created                                                  27  0.075835

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , bc = NO , hc = NO , perm = YES, reco = NO , frco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO , prog = 

4 ETW000                                                                                                  54  0.075889

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET)                       31  0.075920

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)                                             28  0.075948

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  determine_block_commit: no con_hdl found as blocked for con_name = R/3

4 ETW000                                                                                                  48  0.075996

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  find_con_by_name found the following connection:                          26  0.076022

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , bc = NO , hc = NO , perm = YES, reco = NO , frco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO , prog = 

4 ETW000                                                                                                  52  0.076074

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_con_info_ssfs(): reading connect info for connection R/3             27  0.076101

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=74=DBSL_CMD_CON_INFO_EXT_SUPPORT) -> rc=0=DBSL_ERR_OK, con_vers=0

4 ETW000                                                                                                  75  0.076176

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  con_info_ext_support(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol           32  0.076208

4 ETW000                          ==> connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  con_info_ext_support(): auth/shadow_upgrade = undefined                   50  0.076258

4 ETW000                         ==> Using default key set to get connect info from ssfs

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): register callback ssfs_dbi_trace and max level 2

4 ETW000                                                                                                  68  0.076326

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Entering function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" [rsecssfs.c 872]         154  0.076480

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Configuration data read from environment parameters [rsecssfs.c 4359]

4 ETW000                                                                                                8812  0.085292

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Data file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_<SID>.DAT" opened for read [rsecssfs.c 2539]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 126  0.085418

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Key file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_<SID>.KEY" not found, using default key [rsecssfs.c 1424]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  92  0.085510

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Exiting function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" with return code 0 (message: <No message available>) [rsecssfs.c 936]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 738  0.086248

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER read successfully from ssfs

4 ETW000                                                                                                  50  0.086298

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): deregister callback ssfs_dbi_trace                    28  0.086326

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): register callback ssfs_dbi_trace and max level 2

4 ETW000                                                                                                  47  0.086373

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Entering function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" [rsecssfs.c 872]          32  0.086405

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Configuration data read from environment parameters [rsecssfs.c 4359]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  78  0.086483

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Data file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_<SID>.DAT" opened for read [rsecssfs.c 2539]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  96  0.086579

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Key file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_<SID>.KEY" not found, using default key [rsecssfs.c 1424]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  76  0.086655

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Exiting function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" with return code 0 (message: <No message available>) [rsecssfs.c 936]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 485  0.087140

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD read successfully from ssfs

4 ETW000                                                                                                  50  0.087190

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): deregister callback ssfs_dbi_trace                    27  0.087217

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): register callback ssfs_dbi_trace and max level 2

4 ETW000                                                                                                  46  0.087263

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Entering function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" [rsecssfs.c 872]          32  0.087295

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Configuration data read from environment parameters [rsecssfs.c 4359]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  78  0.087373

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Data file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_<SID>.DAT" opened for read [rsecssfs.c 2539]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  92  0.087465

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Key file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_<SID>.KEY" not found, using default key [rsecssfs.c 1424]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  77  0.087542

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Exiting function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" with return code 0 (message: <No message available>) [rsecssfs.c 936]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 239  0.087781

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_CON_ENV read successfully from ssfs

4 ETW000                                                                                                  49  0.087830

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): deregister callback ssfs_dbi_trace                    28  0.087858

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlConnect(vers=0, type=0, env='<SID>', usr='', kernel dbsl='721')

4 ETW000                                                                                                 104  0.087962

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Register application info.                                               329  0.088291

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Oracle client version:, V1, default build, (dbsl 721 140314, non-unicode)

4 ETW000                                                                                                 172  0.088463

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Installed Oracle client patches:                                          65  0.088528

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  # Patch  13508485     : Created on 21 Dec 2011, 13:23:38 hrs PST8PDT

4 ETW000                                                                                                  53  0.088581

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  # Patch Description: Created on 30 Dec 2011, 03:13:30 hrs PST8PDT         36  0.088617

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  # Patch  11742262     : Created on  7 Mar 2012, 12:22:41 hrs CET          41  0.088658

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]    Default connection: tnsname ='<SID>'                                      52  0.088710

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->oci_initialize(con=0, char='WE8DEC', nchar='AL16UTF16', nls=-1),uc_ln=1

4 ETW000                                                                                                  56  0.088766

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  OCIEnvCreate(mode=0=OCI_DEFAULT) returned 0 (for default NLS handle)

4 ETW000                                                                                               13398  0.102164

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrHp=8)                       135  0.102299

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrBt=8)                        54  0.102353

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  NLS env. settings: lang=414D45524943414E                                 135  0.102488

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]                     terr=414D4552494341                                    35  0.102523

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]                     char=574538444543                                      32  0.102555

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo(con=0)): 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC'

4 ETW000                                                                                                  51  0.102606

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  charset='WE8DEC', ncharset='AL16UTF16', UNI_ASC=FALSE                     29  0.102635

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Connecting as /<pwd>@<SID> on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 721 140314, non-unicode)

4 ETW000                                                                                                  88  0.102723

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, con=0, svchp=8)                       81  0.102804

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Allocating server context handle                                          42  0.102846

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Attaching to database server <SID> (con=0, svchp=8, srvhp=0)                57  0.102903

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Assigning server context 0 to service context 8                        85495  0.188398

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, con=0, usrhp=0)                     134  0.188532

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Assigning username to user session: con=0, usrhp=0                        36  0.188568

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Assigning password to user session: con=0, usrhp=0                        32  0.188600

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Starting user session: OCISessionBegin(con=0, usr='', svc=8, srv=0, usr=0)

4 ETW000                                                                                                 622  0.189222

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with -1=OCI_ERROR                 390  0.189612

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 1017:               97  0.189709

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied                                                                           

4 ETW000                                                                                                  56  0.189765

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  server_detach(con=0,stale=1,srvhp=0)                                      32  0.189797

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Server handle (con=0,svchp=8,srvhp=0) detached                           644  0.190441

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Free server handle srvhp=0 of con=0                                       42  0.190483

4 ETW000  [dbsloci.c   ,00000]  *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with SQL error '1017'                        128  0.190611

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->oci_get_errmsg (con=0, rc=1017)                                        45  0.190656

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIErrorGet() -> SQL error code: 1017                                  32  0.190688

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied                                                                              

4 ETW000                                                                                                  53  0.190741

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  ocica() -> SQL error code 1017,1017                                       30  0.190771

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     DbSlConnect(con=0) -> orc=1017, 99=DBSL_ERR_DB                         31  0.190802

4 ETW000  [    dblink  ,00000]  ***LOG BY2=>sql error 1017   performing CON                              152  0.190954

4 ETW000  [    dblink  ,00000]  ***LOG BY0=>ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied            36  0.190990

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=41=DBSL_CMD_RELINFO_GET)                        53  0.191043

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=14=DBSL_CMD_VERSION_GET)                        33  0.191076

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=50=DBSL_CMD_GET_PATCH_INFO)                     31  0.191107

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=13=DBSL_CMD_VENDOR_NAME_GET)                   109  0.191216

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=52=DBSL_CMD_GET_DBLIB_VERSION)                  34  0.191250

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]                 -> 'OCI_112,, V1, default build'                30  0.191280

2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = ORACLE                           --- dbs_ora_tnsname = '<SID>'"


Errors occurred during post-handling FDT_AFTER_IMPORT for FDT0001 T


Hello All,


I am currently installing Enhancement Package 3 in our IDS system (ECC6).

It is now in the XPRA_EXECUTION phase when I encountered this error:


FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expressio COND_BASE_UNIT_IS_INITIAL (800B5DD7D4511DDBA9E9EEA4F1AE0006) and reference

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expressio COND_BASE_UNIT_IS_INITIAL (800B5DD7D4511DDBA9E9EEA4F1AE0006) and reference

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expression COND_TRUE (800B5DD7D4511DEBA9EA2118797753A7) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expression COND_TRUE (800B5DD7D4511DEBA9EA2118797753A7) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expression COND_TRUE (800B5DD7D4511DDBA9EA599B4484C3AD) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.411

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expression COND_TRUE (800B5DD7D4511DDBA9EA599B4484C3AD) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.412

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expr COND_UPDATE_VARIANT_VALID_FROM (800B5DD7D4511DEBA9EA9A092E1C57D5) and reference

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.412

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expr COND_UPDATE_VARIANT_VALID_FROM (800B5DD7D4511DEBA9EA9A092E1C57D5) and reference

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.412

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expression COND_TRUE (800B5DD7D4511DEBA9E9FD1841A8CAA5) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.412

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expression COND_TRUE (800B5DD7D4511DEBA9E9FD1841A8CAA5) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: <<< BEGIN: Messages for ID Element BOOLEAN (0000DDDD020000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) and referenced objects >>>

No active version found for time stamp 20.090.519.105.412

FDT: <<< END  : Messages for ID Logical AND/OR expression COND_TRUE (800B5DD7D4511DEBA9EA415EF1C91FE4) and referenced objects >>>

FDT: Object activation failed (step: Activate )


FDT: Import queue update with RC 12.


Errors occurred during post-handling FDT_AFTER_IMPORT for FDT0001 T


The errors affect the following components:


Post-import method FDT_AFTER_IMPORT completed for FDT0001 T, date and time: 20090519162412


Do yo have any idea on how to resolve this?


Best Regards,

Niranjan kumar

tp unlocksys during upgrade


Hi all,

I'm upgrading a system to CRM EH3.  I need to unlock the  SAP orginal system in order to log in with a user different from DDIC.

Which command is the correct one?


tp locksys QJ1 pf=\usr\sap\trans\bin\TP_DOMAIN_DJ1.PFL
tp lock_eu QJ1 pf=E:\usr\sap\trans\bin\TP_DOMAIN_DJ1.PFL

tp unlock_EU QJ1 pf=\reeje\SUM\abap\var\DEFAULT.TPP
tp unlock_EU QJ1 pf=D:\reeje\SUM\abap\var\DEFAULT.TPP






ERROR: invalid or incomplete option "-t" R3ldctl.EXE




Could anyone advice on this error?


I am doing upgrade on ERP 6.0 to EHP7.


During phase 5.5 and I got this error below



Last error code set: 1 processes failed, check 'R3LDCALLPRP.*' for details    


SAPup> Starting subprocess in phase 'EU_CLONE_CRE_SHDVIEWS' at 20140616061336

    ENV: DBMS_TYPE=ada

    ENV: PATH=C:\usr\sap\IS3\SUM\abap\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\usr\sap\IS3\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64;C:\sapdb\clients\IS3\bin;C:\sapdb\clients\IS3\pgm;C:\sapdb\programs\bin;C:\usr\sap\IS3\SUM\abap\bin



    ENV: auth_shadow_upgrade=1

    ENV: dbs_ada_schema=SAPIS3

    ENV: rsdb_ssfs_connect=0



EXECUTING C:\usr\sap\IS3\SUM\abap\exe\R3ldctl.EXE -T -p C:\usr\sap\IS3\SUM\abap\shdviews -i C:\usr\sap\IS3\SUM\abap\shdviews\SHDVIEWS_PRP00001_IN.LST -o C:\usr\sap\IS3\SUM\abap\shdviews\SHDVIEWS_PRP00001_EXP.STR

ERROR: invalid or incomplete option "-T"

SAPup> Process with PID 16300 terminated with status 2 at 20140616061339!


Thanks in advanced,

Shu Jie

During EHP6 pre-processing, can archive logging be active?


Hi Gurus,


We are to perform EHP6 upgrade of our ECC system, production. Prod system is backed-up on a daily basis.


Apparently, pre-processing phase of EHP6 upgrade using SUM tool, took us about 5days before reaching "Execution - Downtime" phase.


We would like to ask, during pre-processing phase, is it fine to keep log archiving active, and we will just turn it off when we are about to proceed with the downtime.


We'd like to avoid during upgrade that db log files will be generated so fast that could cause filling-up of our production log archive directory.


We would appreciate your favorable response on this. Thanks.







During the phase MAIN_DTTRANS/DOWNCONF_DTTRANS, the SUM stops indicating the following warning:




The SUM used is 1.0 SP10.


Unfortunately the logs do not show anything.


Can anyone help me?



Hello All,


I am applying EHp3 om crm system.  at start of upgrade i got this error:



...started at 20140617160116

..finished at 20140617160116 with status ABORTED.

# Error message set: 'sapcontrol error'


Any idea about this error, I had never sa that befor


Thanks for any help



ACT_UPG : Table N1FAT could not be activated




  We are upgrading our production system to  EHP7 .


During phase MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG we had this issue:


ERROR: Detected the following errors due to error summary in ACTUPG.ELG:


3 EDT014XActivate dependent table "M_PREMA"

3 EDT014XActivate dependent table "V_7BR_PREMA"

3 EDT014XActivate dependent table "V_T7BRAP"


OSS Note1909524 indicates that we can ignore it.

We had the same issue in Dev and Qual systems.


But, in our production system, we had one more table not activated :


   3 EDT014XActivate dependent table "N1FAT"

1EEDT304 Foreign key "N1FAT"-"STOID" (More foreign key fields than check table fields)

2WEDT313 For. "N1FAT"-"STOID" ("MANDT" and "EINRI" have different data types)

2WEDT314 For. "N1FAT"-"STOID" ("EINRI" and "STOID" are of different lengths)

   3 EDT015 Dependent table "N1FAT" was not activated

1EEDO519 "Table" "N1FAT" could not be activated


Could we ignore it?

We dont' use IS-H*MED: Transport Orders



SAP ERP 6.0 upgrade to enhancement package 7


Hi Expert,


My SAP version is ERP 6.0 SAP_APPL: release 600, we are planning to upgrade it to enhancement package 7. But we worry about the existing t-code interface has lot of different from ERP 6.0. Could you advice the major different in interface? And also any impact in customizing program? e.g.: user exist. Does anyone can share your upgrade experience here? If we need to do document archiving, any impact if we implement archiving before upgrade to enhancement 7?



SRM 7 EHP3 Upgrade




I have a requirement of updating SRM 7 EHP 2 to EHP3. Are there any pre requisite that the system has to be in NW 7.4?

I have tried creating a stack file via Mopz but there is no option for Ehp3 in the drop down. Could you please provide your suggestions on this and the road map to proceed?






Hi, colleges!

I do the EHP6 upgrade of our ERP system.


SAPup  is in Preprocessing stage.


But MAIN_SHDIMP/SUBMOD_SHDIMP/SHADOW_IMPORT_INC  phase is running more 24 hours.

Logs generation stopped many hours ago. I can see some R3trans processes are running but no CPU utilization consumed.

I can see only one process  working  more or less intense is javaw.exe.


OS : Windows 2008 R2 server

DB: Oracle 11.2.3

ERP 6 EHP6 upgrading.


I restarted SAPup but it cams down at the same point after importing some objects (SAPK-731BCINSAPBASIS_11468_11468_016490 package file)


My questions are

1) What wrong and/or how long should I wait for finishing of the process?

2) Can I increase performance of the process (i.e., can i add r3trans process quantity or something else at the stage?)

3) Shadows instance is needs to run this phase? because shadows instance is stopped.


Any suggestions are welcome!!!

Thank you!

ECC6 to EhP7 SSFS Problem



We're going from flat ECC6 straight to EhP7 on one of our systems.  We're getting to a point in the extraction phase where it needs to connect to the database and it fails when using the 7.40 kernel it has extracted as it needs to use SSFS.


We followed all of the steps in Note 1622837 without issue and if I set the env parameters to use /usr/sap/<sid>/SUM/abap/exe for everything and run R3trans -d it connects 0000 using the stored username and password without issue.  If I use the regular kernel 721_ext patch 300 and run R3trans -d it fails but indicates that it has loaded all of the information from ssfs and then tries to connect with /<passwd>@<SID> instead of SAPR3/<passwd>@<SID> as it does on the 740 kernel.  It then gives an error indicating that it was unsuccessful in connecting. 


Is there any points that I'm missing here?  I can't upgrade the system kernel past 721 as the system is flat 7.00 and doesn't support a kernel higher. 



4 ETW000 R3trans version 6.24 (release 721 - 08.05.14 - 16:50:00).

4 ETW000 ===============================================

4 ETW000

4 ETW000 date&time   : 02.06.2014 - 09:25:25

4 ETW000 control file: <no ctrlfile>

4 ETW000 R3trans was called as follows: R3trans -d

4 ETW000  trace at level 2 opened for a given file pointer

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Mon Jun  2 09:25:25 2014                                                 225  0.000225

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  db_con_init called                                                        50  0.000275

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  set_use_ext_con_info(): ssfs will be used to get connect information

4 ETW000                                                                                                 202  0.000477

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  determine_block_commit: no con_hdl found as blocked for con_name = R/3

4 ETW000                                                                                                  49  0.000526

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  create_con (con_name=R/3)                                                 26  0.000552

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Loading DB library '/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so' ...            82  0.000634

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Mon Jun  2 09:25:26 2014                                               74086  0.074720

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  DlLoadLib() success: dlopen("/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so"), hdl 0

4 ETW000                                                                                                  77  0.074797

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Library '/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so' loaded                    35  0.074832

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function DbSlExpFuns loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  65  0.074897

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Version of '/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so' is "721.02", patchlevel (0.224)

4 ETW000                                                                                                 333  0.075230

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function dsql_db_init loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  55  0.075285

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function dbdd_exp_funs loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                 123  0.075408

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_instant_client_version loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  71  0.075479

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_instant_client_flavor loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  60  0.075539

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_patchset_version loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  59  0.075598

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  function sapic_get_ls_inventory loaded from library /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run/dboraslib.so

4 ETW000                                                                                                  57  0.075655

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=47=DBSL_CMD_IMP_FUNS_SET) -> changed=30, tagset=1

4 ETW000                                                                                                  84  0.075739

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=39=DBSL_CMD_SET_SINGLETASK)                     38  0.075777

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET)                       31  0.075808

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  New connection 0 created                                                  27  0.075835

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = -000000001, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , bc = NO , hc = NO , perm = YES, reco = NO , frco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO , prog = 

4 ETW000                                                                                                  54  0.075889

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=10=DBSL_CMD_DBCA_PTR_GET)                       31  0.075920

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  db_con_connect (con_name=R/3)                                             28  0.075948

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  determine_block_commit: no con_hdl found as blocked for con_name = R/3

4 ETW000                                                                                                  48  0.075996

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  find_con_by_name found the following connection:                          26  0.076022

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  0: name = R/3, con_id = 000000000, state = DISCONNECTED, tx = NO , bc = NO , hc = NO , perm = YES, reco = NO , frco = NO , timeout = 000, con_max = 255, con_opt = 255, occ = NO , prog = 

4 ETW000                                                                                                  52  0.076074

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_con_info_ssfs(): reading connect info for connection R/3             27  0.076101

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=74=DBSL_CMD_CON_INFO_EXT_SUPPORT) -> rc=0=DBSL_ERR_OK, con_vers=0

4 ETW000                                                                                                  75  0.076176

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  con_info_ext_support(): DBSL supports extended connect protocol           32  0.076208

4 ETW000                          ==> connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  con_info_ext_support(): auth/shadow_upgrade = undefined                   50  0.076258

4 ETW000                         ==> Using default key set to get connect info from ssfs

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): register callback ssfs_dbi_trace and max level 2

4 ETW000                                                                                                  68  0.076326

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Entering function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" [rsecssfs.c 872]         154  0.076480

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Configuration data read from environment parameters [rsecssfs.c 4359]

4 ETW000                                                                                                8812  0.085292

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Data file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_<SID>.DAT" opened for read [rsecssfs.c 2539]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 126  0.085418

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Key file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_<SID>.KEY" not found, using default key [rsecssfs.c 1424]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  92  0.085510

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Exiting function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" with return code 0 (message: <No message available>) [rsecssfs.c 936]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 738  0.086248

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER read successfully from ssfs

4 ETW000                                                                                                  50  0.086298

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): deregister callback ssfs_dbi_trace                    28  0.086326

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): register callback ssfs_dbi_trace and max level 2

4 ETW000                                                                                                  47  0.086373

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Entering function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" [rsecssfs.c 872]          32  0.086405

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Configuration data read from environment parameters [rsecssfs.c 4359]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  78  0.086483

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Data file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_<SID>.DAT" opened for read [rsecssfs.c 2539]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  96  0.086579

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Key file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_<SID>.KEY" not found, using default key [rsecssfs.c 1424]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  76  0.086655

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Exiting function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" with return code 0 (message: <No message available>) [rsecssfs.c 936]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 485  0.087140

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_PASSWORD read successfully from ssfs

4 ETW000                                                                                                  50  0.087190

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): deregister callback ssfs_dbi_trace                    27  0.087217

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): register callback ssfs_dbi_trace and max level 2

4 ETW000                                                                                                  46  0.087263

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Entering function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" [rsecssfs.c 872]          32  0.087295

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Configuration data read from environment parameters [rsecssfs.c 4359]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  78  0.087373

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Data file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/data/SSFS_<SID>.DAT" opened for read [rsecssfs.c 2539]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  92  0.087465

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Key file "/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/security/rsecssfs/key/SSFS_<SID>.KEY" not found, using default key [rsecssfs.c 1424]

4 ETW000                                                                                                  77  0.087542

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  RSecSSFs: Exiting function "RSecSSFsGetRecord" with return code 0 (message: <No message available>) [rsecssfs.c 936]

4 ETW000                                                                                                 239  0.087781

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_CON_ENV read successfully from ssfs

4 ETW000                                                                                                  49  0.087830

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  read_ssfs_record(): deregister callback ssfs_dbi_trace                    28  0.087858

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlConnect(vers=0, type=0, env='<SID>', usr='', kernel dbsl='721')

4 ETW000                                                                                                 104  0.087962

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Register application info.                                               329  0.088291

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Oracle client version:, V1, default build, (dbsl 721 140314, non-unicode)

4 ETW000                                                                                                 172  0.088463

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Installed Oracle client patches:                                          65  0.088528

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  # Patch  13508485     : Created on 21 Dec 2011, 13:23:38 hrs PST8PDT

4 ETW000                                                                                                  53  0.088581

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  # Patch Description: Created on 30 Dec 2011, 03:13:30 hrs PST8PDT         36  0.088617

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  # Patch  11742262     : Created on  7 Mar 2012, 12:22:41 hrs CET          41  0.088658

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]    Default connection: tnsname ='<SID>'                                      52  0.088710

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->oci_initialize(con=0, char='WE8DEC', nchar='AL16UTF16', nls=-1),uc_ln=1

4 ETW000                                                                                                  56  0.088766

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  OCIEnvCreate(mode=0=OCI_DEFAULT) returned 0 (for default NLS handle)

4 ETW000                                                                                               13398  0.102164

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrHp=8)                       135  0.102299

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_ERROR, con=0, ErrBt=8)                        54  0.102353

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  NLS env. settings: lang=414D45524943414E                                 135  0.102488

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]                     terr=414D4552494341                                    35  0.102523

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]                     char=574538444543                                      32  0.102555

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Client NLS setting (by OCINlsGetInfo(con=0)): 'AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8DEC'

4 ETW000                                                                                                  51  0.102606

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  charset='WE8DEC', ncharset='AL16UTF16', UNI_ASC=FALSE                     29  0.102635

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Connecting as /<pwd>@<SID> on connection 0 (nls 0) ... (dbsl 721 140314, non-unicode)

4 ETW000                                                                                                  88  0.102723

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, con=0, svchp=8)                       81  0.102804

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Allocating server context handle                                          42  0.102846

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Attaching to database server <SID> (con=0, svchp=8, srvhp=0)                57  0.102903

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Assigning server context 0 to service context 8                        85495  0.188398

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIHandleAlloc(OCI_HTYPE_SESSION, con=0, usrhp=0)                     134  0.188532

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Assigning username to user session: con=0, usrhp=0                        36  0.188568

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Assigning password to user session: con=0, usrhp=0                        32  0.188600

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Starting user session: OCISessionBegin(con=0, usr='', svc=8, srv=0, usr=0)

4 ETW000                                                                                                 622  0.189222

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with -1=OCI_ERROR                 390  0.189612

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCISessionBegin(OCI_DEFAULT) failed with SQL error 1017:               97  0.189709

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied                                                                           

4 ETW000                                                                                                  56  0.189765

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  server_detach(con=0,stale=1,srvhp=0)                                      32  0.189797

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Server handle (con=0,svchp=8,srvhp=0) detached                           644  0.190441

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  Free server handle srvhp=0 of con=0                                       42  0.190483

4 ETW000  [dbsloci.c   ,00000]  *** ERROR => CONNECT failed with SQL error '1017'                        128  0.190611

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->oci_get_errmsg (con=0, rc=1017)                                        45  0.190656

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     OCIErrorGet() -> SQL error code: 1017                                  32  0.190688

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied                                                                              

4 ETW000                                                                                                  53  0.190741

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  ocica() -> SQL error code 1017,1017                                       30  0.190771

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]     DbSlConnect(con=0) -> orc=1017, 99=DBSL_ERR_DB                         31  0.190802

4 ETW000  [    dblink  ,00000]  ***LOG BY2=>sql error 1017   performing CON                              152  0.190954

4 ETW000  [    dblink  ,00000]  ***LOG BY0=>ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied            36  0.190990

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=41=DBSL_CMD_RELINFO_GET)                        53  0.191043

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=14=DBSL_CMD_VERSION_GET)                        33  0.191076

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=50=DBSL_CMD_GET_PATCH_INFO)                     31  0.191107

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=13=DBSL_CMD_VENDOR_NAME_GET)                   109  0.191216

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]  -->DbSlControl(con=-1,cmd=52=DBSL_CMD_GET_DBLIB_VERSION)                  34  0.191250

4 ETW000  [     dev trc,00000]                 -> 'OCI_112,, V1, default build'                30  0.191280

2EETW169 no connect possible: "DBMS = ORACLE                           --- dbs_ora_tnsname = '<SID>'"


Error during phase PREP_INPUT/KX_CPYCHK


Hi all,


I am performing EHP7 upgrade from EHP6 and keep getting error below:


The new SAP tools in /usr/sap/<SID>/SUM/abap/exe cannot connect to your database.



Checking in DBCONNCHK.LOG, error below is found:


Connect via SAPUSER not supported for kernel >=740. Only Secure Connect method possible.



This is pointing me to SAP Note 1622837 - connection problem to Oracle via SSFS.



Based on the note, I have performed the following:


- using <sid>adm, created directory in <dir_global>/security/rsecssfs/data & <dir_global>/security/rsecssfs/key

- chmod 700 to all directories

- maintaind SSFS profile parameters

- set environment varible RSEC_SSFS_DATAPATH & RSEC_SSFS_KEYPATH in Linux

- executed rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_USER SAPSR3 -plain

- executed rsecssfx put DB_CONNECT/DEFAULT_DB_PASSOWRD <password>   (password consists only alphabet and numbers)

- chmod 600 to SSFS_<sid>.DAT file

- created external encrytion key, with same permission (600)

- profile parameter rsdb/ssfs_connect = 1  added

- set env variable rsdb_ssfs_connect = 1

- restart SAP


I checked in wp trace, and I can see entries like "connect info for default DB will be read from ssfs".

Same for R3trans -d.



After all the steps above, I'm still getting the same error when re-execute the same phase in SUM. Any clue?

Current kernel 721_EXT_REL, linuxx86_64 unicode.



Error during ACT_UPG phase.




It is a MaxDB database with source system as CRM 7.0 EHP1 ; target CRM 7.0 EHP2

During an EHP upgrade I am getting the below error.





1AETR012XProgram terminated (job: "RDDMASGL", no.: "16482300")

1AEPU320 See job log"RDDMASGL""16482300""L4H"

1 ETP111 exit code           : "12"



On further checking the work process trace of the shadow instance I found that there are inconsistencies with the table DYNPSOURCE.


A  UpdateProfile (new settings): off,krn_impl,(no dyn check),(no logging),(no stat err),(local generation),(no commit)

A  UpdateProfile (new exceptions): (tmp_err),(home_err),(local_err)

A  UpdateProfile (new version): 0

A  ***GENER* Trace switched off ***

B  dbdynpdb2: table DYNPSOURCE not found => synonym in shadow instance?

C  *** ERROR =>   prepare() of C_0009, rc=1, rcSQL=-4005 (POS(8) Unknown column name:VERSION)

[dbsdbsql.cpp 2601]

C  {root-id=005056AB04761EE3BF8EF51EC85743D1}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0



C  *** ERROR => SQL PREPARE on connection 0, rc=-4005 (POS(8) Unknown column name:VERSION)

[dbslsdb.cpp  8914]

C  {root-id=005056AB04761EE3BF8EF51EC85743D1}_{conn-id=00000000000000000000000000000000}_0



C  sc_p=7fce8b85e5a8,no=9,idc_p=(nil),con=0,act=0,slen=41,smax=256,#vars=0,stmt=69236d0,table=DYNPSOURCE


B  dbdynpdb2: table DYNPSOURCE has no VERSION column, dbsl_rc = 99

B  dbrda: Redirect database access is disabled via rsdb/rda profile parameter setting.

M  SecAudit(rsauinit): WP attached to existing shared memory.

M  SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of SHM for Audit.. = 7fcd2bbf3000

M  SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of RSAUSHM........ = 7fcd2bbf4000

M  SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of RSAUSLOTINFO... = 7fcd2bbf4610

M  SecAudit(RsauShmInit): addr of RSAUSLOTS...... = 7fcd2bbf4620

M  extStatHook: This process does not report performance statistics

G  GetWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 281, pEnforce = 0 )

G  RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 277, pEnforce = 0 )

G  GetWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 281, pEnforce = 0 )

G  RelWritePermissionForShm( pLocation = 277, pEnforce = 0 )



On checking further I found that the table runtime object table dynpsource is inconsistent in the shadow instance. I tried to reconstruct it in SE14 but the logs shows that the table is in read only mode. (The database object is consistent).



Upgrade is stuck due to this, kindly help in fixing this issue.




Warm Regards

- Avi

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