Greeting, actually I useing SUM Software Update Manager 1.0 SP 6 to update our NW PI Server Java Stack, so when I try to log on to SUM GUI through GUI or Web GUI it response and ask for user name and password I provide j2ee_admin and password for it, so the next while the SUM in phase analyze the system it terminate and wright the following commands in terminal
Request client with ID to finish
Mar 21, 2013 5:44:09 AM [Info]: Stopping services ...
Mar 21, 2013 5:44:09 AM [Info]: Stopping service "UseCaseService" ...
Mar 21, 2013 5:44:09 AM [Info]: Service "UseCaseService" stopped.
Mar 21, 2013 5:44:09 AM [Info]: Services stopped.
Mar 21, 2013 5:44:09 AM [Info]: Server shutdown by UseCaseService
also attached print screen
to summerize the issue
after I log on SUM it clsoed or shutdown automatically after provide user name and password my systems is NW PI (Linux and DB2 LUW DB), so how I can solve this issue
Thanks in Advance