Hi all.
I am having a problem in phase MAIN_NEWBAS/MOD_INSTNR_CLEAN of our EhP1 install for NW 7.0 BW system. Windows 2003 Server, MS SQL 2005 SP3.
I get the following error "FATAL ERROR: System error: The directory is not empty."
Here in an entry in the phase log file:
#---- TIME: 20091003111340
1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "MOD_INSTNR_CLEAN" ("20091003111325")
2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access
4 ETQ399 System-nr = '00', GwService = 'sapgw00'
4 ETQ399 Environment variables:
4 ETQ399 dbs_mss_schema=<null>
4 ETQ399 auth_shadow_upgrade=<null>
4 ETQ380 computing toolpath for request "TP_DEFAULT"
4 ETQ382 translates to group "R3UP_TOOL_GROUP_SYS"
4 ETQ383 translates to path "F:\usr\sap\BWU\DVEBMGS00\exe"
4 ETQ399 Set environment for standard connect:
4 ETQ399 ENV: dbs_mss_schema=bwu
4 ETQ399 ENV: auth_shadow_upgrade=0
4 ETQ399 Set RFC variables for standard connect:
4 ETQ399 System-nr = '00', GwService = 'sapgw00'
4 ETQ399 Set tool parameters for standard connect:
1 ETQ206 Executing pre-phase DB specific actions.
1 ETQ206 Executing pre-phase OS specific actions.
1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'MAIN_NEWBAS/MOD_INSTNR_CLEAN'.
1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:
2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = ''
2 ETQ399 Arg[1] = 'CLEANUP'
From SAPehpi.log file:
...started at 20091003111340
Using phase log file 'MODINSTNRCLEAN.LOG'.
Reading Parameter File "Z:\BW\BWU\EHPI\abap\bin\DBSWTC.PAR" at 20091003111340
WARNING: Cannot delete file 'F:\usr\sap\BWU\DVEBMGS03\exe\_oldsapevents.dll' - ignored!
...begin dialogue at 20091003111340
I think this phase is going to clean up the temporary/shadow instance, and looking at the at OS level shows that the directory F:\usr\sap\BWU\DVEBMGS03 is not empty. I have exe, log, sec and work directories there. In exe, there is only one file oldsapevents.dll. I tried deleting this, but is is not possible, "Access denied".
I tried restarting EHPI a couple of times, also tried to delete the oldsapevents.dll file while EHPI was not running, with the same message "Access denied".
Anyone got some ideas on how to fix this?