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Ehp7 implemnt error in phase PREP_EXTRACT/PREIMP


Dear Team,


When I am implemnting Ehp7 During extraction Phase , It stuck in below screen


Extraction Phase Error 1.png


Please find the attach log of R710VPE.QAS



ST-A/PI Release Missing


Hi all,


After successful installation of ST-A/PI add-on component release is missing  st-api.jpg

System configuration is




ECC 6.0 EHP7

EHS4 to EHS8...Difference


Hi, We are currently in EHS4...want to know the difference between EHS 4 to EHS 5,6,7 and 8...Please help

ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (80) exceeded during Ehp7 preprocessing phase


Dear Team,


We are implementing Ehp7 on our ECC 6.0 Server.During Implementing Its stuck in Preprocessing Phase from last 15 Hours.

EHP7 Preprocessing.png

When I check the that , Our SAP is not running.When I check via BRTOOLS. Its give below error.

BR1001I BRSPACE 7.20 (34)

BR1002I Start of BRSPACE processing: seppbqin.tse 2015-01-09 06.59.57

BR0484I BRSPACE log file: /oracle/QAS/sapreorg/seppbqin.tse

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2015-01-09 06.59.57

BR0301E SQL error -20 at location BrDbaConnect-2, SQL statement:


ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (80) exceeded

BR0310E Connect to database instance QAS failed



BR0700E Fatal errors occurred - terminating processing...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2015-01-09 06.59.57

BR0301W SQL error -20 at location BrDbaConnect-2, SQL statement:


ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (80) exceeded

BR0310W Connect to database instance QAS failed


When I connect Oracle via SQL. its give

sapqas:oraqas 1> sqlplus

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Jan 9 10:35:47 2015

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Enter user-name: /as sysdba


ORA-00020: maximum number of processes (80) exceeded




Moderator: The log file clearly says what the issue is. You should fix that before asking for help.

During Ehp7 Stack DB ORA skipped as DB MAX is expected


Dear Team ,


When I am upgrading Ehp7 in ECC6.0 . Its give below error.


Ehp7 Xml error.png


When I check log .


Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012386.SAR for DB ORA skipped as

DB MAX is expected.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Kernel archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012386.SAR is skipped as

the second archive is missing in the stack.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012462.SAR for DB ORA skipped as

DB MAX is expected.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Kernel archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012462.SAR is skipped as

the second archive is missing in the stack.


Please find the attach log file also and suggest .

SAP EHP&SP level?




I  heard the terms SAP Enhancement Package level and SP level and sometimes SPS level.I dont understand all these.


Can anyone explain all these and how to check the EHP level,SP level,SPS level in SAP GUI?




During Ehp7 Stack DB ORA skipped as DB MAX is expected


Dear Team ,


When I am upgrading Ehp7 in ECC6.0 . Its give below error.


Ehp7 Xml error.png


When I check log .


Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012386.SAR for DB ORA skipped as

DB MAX is expected.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Kernel archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012386.SAR is skipped as

the second archive is missing in the stack.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012462.SAR for DB ORA skipped as

DB MAX is expected.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Kernel archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012462.SAR is skipped as

the second archive is missing in the stack.


Please find the attach log file also and suggest .



Dear Team,


I am implementing Ehp7 in my server .During Implementing Its Stuck in below screen from last 40 Hours.

Then I again Stop and Start from SUM..



I have check all File system and Table System size , Its has sufficient space,But nothing is imporoving .When I login in Shadow System.

and check all process , In this one background process is cont..running


I have check these log ,But in this nothing growing......


-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys        4149 Jan 19 13:00 SAPA-606BMINISM.QAS

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys     133984487 Jan 19 13:00 SAPA741EPU.QAS

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys     1348925 Jan 19 13:00 ACTUPG.SAV

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys       27575 Jan 19 13:00 SAPupStat.log

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys      228761 Jan 19 13:00 SAPup.log

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys     1774750 Jan 19 13:00 PHASES.SAV

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys        1718 Jan 19 13:00 TP.ECO

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys      972216 Jan 19 13:00 ULOG15_1

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys     32415264 Jan 19 13:00 TP.SAV

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys        1617 Jan 19 13:00 PHASES.LOG

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys      677008 Jan 19 13:00 SAPupConsole.log

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys      982019 Jan 19 13:00 SAPup.ECO

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys      549971 Jan 19 13:00 SLOG740

-rw-rw-r--   1 qasadm     sapsys     1130611 Jan 19 13:00 ALOG740




SUM Error: procedure need a pathced version of the tools listed below


Hello friends,


currently i'm trying to upgrade to ECC 600 EHP 7 including Netweaver 7.4 in a Non-Unicode environment.


At a point i get the following error:




My problem is, how can i find out which PL of kernel 741 is the kernel 380.20.7, i have a doubt that this version is a unicode kernel?


In the product availability matrix, the only correct Kernel for EHP 7 is 740 but this version its out of support. In Mopz i can only select 741 kernel.


Can anybody help me?



SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for BRBACKUP - Reason: unknown


Dear Team,


I have successfully implement Ehp7 in our testserver.After implementing Ehp7 , When I am initializing tape for Backup.

Its give below error , Please suggest for below error

DB13 error.png

Now our Kernel Release 741 and Its Support pack level is 100.

Brtools version is

sapqas:oraqas 1> brtools

BR0651I BRTOOLS 7.20 (34)

sapqas:qasadm 21> disp+work -v

disp+work information

kernel release 741

kernel make variant 741_REL

DBMS client library OCI_112,

DBSL shared library version 741.10

compiled on HP-UX B.11.31 U ia64 [PBO:opt] for hpia64

compiled for 64 BIT

compilation mode UNICODE

compile time Oct  6 2014 01:21:06

update level 0

patch number 100

source id 0.100


During Ehp7 Stack DB ORA skipped as DB MAX is expected


Dear Team ,


When I am upgrading Ehp7 in ECC6.0 . Its give below error.


Ehp7 Xml error.png


When I check log .


Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012386.SAR for DB ORA skipped as

DB MAX is expected.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Kernel archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012386.SAR is skipped as

the second archive is missing in the stack.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012462.SAR for DB ORA skipped as

DB MAX is expected.

Dec 11, 2014 7:58:18 PM [Warning]: Kernel archive /usr/sap/trans/ehp7/SAPEXEDB_100-10012462.SAR is skipped as

the second archive is missing in the stack.


Please find the attach log file also and suggest .

Stack.xml There are no stack independent files in your selection error


Hi experts,



I am trying to do EHP upgrade from SR3 to EHP 6 , while generating stack.xml file using MOPZ I am  facing the problem as like...


  " There are no stack independent files in your selection " 


Please find the attachment and help us if any one aware of it.



Note: Windows 2008 on Oracle 10 .2 

EHP5 to EHP7 Upgrade


Hi Team,


I'm upgrading ECC 6.0 from EHP5 to EHP 7. I've generated the stack XML and started the SUM Tool.

Now i'm into 5.3  Configuration Phase. No where it was prompting me for DVD's.

It prompted only for Stack XML.


Did i miss any where? or at what phase it will request for DVD's.

I stop my upgrade due to this confusion.




Activation of Business Functions - Client 000?


Experts - In reviewing the Technical FAQ in EHP install documentation, the following statement appears:


From FAQ -

9.9 Do I have to activate business functions in a specific client of the SAP system?

In principle, the activation of a business function is client-independent, i.e. the new functionality will be available in all clients of the SAP system.

However, the activation of a business function via transaction SFW5 will also trigger the extraction of template customizing for the new business function. The template customizing will be extracted into a specific client of the SAP system. In order to avoid overwriting existing customizing, you should activate business function in client 000 and follow the instructions of SAP Note 337623 carefully.


My Basis team members are hesitant to activate BFs in client 000 b/c they consider this golden and "should not be touched".  They want to activate this in client 100 b/c it's client independent anyway, but I wanted to better understand the potential impacts of not activating in 000.  What customizing could be overwritten by not utilizing client 000?  How could this negatively impact the any config/customizing, etc that is already in place in the system?


Any input would be appreciated!





Hi Expert,


We have this issue in Downtime phase


       Last error code set: Process D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe/sapcontrol.exe exited with 2, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details<br/> System start failed<br/> Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT    


This trouble ticket was created by SAPup on 20140223181007


SAPup broke during phase STARTSAP_NBAS in module MAIN_NEWBAS / Downtime II: Conversion, Main Import, XPRAs

Error Message: Process D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe/sapcontrol.exe exited with 2, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details

System start failed

Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT








...started at 20140223172906

# Phase error status set: NO SYSTEM START

..finished at 20140223173446 with status FAILED.

# Error message set: 'RFC login to system DLW ashost UST2A041 nr 00 gwhost UST2A041 gwservice sapgw00 failed with code 1 key RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE:

LOCATION    CPIC (TCP/IP) on local host with Unicode

ERROR       partner '' not reached

TIME        Sun Feb 23 17:34:26 2014

RELEASE     721

COMPONENT   NI (network interface)

VERSION     40

RC          -10

MODULE      nixxi.cpp

LINE        3285

DETAIL      NiPConnect2:


ERRNO       10061


COUNTER     117



System start failed

Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT'

...begin dialog at 20140223173449

...end dialog at 20140223180848

..answered at 20140223180848.

-> decided to try again.




...started at 20140223180848

# Phase error status set: NO SYSTEM START

..finished at 20140223181007 with status FAILED.

# Error message set: 'Process D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe/sapcontrol.exe exited with 2, see 'H:\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO' for details

System start failed

Earlier, validating the profile failed, see INSTANCE.OUT'

...begin dialog at 20140223181010





SAPup> Starting subprocess in phase 'MOD_PFPAR_BAS' at 20140223141142

    ENV: CLASSPATH=H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcc.jar;H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar;H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcclu.jar;H:\DVD\51041943_\db2jcc4.jar


    ENV: DB2_CLI_DRIVER_INSTALL_PATH=D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\global\db2\WINDOWS_AMD64\db2_clidriver


    ENV: DBMS_TYPE=db2

    ENV: JAVA_HOME=H:\SUM\jvm\jre


    ENV: PATH=H:\SUM\abap\exe;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Enterprise Server\Utils;C:\Program Files\BMC Software\CI\common\globalc\bin\Windows-x86;C:\Program Files\BMC Software\CI\common\globalc\bin\Windows-x86-64;C:\Program Files\BMC Software\Patrol3\BEST1\7.5.10\bgs\bin;D:\SAP\SUNJAVA\bin;D:\SAP\SUNJAVA\bin;D:\usr\sap\QLW\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64;D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe;D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64;D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\exe\nuc\NTAMD64\db2_clidriver\bin;D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\global\db2\WINDOWS_AMD64\db2_clidriver\bin;D:\SAP\SUNJAVA\bin




    ENV: dbs_db2_alter_catlg=0

    ENV: dbs_db2_con_profile=H:\SUM\abap\DLW\SYS\global\connect.ini

    ENV: dbs_db2_no_chkstogroup=1

    ENV: dbs_db2_sap_stosid=1

    ENV: dbs_db2_schema=SAPR3

    ENV: dbs_db2_ssid=DLW

    ENV: dbs_db2_use_defer_yes=-1

    ENV: dbs_db2_use_define_no=1

    ENV: dbs_db2_use_drda=1

    ENV: dbs_db2_user=DLWDB2C



EXECUTING H:\SUM\abap\exe\sappfpar.EXE  check "pf=D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\profile\DLW_DVEBMGS00_UST2A041 "






==   Checking profile:     D:\usr\sap\DLW\SYS\profile\DLW_DVEBMGS00_UST2A041








***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: DB2DB6EKEY =0

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_00 =DIR_LIBRARY=D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_01 =DIR_LIBRARY=D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_04 =DB2_CLI_DRIVER_INSTALL_PATH=D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\exe\db2_clidriver

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_05 =dbs_db2_user=DLWDB2C

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: SETENV_06 =DB2CODEPAGE=819

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: auth/auth_number_in_userbuffer =5000

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/alter_catlg =0

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/max_priqty =72000

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/max_retry =50

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/no_chkstogroup =1

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/nupd_stop =00C90096,00E7000F,00C20031,00C20255,00C900A5

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/pcon =1

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/sap_stosid =1

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: dbs/db2/use_lockmax_system =1

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: es/implementation =flat

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rdisp/system_needs_spool =false

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rsau/local/file =D:\usr\sap\DLW\DVEBMGS00\log\++++++++.AUD

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rsdb/pmandt =000

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: rspo/spool_id/use_tskh =0

***WARNING: Unexpected parameter: stat/smtp =5



***ERROR: Maximum shared memory segment size exceeded


Shared memories exceeding size limit

Key:        6  Size:  1384448000 (1320.3 MB) ABAP program buffer         



SOLUTIONS: (1) reconfigure your operating system for shared memory

               segment size of 2048.0 MB minimum

           (2) configure smaller SAP buffers


Shared memory disposition overview


Key:        1  Size:        2500 (   0.0 MB) System administration       

Key:        2  Size:    50270860 (  47.9 MB) Disp. administration tables 

Key:        3  Size:    33432000 (  31.9 MB) Disp. communication areas   

Key:        4  Size:      522448 (   0.5 MB) statistic area              

Key:        5  Size:        4096 (   0.0 MB) SCSA area                   

Key:        6  Size:  1384448000 (1320.3 MB) ABAP program buffer         

Key:        7  Size:       14838 (   0.0 MB) Update task administration  

Key:        8  Size:   134217828 ( 128.0 MB) Paging buffer               

Key:        9  Size:   268435556 ( 256.0 MB) Roll buffer                 

Key:       11  Size:      500000 (   0.5 MB) Factory calender buffer     

Key:       12  Size:     6000000 (   5.7 MB) TemSe Char-Code convert Buf.

Key:       13  Size:    40500000 (  38.6 MB) Alert Area                  

Key:       14  Size:    35000000 (  33.4 MB) Presentation buffer         

Key:       16  Size:       22400 (   0.0 MB) Semaphore activity monitoring

Key:       17  Size:     2754336 (   2.6 MB) Roll administration         

Key:       18  Size:      917604 (   0.9 MB) Paging adminitration        

Key:       19  Size:    92000000 (  87.7 MB) Table-buffer                

Key:       30  Size:       35840 (   0.0 MB) Taskhandler runtime admin.  

Key:       31  Size:     8412000 (   8.0 MB) Dispatcher request queue    

Key:       33  Size:    40960000 (  39.1 MB) Table buffer, part.buffering

Key:       34  Size:    52428800 (  50.0 MB) Enqueue table               

Key:       41  Size:       10000 (   0.0 MB) DB statistics buffer        

Key:       42  Size:    27648992 (  26.4 MB) DB TTAB buffer              

Key:       43  Size:    68358392 (  65.2 MB) DB FTAB buffer              

Key:       44  Size:    13062392 (  12.5 MB) DB IREC buffer              

Key:       45  Size:    10502392 (  10.0 MB) DB short nametab buffer     

Key:       46  Size:       20480 (   0.0 MB) DB sync table               

Key:       47  Size:     8193024 (   7.8 MB) DB CUA buffer               

Key:       48  Size:      300000 (   0.3 MB) Number range buffer         

Key:       49  Size:     2769392 (   2.6 MB) Spool admin (SpoolWP+DiaWP) 

Key:       51  Size:    18000000 (  17.2 MB) Extended memory admin.      

Key:       52  Size:      180000 (   0.2 MB) Message Server buffer       

Key:       54  Size:    40968192 (  39.1 MB) Export/Import buffer        

Key:       55  Size:        8192 (   0.0 MB) Spool local printer+joblist 

Key:       57  Size:     1572864 (   1.5 MB) Profilparameter in shared mem

Key:       58  Size:        4096 (   0.0 MB) Enqueue ID for reset        

Key:       62  Size:    85983232 (  82.0 MB) Memory pipes                

Key:       63  Size:      409600 (   0.4 MB) ICMAN shared memory         

Key:       64  Size:     4202496 (   4.0 MB) Online Text Repository Buf. 

Key:       65  Size:   245768192 ( 234.4 MB) Export/Import Shared Memory 

Key:       81  Size:       21760 (   0.0 MB) Security Audit Log          

Key:     1002  Size:      400000 (   0.4 MB) Performance monitoring V01.0



Nr of operating system shared memory segments: 42



Shared memory resource requirements estimated


Total Nr of shared segments required.....:         42

Shared memory segment size required min..: 1384448000 (1320.3 MB)



Swap space requirements estimated


Shared memory....................: 2555.1 MB

Processes........................:  288.4 MB

Extended Memory .................: 4096.0 MB


Total, minimum requirement.......: 6939.5 MB

Process local heaps, worst case..: 24576.0 MB

Total, worst case requirement....: 31515.5 MB



Errors detected..................:    1

Warnings detected................:   21

SAPup> Process with PID 6624 terminated with status 1 at 20140223141143!




Do you know how to fix it?



Nicolas Merlani

EHP8 for SAP ERP 6.0 - planned release?




Once we where told that SAP will release an EHP version in around once a year? EHP7 was in GA on 2013.08.13, so does anyone know the release plan for EHP8?


I can´t find anything in the PAM.

EhP implementation - EhP 5 to EhP 7


Hi there,


does anyone know for sure that pure implementing a new EhP does not influence any of the existing standard customizing? How about Z-objects?





EHP7 upgrade error during preprocessing (MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG) activate dependent search help


Hi Experts ,


I have encountred an error during preprocessing (MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG) phase  beow attached is the screenshot and html as txt file releated to error


Kindly help  to fix the error occured . do let me know if need to attach any logs


            3 EDO548XActivate dependent search help "H_AT30"

                1EEDH164 Types of search help param. "XFORMEL" and field of selection method incompatible

                3 EDH109 Search help "H_AT30" was not activated

              1EEDO519 "Srch Help" "H_AT30" could not be activated


                3 EDO548XActivate dependent search help "H_PAD_CN_PASSRULE"

                1EEDH164 Types of search help param. "ERRAT" and field of selection method incompatible

                3 EDH109 Search help "H_PAD_CN_PASSRULE" was not activated

              1EEDO519 "Srch Help" "H_PAD_CN_PASSRULE" could not be activated


                3 EDT014XActivate dependent table "ZPROJAUTH"

                2WEDT192 Enhancement category for table missing

                2WEDT193 Enhancement category for include or subtype missing





MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG Error 904 in stmt_fetch() in dev_w0


Hi Friends,


We are doing upgrade from ehp4 to ehp7 and presently we are in

preprocessing stage in MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG phase and we are getting

error as F:\EHP7_UGRD\SUM\abap\exe/tp' failed with return code 200,

and also dispatcher went down for shandow instance.


In dev_w0 we see table DYNPSOURCE not found => synonym in shadow

instance Error 904 in stmt_fetch() from oci_execute_stmt(), orpc=0


i have restarted the shadow instance and repeating the phase presently

its running but not sure if it give same error.


Please find attached dev_w0 of shadow instance.


Kindly help us to solve this issue




EHP7 RUN_FDCT_TRANSFER were negative!


Hi experts,

I'm upgrading from ECC 6.0 to ECC 6.07 (EHP 7). I get the following error . The log files are as follows. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Thanks and Regards.


Log File Of FDC.ELG




A4 ESCRR 126 Starting operation "CL_FDCT_OP_TRANSFER" with "6" parallel processes

A4 ESCRR 085 Started batch job "CRR_PAR_OPERATION_BATCH" with job number "21573500" for process id "1"

A4 ESCRR 089 "1" of "6" processes successfully started

A4 ESCRR 086 Parallel batch process with number "21573500" id "1" finished at date "07.03.2015" time "21:57:48"

A4 ESCRR 056 Transition &2"FDCT" failed for scenario &1"TRANSFER"

A2EESCRR 055 Parallel operation "CL_FDCT_OP_TRANSFER" failed for scenario "FDCT" (at least group "1" )






A4 ESUPG 003 "select * from /1CRR/A000009617 clien""t specified into table <lt_sou"

A4 ESUPG 002 "rce> where ."

A4 ESUPG 002 "----- ABAP SQL STOP ------"

A4 ESCRR_FDCT_INF 017 Move-Corresponding from source table to target table

A4 ESCRR 005 "Overflow converting from '10188030534099.70'"" "" "" "

A2EESCRR_FDC 089 Error converting source to target data with move-corresponding

A2EESCRR_FDC 089 Error converting source to target data with move-corresponding

A2EESCRR_FDC 039 Error while copying table "/1CRR/A000009617" segment &3"1" to table &2"/1CRR/TG00009617"


A4 ESUPG 301 Report name ...: "RSUPG_FDC_CRR"

A4 ESUPG 302 Log name .: "/sapmnt/ISQ/SUM/abap/tmp/FDCTTRANSFER.ISQ"

A4 ESUPG 304 Start time.....: "07.03.2015" "21:57:34"

A4 ESUPG 002 " "

A4 ESUPG 001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

A4 ESCRR_FDC 051 Control Report started with action "FDCT-TRANSFER" at "21:57:32"

A4 ESCRR 065 Transition "TRANSFER" for scenario "FDCT" has been started

A4 ESCRR 077 Processing "9.769" tasks in "6" parallel processes

A4 ESCRR 129 Starting parallel processing using batch processes

A4 ESCRR 126 Starting operation "CL_FDCT_OP_TRANSFER" with "6" parallel processes

A4 ESCRR 085 Started batch job "CRR_PAR_OPERATION_BATCH" with job number "21573500" for process id "1"

A4 ESCRR 089 "1" of "6" processes successfully started

A4 ESUPG 808 Logfile '"FDCTTRANSFER_1.ISQ"' used for parallel process "1"

A4 ESCRR 086 Parallel batch process with number "21573500" id "1" finished at date "07.03.2015" time "21:57:48"

A4 ESCRR 056 Transition &2"FDCT" failed for scenario &1"TRANSFER"

A2EESCRR 055 Parallel operation "CL_FDCT_OP_TRANSFER" failed for scenario "FDCT" (at least group "1" )

4 EPU202XEND OF SECTION BEING ANALYZED END OF RUN_FDCT_TRANSFER ============================================

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